Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.
Except in Dupeworld when it's a Dem...

No, I never cared about What Obama did in his spare time, it is silly. They have a ton of responsibility, they need to be able to relax.
You're the exception that proves the rule. With your good man hiring ideas and this, why the hell are you GOP LOL?

Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.
Except for their policies. You dupes are quite mad...
There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.

Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.


Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.
I doubt it. They're probably disabled...
I have said many many times that someone needs to take his Twitter account away. It is childish the way he tweets, he has lowered himself to your level of crying.

It's not my level of crying nor is it my level. I can take criticism and admit when I'm wrong. He can't.

Then quit crying.

I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?
It's not my level of crying nor is it my level. I can take criticism and admit when I'm wrong. He can't.

Then quit crying.

I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?

What I propose are cuts in corporate welfare, wasteful defense spending and either weekly or every other week trips to golf resorts/Mar-a-Lago. Plus Melania and Baron staying in New York City is not a good deal for the taxpayer.
I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.
Except in Dupeworld when it's a Dem...

No, I never cared about What Obama did in his spare time, it is silly. They have a ton of responsibility, they need to be able to relax.
You're the exception that proves the rule. With your good man hiring ideas and this, why the hell are you GOP LOL?

Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.
Except for their policies. You dupes are quite mad...

They don't have policies to help the poor get off the public dole. Lol! They have programs to KEEP them there! You are really quite humorous.
Then quit crying.

I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?

What I propose are cuts in corporate welfare, wasteful defense spending and either weekly or every other week trips to golf resorts/Mar-a-Lago. Plus Melania and Baron staying in New York City is not a good deal for the taxpayer.

Corporate welfare like Amtrak, NPR, PBS?
I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?

What I propose are cuts in corporate welfare, wasteful defense spending and either weekly or every other week trips to golf resorts/Mar-a-Lago. Plus Melania and Baron staying in New York City is not a good deal for the taxpayer.

Corporate welfare like Amtrak, NPR, PBS?

Corporate welfare like special interest groups and large organizations.
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.

Dumbocrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Yeah, it looks good we're helping union construction crews, union government workers, union teachers........ But the real real reason is because DumBama wanted to use our tax dollars for a payback, and to insure that union money continues flowing to the DNC in the future.
Character assassination is not politics, dupe. How the hell did you want them to stop the corrupt GOP meltdown? Give cash to truckers? IT WORKED. Except in dupeworld, of course...

You can't bring a country of 315 million people out of a recession by catering to your group of voters. You have to bring money across the board.

When fracking lowered the price of fuel, everybody got a savings; some into the hundreds of dollars a month.

Companies saved thousands or tens of thousands a year. Workers saved hundreds. It was new money everybody had.

So people took that new money to repay debts, buy new things, invest. That was the key to getting out of the slump we were in, and it was by no help from Democrats who until today, protest against fracking.
Sorry, but the stimulus worked in 2009-10, and shale too off after that, getting us over GOP disfunction THEN, thank god. We're damn lucky.

And Obama didn't stop fracking at all, just made it as safe as possible...
It's kinda like giving Deepwater Horizon a safety award.
That was a Booooshie/GOP/Halliburton crony thing- that's also gotten safer under Dems. Now? WATCH OUT!
I have heard so much crying and complaining about Obama over the last eight years I don't know where to start.

I heard it with Clinton, I heard it with Bush, I heard it with Obama and now you are continuing the tradition with Trump. Congrats for being a whiner.
There's just a TINY difference. Phony dupe scandals against the Dems, 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the worst wars EVER AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION against Booosh!!!! Ay caramba!
No, I never cared about What Obama did in his spare time, it is silly. They have a ton of responsibility, they need to be able to relax.
You're the exception that proves the rule. With your good man hiring ideas and this, why the hell are you GOP LOL?

Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.

My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....
I have heard so much crying and complaining about Obama over the last eight years I don't know where to start.

I heard it with Clinton, I heard it with Bush, I heard it with Obama and now you are continuing the tradition with Trump. Congrats for being a whiner.
There's just a TINY difference. Phony dupe scandals against the Dems, 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the worst wars EVER AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION against Booosh!!!! Ay caramba!

Lol! You are the reason this will happen again, sheer ignorance and partisan BS. See beyond the two parties.
You're the exception that proves the rule. With your good man hiring ideas and this, why the hell are you GOP LOL?

Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.

My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
It's not my level of crying nor is it my level. I can take criticism and admit when I'm wrong. He can't.

Then quit crying.

I'm not crying. Not at all. Trump cries more than I could ever dream of.

You are doing it in this thread, you cry because he goes home, who but a whiny little kid does that? Grow up and stay on topic!

Trump cries more than me, whaaaaa! Whaaaa! Lol!

The original point is that I am against cutting a safety net for people as the money that Trump spends on his vacations could be used to help those who need it.

Like the money The Obama's spent on their vacations? Again, I have no issue, because in a world where we are 20 trillion in debt, what Is spent on the Presidents is not much of anything. Should we take away funding for Amtrak? How about NPR and PBS? If you want to save let's do real cuts instead of playing silly kids games about President's vacations. Let's cut corporate welfare, let's cut spending across all federal departments by 25%. That is cutting, what you are crying about is crumbs. Did you complain when we had a stimulus package bailout banks and car companies? You could have had lots and lots of safety nets, but that isn't the politicians way is it?
The middle class and the country are already falling apart to save the rich from paying their share...We spend nothing on NPR etc- more than worth it...
I have heard so much crying and complaining about Obama over the last eight years I don't know where to start.

I heard it with Clinton, I heard it with Bush, I heard it with Obama and now you are continuing the tradition with Trump. Congrats for being a whiner.
There's just a TINY difference. Phony dupe scandals against the Dems, 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the worst wars EVER AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION against Booosh!!!! Ay caramba!

Lol! You are the reason this will happen again, sheer ignorance and partisan BS. See beyond the two parties.
Funny how the horrible shytte happens under the GOP, and now a disgraceful propaganda machine, dupe. You didn't notice those Boooshie disasters, dupe? LOL arghhhh....
Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.

My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.
Because the Democrats are just as corrupt and the Republicans. They are the rich looking out for the rich, they don't look out for the average hard working American or the poor.

My response is that even though I think the establishment wing of the Dem party has run its course, I still think the average hard working American/poor person has benefitted more from their recent policies than from a GOP policy.

I think Dems are bribing for votes, I refuse to be misled, I watch what they actually do instead of what they claim they want to do.

You mean like how Democrats actually protected people with preexisting conditions while Republicans only said they would?
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
Cheap tests and no more bankruptcies- the way it was going. The problem is how expensive care is under the old GOP scam plan, stupid- and ACA finally is slowing down the rise. FIX IT! Dupes!!.
They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was not going home for the weekend which also included the entire resort and golf course.

Why not just admit that you hate him because he is incredibly rich?
They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was not going home for the weekend which also included the entire resort and golf course.

Why not just admit that you hate him because he is incredibly rich?

I do not think Obama is/was petulant. Ever.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. Maybe if he has wealth he shouldn't be burdening the taxpayers and the locals.
I have heard so much crying and complaining about Obama over the last eight years I don't know where to start.

I heard it with Clinton, I heard it with Bush, I heard it with Obama and now you are continuing the tradition with Trump. Congrats for being a whiner.
There's just a TINY difference. Phony dupe scandals against the Dems, 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the worst wars EVER AND a corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION against Booosh!!!! Ay caramba!

Lol! You are the reason this will happen again, sheer ignorance and partisan BS. See beyond the two parties.
See beyond and vote GOP, right. Dupe! Look at their POLICIES. In the last 40 years, Dems got ACA- our only hope- that is all since LBJ.- and the GOP wrecked the middle class and the world. All for the greedy idiot rich.
They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was not going home for the weekend which also included the entire resort and golf course.

Why not just admit that you hate him because he is incredibly rich?

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