Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Hell no, dupes. It's a huge gd GOP mess to this day. We'll see if Andrew Cuomo's free state U's do the job, Thank God I live there while the rest of the country goes to hell under greedy a-holes, haters, and silly dupes...

There is no free anything. All you can have is giving somebody something and making other people pay for it.

The bloated rich who can best afford it and have been making out like bandits since Reagan, without any trickle down, hopefully- but probably again the nonrich getting screwed by higher state and local taxes, at least until Dems get control like under LBJ- you know, the good old days. And raise taxes on the rich and giant giant corps. The poor things, I know, dupe.

Obama snaps photo of Michelle on yacht - CNNPolitics.com

Try actual issues and politics instead of hate and gossip, dupe.

LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.

That's a disgrace, dupe. ALL Reaganism.
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all.

Democrats have controlled the inner city concentration camps for 50 years and we see the results clearly. The idea is not to free them but cripple them with welfare cocaine so they will always vote Democratic.

Thomas Jefferson:
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

There are poor people. There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.
There is no free anything. All you can have is giving somebody something and making other people pay for it.

The bloated rich who can best afford it and have been making out like bandits since Reagan, without any trickle down, hopefully- but probably again the nonrich getting screwed by higher state and local taxes, at least until Dems get control like under LBJ- you know, the good old days. And raise taxes on the rich and giant giant corps. The poor things, I know, dupe.

Obama snaps photo of Michelle on yacht - CNNPolitics.com

Try actual issues and politics instead of hate and gossip, dupe.

LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all.

Democrats have controlled the inner city concentration camps for 50 years and we see the results clearly. The idea is not to free them but cripple them with welfare cocaine so they will always vote Democratic.

Thomas Jefferson:
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
The last 35 years we've had nothing but cuts on policy to help them rise, dupe, and pander to the rich bs.
The bloated rich who can best afford it and have been making out like bandits since Reagan, without any trickle down, hopefully- but probably again the nonrich getting screwed by higher state and local taxes, at least until Dems get control like under LBJ- you know, the good old days. And raise taxes on the rich and giant giant corps. The poor things, I know, dupe.

Obama snaps photo of Michelle on yacht - CNNPolitics.com

Try actual issues and politics instead of hate and gossip, dupe.

LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

Now there's the typical liberal we've gotten to know. :woohoo:
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all. It's just that I think it's humane that every citizen of the country should have a safety net if they fall on hard times.

Jobs are ideal, but maybe people get government assistance because they actually need it. I'd rather my tax dollars go for that than for corporate welfare or one of Trump's many trips to the golf course.

Right, Trump should just stay home every weekend like you, huh?

Nobody has a problem with something to help out during hard times. Conservatives have a problem with people that use government handouts as an option instead of no choice.

For instance: I have a HUD house next door to me. If I have to support people that don't want to work, fine, but I don't want to support them in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live in the suburbs. I should not have to go to work everyday to support non-workers or low income people in the suburbs. If they want to live in the suburbs, they should do what I've done and not have children I can't afford and go to work everyday. If I have to support them, they should live in the inner-city.

Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Oh please, you act as if Trump is the only one that spends money getting out of the white house for some R and R.

Sorry, but anytime any President leaves the white house, it costs the taxpayers money. But no matter where the President goes, there is no real vacation. Nobody is there to take care of the Presidents business while he is gone.

It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything for golf trips or vacations. It's the transportation and security that cost money, and that can't be avoided.

The rich needed their bailout.

Naaa! Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama provided them with an immense bailout all during his failed administration.

Through his failed policies he forced the Fed to pour trillions of worthless paper dollars into our economy which found it's way to the stock market. The only investment remaining due to Obama's punishing taxes and regulations prohibiting starting and expanding businesses.
Try actual issues and politics instead of hate and gossip, dupe.

LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

Now there's the typical liberal we've gotten to know. :woohoo:
Intelligent people get tired of the same stupid talking points from brainwashed functional morons. And it was you who thought STFU was a fine argument last page. Shove your little emojis while you're at it, dupe. Which is a political argument- in fact the most important one there is with this new generation of New BS GOP propaganda fools. Almost all of you think the rich pay the highest % of income in taxes and are the job creators. Absolute idiocy, dupe. And that Dem leaders are corrupt...DITTO. In fact that's the whole knowledge of most GOP dupes. This is a POLITICS forum for GOPers who are supposed INTERESTED, and you're ignorant, brainwashed twits. The rest? Yikes- mainly racist know nothings...
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all. It's just that I think it's humane that every citizen of the country should have a safety net if they fall on hard times.

Jobs are ideal, but maybe people get government assistance because they actually need it. I'd rather my tax dollars go for that than for corporate welfare or one of Trump's many trips to the golf course.

Right, Trump should just stay home every weekend like you, huh?

Nobody has a problem with something to help out during hard times. Conservatives have a problem with people that use government handouts as an option instead of no choice.

For instance: I have a HUD house next door to me. If I have to support people that don't want to work, fine, but I don't want to support them in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live in the suburbs. I should not have to go to work everyday to support non-workers or low income people in the suburbs. If they want to live in the suburbs, they should do what I've done and not have children I can't afford and go to work everyday. If I have to support them, they should live in the inner-city.

Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Oh please, you act as if Trump is the only one that spends money getting out of the white house for some R and R.

Sorry, but anytime any President leaves the white house, it costs the taxpayers money. But no matter where the President goes, there is no real vacation. Nobody is there to take care of the Presidents business while he is gone.

It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything for golf trips or vacations. It's the transportation and security that cost money, and that can't be avoided.

In my opinion, it is senseless to make any attempt to reason with Progressives, especially at this time. They have yet to progress through the five stages of grief and loss. They have a long way to go, they are stuck on stage 2, anger.

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.

As the cliche goes, President Donald Trump could walk across the Potomac River and the New York Times and the other Progressives would scream that Trump can't swim.

My choice is to ignore them. That hurts them much more than engaging in their childish whining.
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all. It's just that I think it's humane that every citizen of the country should have a safety net if they fall on hard times.

Jobs are ideal, but maybe people get government assistance because they actually need it. I'd rather my tax dollars go for that than for corporate welfare or one of Trump's many trips to the golf course.

Right, Trump should just stay home every weekend like you, huh?

Nobody has a problem with something to help out during hard times. Conservatives have a problem with people that use government handouts as an option instead of no choice.

For instance: I have a HUD house next door to me. If I have to support people that don't want to work, fine, but I don't want to support them in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live in the suburbs. I should not have to go to work everyday to support non-workers or low income people in the suburbs. If they want to live in the suburbs, they should do what I've done and not have children I can't afford and go to work everyday. If I have to support them, they should live in the inner-city.

Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Oh please, you act as if Trump is the only one that spends money getting out of the white house for some R and R.

Sorry, but anytime any President leaves the white house, it costs the taxpayers money. But no matter where the President goes, there is no real vacation. Nobody is there to take care of the Presidents business while he is gone.

It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything for golf trips or vacations. It's the transportation and security that cost money, and that can't be avoided.

Did Trump not say he wouldn't take a vacation? Did Trump not say he wouldn't have time to play golf even though he is playing it at an alarming rate? These are needless and unnecessary. Not to mention it diminishes Trump's integrity and credibility.

The next time a Democrat is in the White House, I'm sure you'll object whenever he/she leaves to go golfing or take a vacation. Local business owners admitted they were being negatively impacted with all of Trump's frequent trips to Mar-a-Lago.
The rich needed their bailout.

Naaa! Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama provided them with an immense bailout all during his failed administration.

Through his failed policies he forced the Fed to pour trillions of worthless paper dollars into our economy which found it's way to the stock market. The only investment remaining due to Obama's punishing taxes and regulations prohibiting starting and expanding businesses.
Total bs, dupe. The Fed actions- NOT Obama policies- since the GOP allowed NOTHING- were all the GOP allowed, and they just LOVED it. IDIOT.

Bush's TARP was the bailout for the greedy idiot rich Wall Sters (mainly GOP). Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.
LOL...here I figured Obama, champion of the down and out, partying on a 450 ft yacht was politics and an issue. Evidently CNN felt it was important enough to do a segment. But hey, guess you have your own agenda.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

Now there's the typical liberal we've gotten to know. :woohoo:
Intelligent people get tired of the same stupid talking points from brainwashed functional morons. And it was you who thought STFU was a fine argument last page. Shove your little emojis while you're at it, dupe. Which is a political argument- in fact the most important one there is with this new generation of New BS GOP propaganda fools. Almost all of you think the rich pay the highest % of income in taxes and are the job creators. Absolute idiocy, dupe. And that Dem leaders are corrupt...DITTO. In fact that's the whole knowledge of most GOP dupes. This is a POLITICS forum for GOPers who are supposed INTERESTED, and you're ignorant, brainwashed twits. The rest? Yikes- mainly racist know nothings...

Cup of cocoa?
As a Democrat I don't hate poor black people or want them impoverished at all. It's just that I think it's humane that every citizen of the country should have a safety net if they fall on hard times.

Jobs are ideal, but maybe people get government assistance because they actually need it. I'd rather my tax dollars go for that than for corporate welfare or one of Trump's many trips to the golf course.

Right, Trump should just stay home every weekend like you, huh?

Nobody has a problem with something to help out during hard times. Conservatives have a problem with people that use government handouts as an option instead of no choice.

For instance: I have a HUD house next door to me. If I have to support people that don't want to work, fine, but I don't want to support them in the suburbs. I go to work everyday so I can live in the suburbs. I should not have to go to work everyday to support non-workers or low income people in the suburbs. If they want to live in the suburbs, they should do what I've done and not have children I can't afford and go to work everyday. If I have to support them, they should live in the inner-city.

Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Oh please, you act as if Trump is the only one that spends money getting out of the white house for some R and R.

Sorry, but anytime any President leaves the white house, it costs the taxpayers money. But no matter where the President goes, there is no real vacation. Nobody is there to take care of the Presidents business while he is gone.

It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything for golf trips or vacations. It's the transportation and security that cost money, and that can't be avoided.

Did Trump not say he wouldn't take a vacation? Did Trump not say he wouldn't have time to play golf even though he is playing it at an alarming rate? These are needless and unnecessary. Not to mention it diminishes Trump's integrity and credibility.

The next time a Democrat is in the White House, I'm sure you'll object whenever he/she leaves to go golfing or take a vacation. Local business owners admitted they were being negatively impacted with all of Trump's frequent trips to Mar-a-Lago.

WE DON"T GIVE A SHYTTE. You hater dupes are the only ones who care about such malevolent gossip. We just point out your brainwashed hypocrisy. Ditto Hilary's "lies and corruption". Meanwhile your heroes rob the middle class and the country blind. Every day and see 1929, S+L and 2008. DUHHHHHHHHH dupes.
It's the middle class and working class he and Dems are worried about these days. He earned his money and paid fair taxes on them, unlike your greedy idiot heroes like Romney and probably Trump. AND he and the Dem rich want to RAISE their own taxes, not cut them AGAIN, dupe.

You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

Now there's the typical liberal we've gotten to know. :woohoo:
Intelligent people get tired of the same stupid talking points from brainwashed functional morons. And it was you who thought STFU was a fine argument last page. Shove your little emojis while you're at it, dupe. Which is a political argument- in fact the most important one there is with this new generation of New BS GOP propaganda fools. Almost all of you think the rich pay the highest % of income in taxes and are the job creators. Absolute idiocy, dupe. And that Dem leaders are corrupt...DITTO. In fact that's the whole knowledge of most GOP dupes. This is a POLITICS forum for GOPers who are supposed INTERESTED, and you're ignorant, brainwashed twits. The rest? Yikes- mainly racist know nothings...

Cup of cocoa?
God what an idiot....
What happened to laissez-fair, right wingers. We have, employment at will States.

The right wing, just likes to, "hate on the poor" by denying and disparaging them, steak and lobster on their EBT cards and equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

I'm a bottom line guy.

As you know, the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was extremely effective. Moving millions of people from the welfare rolls to payrolls. Petulant former President Barack Hussin Obama effectively eliminated the act resulting in millions more on welfare, food stamps and no longer even looking for jobs.

So again, who is "hating on the poor"?
Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
You losers, Obama included, do realize you can always pay more to the IRS.
Shove it up your ass, superdupe.

Now there's the typical liberal we've gotten to know. :woohoo:
Intelligent people get tired of the same stupid talking points from brainwashed functional morons. And it was you who thought STFU was a fine argument last page. Shove your little emojis while you're at it, dupe. Which is a political argument- in fact the most important one there is with this new generation of New BS GOP propaganda fools. Almost all of you think the rich pay the highest % of income in taxes and are the job creators. Absolute idiocy, dupe. And that Dem leaders are corrupt...DITTO. In fact that's the whole knowledge of most GOP dupes. This is a POLITICS forum for GOPers who are supposed INTERESTED, and you're ignorant, brainwashed twits. The rest? Yikes- mainly racist know nothings...

Cup of cocoa?
God what an idiot....

Well, so much for the idea of you loons taking the high road. Or anything that remotely looks like a road.
What an ignorant bunch of BS!

What's your solution, have them get jobs?

Fat chance.

What are Dems solutions? They have done nothing in the last 50 years for the the, other than bribe for votes by dangling carrots and then giving them a way to stay poor and continue to vote Democratic. The Democrats hate the poor but they want the vote. The Democratic Party is scum for doing that. They have no concern for the poor without the vote. We saw that this last election cycle. The poor were ridiculed by the Democrats for not voting for Clinton, the Democrats are nothing but liars, cheats and scum.
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation, is a simple and market friendly, solution on an at-will basis. laissez-fair, all the way, right wingers.

No offense what does equal protection of the law have to do with unemployment compensation? Are you saying those not working should be paid? If so how much?

Equal protection under the law to me is not discriminating against people when hiring.

Great job!!

Yep, Obama increased the gap, thanks for pointing that out hater dupe.
Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

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