Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Let me guess, you had a big problem with President Obama golfing even though Trump has had numerous golf trips while Obama had none during the first 100 days of his presidency.

Also, if and when I go out during the weekends, I don't cost the taxpayers anything.

Why do you demand that the President of the United States not be allowed to go home on weekends?

It has been a burden on the locals and going against what he said he would do. It's one thing to do it, but every weekend? Then when Summer hits he will be going somewhere else instead of Mar-a-Lago.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?
There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.

Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.

If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

Why did he never return to the mansion he bought in the neighborhood of his racist Reverand Jerimiah Wright and with the help of convicted felon Tony Rezko. Still in prison.
There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.

Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.


Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.

Or maybe because you see it doesn't mean that it's always the case. I'm against abusing the system. I'm not against the system altogether. I feel corporate welfare is a bigger problem than social welfare.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

Why did he never return to the mansion he bought in the neighborhood of his racist Reverand Jerimiah Wright and with the help of convicted felon Tony Rezko. Still in prison.

Well, for one thing, I would say that Obama took less vacation time than both Reagan and George W. Bush. That's one thing.
There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.

Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.


Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.

Or maybe because you see it doesn't mean that it's always the case. I'm against abusing the system. I'm not against the system altogether. I feel corporate welfare is a bigger problem than social welfare.

There is no corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning the government takes less of other people's money. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving people something they never had before--not taking less from them.

Always the case? No. Most of the cases I've seen? Yes.

About two years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. It was an unmarried couple with two children together. Spotting the trend, I invited them to my apartment to discuss the problem.

He worked 40 hours a week and wouldn't work an hour more. She stayed home supposedly home schooling their children even though she was as dumb as an ox. After evaluating their situation, I found a solution:

I suggested that if he wished to work only 40 hours a week, and she wished to stay home, then the solution to their problem was simple: She can get a part-time job on the weekends when he's home to watch the kids!

Great solution, but she wouldn't even entertain the idea. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps. So I took them to court for an eviction and now it's on his record for any landlord to see.

Both people smoked cigarettes. Their oldest child was a 12 year old girl who also smoked, and they provided her the tobacco since she was too young to work and buy her own. They had three cats, an Obama phone, a large dog, and cable television.

Their situation was not that unusual. I often see food stamp people at the grocery store. They buy their allowable food items, but then whip out cash for the cigarettes, beer, greeting cards, flowers, perfume, huge bags of dog food, and various other items that are not covered under SNAP.

Okay, it's anecdotal. So if you want to see those who "need" pubic assistance, check out what Maine did with their food stamp program. After creating simple requirements, most of the people without dependents dropped out of their food stamp program.
There are people who have assistance because they need it and I'm sure they would better themselves if they could.

Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.


Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.

Or maybe because you see it doesn't mean that it's always the case. I'm against abusing the system. I'm not against the system altogether. I feel corporate welfare is a bigger problem than social welfare.

There is no corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning the government takes less of other people's money. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving people something they never had before--not taking less from them.

Always the case? No. Most of the cases I've seen? Yes.

About two years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. It was an unmarried couple with two children together. Spotting the trend, I invited them to my apartment to discuss the problem.

He worked 40 hours a week and wouldn't work an hour more. She stayed home supposedly home schooling their children even though she was as dumb as an ox. After evaluating their situation, I found a solution:

I suggested that if he wished to work only 40 hours a week, and she wished to stay home, then the solution to their problem was simple: She can get a part-time job on the weekends when he's home to watch the kids!

Great solution, but she wouldn't even entertain the idea. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps. So I took them to court for an eviction and now it's on his record for any landlord to see.

Both people smoked cigarettes. Their oldest child was a 12 year old girl who also smoked, and they provided her the tobacco since she was too young to work and buy her own. They had three cats, an Obama phone, a large dog, and cable television.

Their situation was not that unusual. I often see food stamp people at the grocery store. They buy their allowable food items, but then whip out cash for the cigarettes, beer, greeting cards, flowers, perfume, huge bags of dog food, and various other items that are not covered under SNAP.

Okay, it's anecdotal. So if you want to see those who "need" pubic assistance, check out what Maine did with their food stamp program. After creating simple requirements, most of the people without dependents dropped out of their food stamp program.

Corporate welfare does exist. Believe it or not, this government does subsidize the rich. To think so otherwise is just plain denial. It is a real thing.

Those people sound like rotten parents and people, period. There is no justifying what you say they did.
What happened to laissez-fair, right wingers. We have, employment at will States.

The right wing, just likes to, "hate on the poor" by denying and disparaging them, steak and lobster on their EBT cards and equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes.

I'm a bottom line guy.

As you know, the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was extremely effective. Moving millions of people from the welfare rolls to payrolls. Petulant former President Barack Hussin Obama effectively eliminated the act resulting in millions more on welfare, food stamps and no longer even looking for jobs.

So again, who is "hating on the poor"?
Did you hear about the Great Recession DUHHHH? There was no work for so many to do...duhhh. When you're on welfare, you have to look. It was another world depression, dupe.
Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

Between thirty and fifty percent abuse the system. Possibly more. Progressives have taught them how to most effectively game the system.
After 30 years of Voodoo AND A corrupt GOP DEPRESSION: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Some might, the rest are happy to whine and have you make yourself feel good by giving them even more.


Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.

Or maybe because you see it doesn't mean that it's always the case. I'm against abusing the system. I'm not against the system altogether. I feel corporate welfare is a bigger problem than social welfare.

There is no corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning the government takes less of other people's money. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving people something they never had before--not taking less from them.

Always the case? No. Most of the cases I've seen? Yes.

About two years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. It was an unmarried couple with two children together. Spotting the trend, I invited them to my apartment to discuss the problem.

He worked 40 hours a week and wouldn't work an hour more. She stayed home supposedly home schooling their children even though she was as dumb as an ox. After evaluating their situation, I found a solution:

I suggested that if he wished to work only 40 hours a week, and she wished to stay home, then the solution to their problem was simple: She can get a part-time job on the weekends when he's home to watch the kids!

Great solution, but she wouldn't even entertain the idea. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps. So I took them to court for an eviction and now it's on his record for any landlord to see.

Both people smoked cigarettes. Their oldest child was a 12 year old girl who also smoked, and they provided her the tobacco since she was too young to work and buy her own. They had three cats, an Obama phone, a large dog, and cable television.

Their situation was not that unusual. I often see food stamp people at the grocery store. They buy their allowable food items, but then whip out cash for the cigarettes, beer, greeting cards, flowers, perfume, huge bags of dog food, and various other items that are not covered under SNAP.

Okay, it's anecdotal. So if you want to see those who "need" pubic assistance, check out what Maine did with their food stamp program. After creating simple requirements, most of the people without dependents dropped out of their food stamp program.

Corporate welfare does exist. Believe it or not, this government does subsidize the rich. To think so otherwise is just plain denial. It is a real thing.

Those people sound like rotten parents and people, period. There is no justifying what you say they did.

Again, welfare is when you "give" somebody something they don't have. Very few corporations (if any) get money from the government without paying something back. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning tax breaks. Tax breaks mean paying less taxes.
Do you think more people abuse the system than those who really need it?

I do because I see it all the time.

Or maybe because you see it doesn't mean that it's always the case. I'm against abusing the system. I'm not against the system altogether. I feel corporate welfare is a bigger problem than social welfare.

There is no corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning the government takes less of other people's money. That's not welfare. Welfare is giving people something they never had before--not taking less from them.

Always the case? No. Most of the cases I've seen? Yes.

About two years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. It was an unmarried couple with two children together. Spotting the trend, I invited them to my apartment to discuss the problem.

He worked 40 hours a week and wouldn't work an hour more. She stayed home supposedly home schooling their children even though she was as dumb as an ox. After evaluating their situation, I found a solution:

I suggested that if he wished to work only 40 hours a week, and she wished to stay home, then the solution to their problem was simple: She can get a part-time job on the weekends when he's home to watch the kids!

Great solution, but she wouldn't even entertain the idea. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps. So I took them to court for an eviction and now it's on his record for any landlord to see.

Both people smoked cigarettes. Their oldest child was a 12 year old girl who also smoked, and they provided her the tobacco since she was too young to work and buy her own. They had three cats, an Obama phone, a large dog, and cable television.

Their situation was not that unusual. I often see food stamp people at the grocery store. They buy their allowable food items, but then whip out cash for the cigarettes, beer, greeting cards, flowers, perfume, huge bags of dog food, and various other items that are not covered under SNAP.

Okay, it's anecdotal. So if you want to see those who "need" pubic assistance, check out what Maine did with their food stamp program. After creating simple requirements, most of the people without dependents dropped out of their food stamp program.

Corporate welfare does exist. Believe it or not, this government does subsidize the rich. To think so otherwise is just plain denial. It is a real thing.

Those people sound like rotten parents and people, period. There is no justifying what you say they did.

Again, welfare is when you "give" somebody something they don't have. Very few corporations (if any) get money from the government without paying something back. Corporate welfare is a liberal term meaning tax breaks. Tax breaks mean paying less taxes.

Not true. There are corporate subsidies and perks from the government. It's not just tax breaks. It's also corporate welfare, something we spend more on than social welfare.
Obama's stimulus was 1/4 infrastructure jobs, and a lot of money for keeping teachers, cops, and firemen and services for victims of the corrupt GOP meltdown, dupe. Try real news sometime.

Gee, and what do all those groups have in common? Oh yeah, that's right, they are all union people. You know unions, don't you? Those groups that donate heavily to the DNC and Democrat politicians? You know, like the UAW that Obama helped to save their ass?
Also cops and firemen are your heroes, and teachers should be too. Actually, it was also easy to help them as they're gov't jobs. GM and CFA were also easy as they're so huge. Your GOP heroes that started the GD mess would have allowed another full blown great depression. Thank god the Dems got in quick this time, and all the other socialist modern countries this time. The GOP is a gd disgrace, dupe.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.

Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.

Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Yeah, like DumBama really would have cared what they thought.
If Obama had gone home to Chicago every weekend, how would you have reacted?

It would have been great!

I'd have LOVED for him to call attention, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, to his Racist Reverend, his neighbors such as Minister Louis Farrakhan. It would also call attention to the fact that he needed the help of a convicted felon, currently serving time in prison, in order to buy his mansion.

Or maybe the overwhelming majority of Republicans would've eviscerated him for it.

Yeah, like DumBama really would have cared what they thought.

Yet it doesn't seem to bother you that Trump is apathetic to what people think of him going to Mar-a-Lago despite the problems his frequent trips create.

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