Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

You can't bring a country of 315 million people out of a recession by catering to your group of voters. You have to bring money across the board.

When fracking lowered the price of fuel, everybody got a savings; some into the hundreds of dollars a month.

Companies saved thousands or tens of thousands a year. Workers saved hundreds. It was new money everybody had.

So people took that new money to repay debts, buy new things, invest. That was the key to getting out of the slump we were in, and it was by no help from Democrats who until today, protest against fracking.

I know you're aware but the Progressives have their own version of the facts.

Fracking increased in use not because of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama but in SPITE of him. He did all he could to halt its use on federal government land but he could not halt the use on state or private land. That is where all gas came from, not from anything done by Obama.

President Obama wanted $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon gas. He wanted energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" too. So, in fact, he failed at this too.
My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

Then why are lower and middle-income households in worse condition after EIGHT YEARS of leadership by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama?
My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

Then why are lower and middle-income households in worse condition after EIGHT YEARS of leadership by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama?

I'm not sure I agree with that. They have a safety net because of Democrats. They have expanded healthcare because of Democrats. They cannot possibly be in worse shape than they were in 2008.
The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

WOW! Now THAT'S DESPERATION! What a load of malarkey!

President Donald Trump could have stayed in the Whitehouse every minute of every day since January 20, 2017, and you'd WHINE about the cost of the Tomahawk missiles or the MOAB bombing of the ISIS stronghold in Afghanistan.
The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

WOW! Now THAT'S DESPERATION! What a load of malarkey!

President Donald Trump could have stayed in the Whitehouse every minute of every day since January 20, 2017, and you'd WHINE about the cost of the Tomahawk missiles or the MOAB bombing of the ISIS stronghold in Afghanistan.

Not really. It's hardly desperation. It's one thing to spend. It's another to spend foolishly. I'm not expecting him to stay in the White House all the time, but even some members of his own party thinks he's excessive with his trips.
I'm not sure I agree with that. They have a safety net because of Democrats. They have expanded healthcare because of Democrats. They cannot possibly be in worse shape than they were in 2008.

They do not have expanded healthcare. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama created a monstrosity that even its architect said that supporters had to be STUPID.

I also did not say 2008. I said over the past eight years. Which as you know is true.
I'm not sure I agree with that. They have a safety net because of Democrats. They have expanded healthcare because of Democrats. They cannot possibly be in worse shape than they were in 2008.

They do not have expanded healthcare. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama created a monstrosity that even its architect said that supporters had to be STUPID.

I also did not say 2008. I said over the past eight years. Which as you know is true.

More people are covered under Obamacare than they were before it, and Obamacare has been found to save lives.
Not really. It's hardly desperation. It's one thing to spend. It's another to spend foolishly. I'm not expecting him to stay in the White House all the time, but even some members of his own party thinks he's excessive with his trips.

You have yet to explain why you consider this rounding error in our budget of paramount importance when a president you hate, beyond words, goes HOME on the weekends. A resort and home he has owned since the mid-80's.

Wow, "SOME" member of his own party THINK he is excessive with his trips. Oh yeah, I think I saw that on a headline in the New York Times. I am UNDERWHELMED!
Not really. It's hardly desperation. It's one thing to spend. It's another to spend foolishly. I'm not expecting him to stay in the White House all the time, but even some members of his own party thinks he's excessive with his trips.

You have yet to explain why you consider this rounding error in our budget of paramount importance when a president you hate, beyond words, goes HOME on the weekends. A resort and home he has owned since the mid-80's.

Wow, "SOME" member of his own party THINK he is excessive with his trips. Oh yeah, I think I saw that on a headline in the New York Times.

When he does this every single weekend, he is taking unnecessary trips, thus resulting in hurting businesses and forcing a tax increase to pay for it. Going to West Palm Beach does not benefit the people of West Palm Beach and it only adds to the mess. Everything all adds up, and money could be spent better than on these trips.
I do not think Obama is/was petulant. Ever.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. Maybe if he has wealth he shouldn't be burdening the taxpayers and the locals.

What are your other socks?

My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

Then why are lower and middle-income households in worse condition after EIGHT YEARS of leadership by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama?
Reaganism rolls on, dumbass.
Another stupid libtart from msnbc...

Chris Hayes goes all in on Black Nationalism with “A Colony in a Nation.”
April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



Of course A Colony in a Nation doesn’t bother to think that far. Instead it gorges on white guilt and black victimhood. Hayes’ model of the apartheid state demands that white people be the ones to call the cops on black people. His narrow experience of black people is such that he sees them as perpetrators.

And feels guilty for it.

In one of the most toxic moments in A Colony in a Nation, Hayes debates whether to call the police after watching black teens mug a man in a park. The MSNBC host wants to avoid being complicit in the colonial oppression of the muggers. Instead he’s complicit in the mugging.

This, in a nutshell, is the left’s pro-crime politics which does no one, black or white, any favors.

"The boys had crossed over from disorderliness to unlawfulness," Hayes fussily narrates. "Acting the fool was one thing but taking someone's phone was quite another. Who knew what they would get up to next?"

He reaches for his own phone, but then remembers Michael Brown and can’t decide whether to call.


That is the leftocracy that controls America. That announces its plans to “resist” the results of a democratic election because it is convinced of its own absolute entitlement to control its colony.

The colonial elite of men like Hayes is entirely detached from the nation. It exists in the realm of theory. It interprets everything through an augmented reality of ideology. It’s gobbling Black Nationalist tracts and even writing them not because it cares about black people, but because the colony hates the nation.

A Fearful White Leftist’s Black Nationalism
My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
Cheap tests and no more bankruptcies- the way it was going. The problem is how expensive care is under the old GOP scam plan, stupid- and ACA finally is slowing down the rise. FIX IT! Dupes!!.

Lol! Number one cause of bankruptcies is still medical dupe! I linked proof of that a long time ago and you still persist in lying.
I'm not sure I agree with that. They have a safety net because of Democrats. They have expanded healthcare because of Democrats. They cannot possibly be in worse shape than they were in 2008.

They do not have expanded healthcare. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama created a monstrosity that even its architect said that supporters had to be STUPID.

I also did not say 2008. I said over the past eight years. Which as you know is true.

More people are covered under Obamacare than they were before it, and Obamacare has been found to save lives.

Of course they are. Commie Care was not designed to make sure everybody was covered, Commie Care was designed to create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Less people have private health insurance today than in 2008. That means most of the people on Commie Care are on a government plan like Medicaid.
Then quit crying.

I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?

What I propose are cuts in corporate welfare, wasteful defense spending and either weekly or every other week trips to golf resorts/Mar-a-Lago. Plus Melania and Baron staying in New York City is not a good deal for the taxpayer.

So what happens when you take tax breaks away from the business? The business finds ways to recoup that loss. It could be increasing the cost of their products or services, skipping out on yearly wage increases for their employees. Reducing their healthcare benefits or making them pay more, or outsourcing more work. Depending on the situation, they may even move the whole company out of the US like so many before them.

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