Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

I seriously doubt that. When the cost of something goes down, usually so does the price. After all, businesses compete against each other.

A few years ago I bought a new big screen to replace my old broken one that couldn't be repaired any longer. I paid a little over 3K for it. About a year later, a coworker of mine bought one of the new super HD televisions for about $1,500, but it was only a 40 inch screen.

While talking about his purchase with the salesman, he mentioned my 80" television. The salesman said they do have super HD that big, but they cost about 30K.

Today you can buy a super HD television like mine for about what I paid for my regular HD three years ago.

If prices were really going down, we would have deflation.

No, prices do go down on new products. My father bought me a VCR for Christmas back in the early 80's. He paid around $700.00 for it. When CD's and DVD's became the new thing, you could buy a VCR for around fifty bucks.

Speaking of fifty bucks, that's what the new calculators cost when they first came out. I remember as a kid when my parents took us to the Home and Garden show that we had here every year. Fifty bucks was a lot of money back in the 70's for a toy. It had those LED lights and only basic functions like plus, minus and divide. Today, banks give you calculators if you open up a free checking account. Most phones have a calculator on them. It doesn't cost anything.

Cordless phones. Are you old enough to remember when they first came out? They were like $150.00 or more. By the time cell phones became popular, you could buy a much better cordless phone for about twenty or thirty bucks.

The point is that those greedy manufacturers don't keep the money in their pockets. When their costs go down, so does the price of their products.

Have you noticed all your examples are electronics? If the prices of everything are going down as you say, why no deflation?

I've worked for several big companies, and yes they pocket the money more than they don't.

That's the idea of having a business; to create products or services for a profit.

This fallacy that if we had some law that stopped people on the top from earning big money, that will trickle down to the workers is nothing buy a pipe dream. It doesn't work that way.

People are not paid for a job according to the profits of a company. People are paid according to their worth to a company.

Can they take those profits and pay people a little more? Sure they can, but it wouldn't be anything of notice to the workers. Take a CEO who makes five million dollars a year. His company and subsidiaries have about 150,000 employees. Now lower his pay from five million to three million, and divide the savings by the amount of employees and see what you have.

As for smaller companies with no CEO, it wouldn't be worth an investors time to open a business to make the same as his employees. It wouldn't make sense to open up a business if he made twice, three times, or ten times his employees. He must make much more (if he can) as compensation for his financial risk, the hours he had to put in, and the operation of the business.

Corporations have plenty of profits to pay better. Profits have been increasing for many years.
Based on what?
Nothing but diversion from the right wing, like usual.

I stayed on topic, you can't because you realize that the left has done nothing for poor black Americans.
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law; the right wing, doesn't like it.

The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
I stayed on topic, you can't because you realize that the left has done nothing for poor black Americans.
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law; the right wing, doesn't like it.

The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
Why should I pay for your shit?
I stayed on topic, you can't because you realize that the left has done nothing for poor black Americans.
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law; the right wing, doesn't like it.

The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
To be fair when your dumb ass gave the GOP back the house in 2010 you killed any hope of Obama doing anything for your dumb ass.

Remember how the gop blamed Obama for the bp oilspill? You bought it
so then why didn't Barry attempt to work with them? you don't get to just make that statement without repercussion, there Barry squared.

you don't know the word 'balance' or the word 'negotiate' eh?

Work with them? Impossible. Even Trump can't work with them. LOL
he's working on it. it's been 80+ days. How about we give him a bit of time. it isn't like he, trump, hasn't done anything. He's done quite a lot without them and corrected barry's play.
Just like you defended bush for 8 I expect you to worship trump no matter what
Based on what?
My experiences
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law; the right wing, doesn't like it.

The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
Why should I pay for your shit?
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.
Some on the left are advocating for equal protection of the law; the right wing, doesn't like it.

The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.
The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The left has proven that the are not for equal protection. Look how the hate poor black people.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
Why should I pay for your shit?
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.

And what would happen to this country if we all decided to do that?

Some people have morals and integrity you know......
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The right wing just likes to pander about tax cuts, so the rich can get richer faster.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
Why should I pay for your shit?
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.

And what would happen to this country if we all decided to do that?

Some people have morals and integrity you know......
No, you don't. You also don't believe in Capitalism.
The right has nothing but fantasy or repeal.

Some on the left are advancing the Cause, in the public domain.

The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
Actually the permanent underclass is not enough for Democrats to keep winning that is why they have such a great love for illegal Mexicans coming into America as opposed to a normal immigration policy where we have people from all over the world coming into America
The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The right wing just likes to pander about tax cuts, so the rich can get richer faster.

the Bush/Obama tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. Posting lies only makes you look like a fool. so keep it up.
The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
Actually the permanent underclass is not enough for Democrats to keep winning that is why they have such a great love for illegal Mexicans coming into America as opposed to a normal immigration policy where we have people from all over the world coming into America

That is correct. Democrats exist and have some power for two reasons: government dependents and victims. The more government dependents they can create, the more victims they can create, the more likely Democrat voters.

Obama Care and food stamps created over 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. Now is the time for them to create more victims if possible.
The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
Actually the permanent underclass is not enough for Democrats to keep winning that is why they have such a great love for illegal Mexicans coming into America as opposed to a normal immigration policy where we have people from all over the world coming into America
right wing national socialism is not any better.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.

The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The right wing just likes to pander about tax cuts, so the rich can get richer faster.

the Bush/Obama tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. Posting lies only makes you look like a fool. so keep it up.
It is not lies, but perception. In case you missed it, your rich guy is in office, asking for tax cuts while being rich.
The Democratic Elitist try to pretend there are no poor.
Only the right wing soothsays and hearsays that about the democrats.

face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The right wing just likes to pander about tax cuts, so the rich can get richer faster.

the Bush/Obama tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. Posting lies only makes you look like a fool. so keep it up.
It is not lies, but perception. In case you missed it, your rich guy is in office, asking for tax cuts while being rich.

I am quite sure that Trump pays a hell of a lot more to the federal government than you do. His tax plan would cut taxes for the middle class. the poor already pay no taxes.
Why doesn't the Republican party just pass a law that every adult American should have a job?
Why doesn't the Republican party just pass a law that every adult American should have a job?

Because we are not a dictatorship. You can't (or shouldn't be allowed) to tell people what to do with their time. If you hit a lottery number, inherit a good sum of money, or can live off of your stock market investments, why would you get a job? If you are a stay at home mom, why should government make it law that you have a job?

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