Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

it is funny how easy this all is. if we could only get the left to leave, we'd be in fking heaven.
You want to grow government while killing our agricultural industry. Great plan.
how would that work? You still haven't answered what would be killed.

It seems you are far too simple to be on a message forum. Go watch some cartoons kid. It was already explained, you are just too slow.
why would that happen? They'd eventually ween off the government over to the farmers paid by the product sales and walla, no more welfare. It's fking amazing thing progress eh?

fk, then they might even get some actual incentives and move up ladders, to other careers and make more money and end the fking cycle.

You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.
how would that work? You still haven't answered what would be killed.

It seems you are far too simple to be on a message forum. Go watch some cartoons kid. It was already explained, you are just too slow.
why would that happen? They'd eventually ween off the government over to the farmers paid by the product sales and walla, no more welfare. It's fking amazing thing progress eh?

fk, then they might even get some actual incentives and move up ladders, to other careers and make more money and end the fking cycle.

You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.
still nothing eh? figures. again when you got nothing. my plan stands and it removes illegals, and ends welfare of the state. and here you are talking about russia. wow.
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it is funny how easy this all is. if we could only get the left to leave, we'd be in fking heaven.

you first, pondscum
you all wish to go to canada, want someone elses programs and policies. It's quite obvious you hate my fking country. just leave and make us all happy.

Fk, you even want the illegals to live with you. my country has borders.
So you're saying that the conservatives who claim corporations pay NO taxes because they just pass the cost to the customers are full of shit?

Who do you think pays those billions? Your unicorn? Who else pays those taxes. How many sides does your mouth have?
So on a thread designed to court the black vote, conservatives think government slave labor is the answer. That should get a lot of votes.
So on a thread designed to court the black vote, conservatives think government slave labor is the answer. That should get a lot of votes.
ahhh see, you don't want them working for their welfare. It's all you fking had to say sweetie. How about you? keeping the blacks locked up in prison camps is your solution eh?
The top three spots for the poorest are in Texas, California starts at number 4 on the list.

Thank you for proving me RIGHT AGAIN! You don't check anything first, do you? Are you learning a lesson? I usually charge quite a lot for tutoring.

Here was my question. Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

It proved no such thing.
Actually forcing wages up does not destroy the economy. It causing economic growth.

By doing so, FDR was able to extend the Great Depression by SEVEN YEARS. How is that a good thing for America?
FDR understood the depression was not about the banks but about people suffering.

Amazing how the greatest increase in worker's wages occurred between 1950 & 1980 along with the highest taxes on the wealthy, yet those were the years of the best economic growth in American history.

Yet, wingnuts still insist that high taxes on the wealthy combined and/or increased wages cause economic downturns.

Reality never phases them!

Amazing how the greatest increase in worker's wages occurred between 1950 & 1980 along with the highest taxes on the wealthy

Explain why you feel those 2 facts are related.
Did the increase in wages cause the high taxes on the rich?
Did the high taxes cause the increase in wages?

Or did they just happen to occur at the same time?
how would that work? You still haven't answered what would be killed.

It seems you are far too simple to be on a message forum. Go watch some cartoons kid. It was already explained, you are just too slow.
why would that happen? They'd eventually ween off the government over to the farmers paid by the product sales and walla, no more welfare. It's fking amazing thing progress eh?

fk, then they might even get some actual incentives and move up ladders, to other careers and make more money and end the fking cycle.

You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.
It seems you are far too simple to be on a message forum. Go watch some cartoons kid. It was already explained, you are just too slow.
why would that happen? They'd eventually ween off the government over to the farmers paid by the product sales and walla, no more welfare. It's fking amazing thing progress eh?

fk, then they might even get some actual incentives and move up ladders, to other careers and make more money and end the fking cycle.

You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

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