Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.

Dumbocrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Yeah, it looks good we're helping union construction crews, union government workers, union teachers........ But the real real reason is because DumBama wanted to use our tax dollars for a payback, and to insure that union money continues flowing to the DNC in the future.
What counts as abuse and what sources do you have of this?

I don't have to. You asked what I thought. Abuse are people who intentionally do not get married in order to receive higher benefits. Abuse is women who get pregnant and chose to remain single so they count as living in poverty and thus they qualify for more benefits than if they were married.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.
BS character assassination- What you call politics, dupe.
What counts as abuse and what sources do you have of this?

I don't have to. You asked what I thought. Abuse are people who intentionally do not get married in order to receive higher benefits. Abuse is women who get pregnant and chose to remain single so they count as living in poverty and thus they qualify for more benefits than if they were married.

My personal belief is abusers should not ruin things for people who genuinely need it. If you find abusers, kick them off.

If you (in general) are legitimately in need, I have no problem with my tax dollars going to help you because I know what it's like to have hardships and setbacks. Maybe not to your extent, but it isn't easy. Some people might work multiple jobs and still need help. I support giving them that help.
Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.

Dumbocrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Yeah, it looks good we're helping union construction crews, union government workers, union teachers........ But the real real reason is because DumBama wanted to use our tax dollars for a payback, and to insure that union money continues flowing to the DNC in the future.
Character assassination is not politics, dupe. How the hell did you want them to stop the corrupt GOP meltdown? Give cash to truckers? IT WORKED. Except in dupeworld, of course...
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.

Have you considered the local repercussions to Trump's frequent Mar-a-Lago visits not to mention lacking credibility and integrity given his prior statements?
What counts as abuse and what sources do you have of this?

I don't have to. You asked what I thought. Abuse are people who intentionally do not get married in order to receive higher benefits. Abuse is women who get pregnant and chose to remain single so they count as living in poverty and thus they qualify for more benefits than if they were married.

It's NOT from Obama, it's bipartisan welfare money. Maybe if the GOP would allow a living wage and cheap training/college for good jobs people wouldn't be so hopeless. But carry on with the racist bs, ignorant rube.
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.
Except in Dupeworld when it's a Dem...
Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Not a chance. Each time the Conservative news would have called attention to the fact that it was a convicted felon who assisted the Obama's to buy his mansion by purchasing the adjoining lot which had the formal garden for the main house.

Then the questions on why the Obama's weren't attending the racist church they attended with the Rev. Wright for more than 20 years. So much fun! Maybe the Obama's could have had their old friends over for dinner? The Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and his wife, Minister Farrakhan, then there is his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Wow, what could be better?
Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Not a chance. Each time the Conservative news would have called attention to the fact that it was a convicted felon who assisted the Obama's to buy his mansion by purchasing the adjoining lot which had the formal garden for the main house.

Then the questions on why the Obama's weren't attending the racist church they attended with the Rev. Wright for more than 20 years. So much fun! Maybe the Obama's could have had their old friends over for dinner? The Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and his wife, Minister Farrakhan, then there is his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Wow, what could be better?

They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.
Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.

Dumbocrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Yeah, it looks good we're helping union construction crews, union government workers, union teachers........ But the real real reason is because DumBama wanted to use our tax dollars for a payback, and to insure that union money continues flowing to the DNC in the future.
Character assassination is not politics, dupe. How the hell did you want them to stop the corrupt GOP meltdown? Give cash to truckers? IT WORKED. Except in dupeworld, of course...

You can't bring a country of 315 million people out of a recession by catering to your group of voters. You have to bring money across the board.

When fracking lowered the price of fuel, everybody got a savings; some into the hundreds of dollars a month.

Companies saved thousands or tens of thousands a year. Workers saved hundreds. It was new money everybody had.

So people took that new money to repay debts, buy new things, invest. That was the key to getting out of the slump we were in, and it was by no help from Democrats who until today, protest against fracking.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.

Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Yeah, like DumBama really would have cared what they thought.

Yet it doesn't seem to bother you that Trump is apathetic to what people think of him going to Mar-a-Lago despite the problems his frequent trips create.
He's about to start going to his golf club in NJ...
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.

Have you considered the local repercussions to Trump's frequent Mar-a-Lago visits not to mention lacking credibility and integrity given his prior statements?

How about Trump bombing Syria and Obama bombing Libya, did you think of the repercussions? Good grief, bigger issues than Trump going home or Obama golfing and vacations and on and on, let's talk about real issues, like why Democrats have keep blacks on permanent welfare. That is a bigger issue than a bunch of rich white people being inconvenienced.
Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Not a chance. Each time the Conservative news would have called attention to the fact that it was a convicted felon who assisted the Obama's to buy his mansion by purchasing the adjoining lot which had the formal garden for the main house.

Then the questions on why the Obama's weren't attending the racist church they attended with the Rev. Wright for more than 20 years. So much fun! Maybe the Obama's could have had their old friends over for dinner? The Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and his wife, Minister Farrakhan, then there is his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Wow, what could be better?

They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

AreYou kidding? Hell, you lefties have cried and cried about Trump. Surprised you aren't crying about him leaving a toilet seat up.

Why not talk about the topic of the thread?
Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.

Dumbocrats never do anything without an ulterior motive. Yeah, it looks good we're helping union construction crews, union government workers, union teachers........ But the real real reason is because DumBama wanted to use our tax dollars for a payback, and to insure that union money continues flowing to the DNC in the future.
Character assassination is not politics, dupe. How the hell did you want them to stop the corrupt GOP meltdown? Give cash to truckers? IT WORKED. Except in dupeworld, of course...

You can't bring a country of 315 million people out of a recession by catering to your group of voters. You have to bring money across the board.

When fracking lowered the price of fuel, everybody got a savings; some into the hundreds of dollars a month.

Companies saved thousands or tens of thousands a year. Workers saved hundreds. It was new money everybody had.

So people took that new money to repay debts, buy new things, invest. That was the key to getting out of the slump we were in, and it was by no help from Democrats who until today, protest against fracking.
Sorry, but the stimulus worked in 2009-10, and shale too off after that, getting us over GOP disfunction THEN, thank god. We're damn lucky.

And Obama didn't stop fracking at all, just made it as safe as possible...
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

I wouldn't care! Much bigger problems in this country than where a President spends weekends.
Except in Dupeworld when it's a Dem...

No, I never cared about What Obama did in his spare time, it is silly. They have a ton of responsibility, they need to be able to relax.
Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Not a chance. Each time the Conservative news would have called attention to the fact that it was a convicted felon who assisted the Obama's to buy his mansion by purchasing the adjoining lot which had the formal garden for the main house.

Then the questions on why the Obama's weren't attending the racist church they attended with the Rev. Wright for more than 20 years. So much fun! Maybe the Obama's could have had their old friends over for dinner? The Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and his wife, Minister Farrakhan, then there is his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Wow, what could be better?

They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

AreYou kidding? Hell, you lefties have cried and cried about Trump. Surprised you aren't crying about him leaving a toilet seat up.

Why not talk about the topic of the thread?
Because it's total brainwashed RW idiocy? LOL
I have heard so much crying and complaining about Obama over the last eight years I don't know where to start.
Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Not a chance. Each time the Conservative news would have called attention to the fact that it was a convicted felon who assisted the Obama's to buy his mansion by purchasing the adjoining lot which had the formal garden for the main house.

Then the questions on why the Obama's weren't attending the racist church they attended with the Rev. Wright for more than 20 years. So much fun! Maybe the Obama's could have had their old friends over for dinner? The Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and his wife, Minister Farrakhan, then there is his former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Wow, what could be better?

They criticized Obama for every thing under the sun, justified or not. I hear crickets on Trump's frequent golf trips, but oh the horror the times Obama golfed.

AreYou kidding? Hell, you lefties have cried and cried about Trump. Surprised you aren't crying about him leaving a toilet seat up.

Why not talk about the topic of the thread?
Because it's total brainwashed RW idiocy? LOL

That you have failed to refute! Lol! Hater dupe!

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