Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

No kidding they play accounting games

Losing money during a recession.....very sneaky!

Not to mention huge CEO pay deductions

Companies can deduct employee salary expense? You must be joking!
Next you'll be telling me they can deduct COGS. Outrageous loopholes, eh?

It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?
It happens every year.

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

why would that happen? They'd eventually ween off the government over to the farmers paid by the product sales and walla, no more welfare. It's fking amazing thing progress eh?

fk, then they might even get some actual incentives and move up ladders, to other careers and make more money and end the fking cycle.

You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.
Yes, companies carry forward losses and deduct normal business expenses every year.

Oh, you mean they pay zero taxes every year. Hilarious!!!

Just for fun, give me a list of a dozen companies that were profitable but paid no taxes for the past 8 years.

Should be easy, right? LOL!
Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness

Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.
You live in fantasy land. When does a government program ever get smaller?

I'm not going to put you on ignore, but will only respond if you come close to making sense.
dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

dude, I just explained it to you. What didn't you understand?

what one does when one doesn't have an argument that can float.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.
wow, you've never heard of management and supervisors? wow! How about public buses? We have them in chicago. shit, we even have Trains. how the fk do people know to take them?

I see you are still working from the premise that those on welfare are as dumb as a box of rocks. you're such a nice sweetie.
Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

You want to create big government worker programs.

You think good willing workers can be replaced by unwilling workers who know nothing about farming without hurting the agricultural industry.

You would make a great communist.

You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.
wow, you've never heard of management and supervisors? wow! How about public buses? We have them in chicago. shit, we even have Trains. how the fk do people know to take them?

I see you are still working from the premise that those on welfare are as dumb as a box of rocks. you're such a nice sweetie.

More government.
It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.


You want to create big government worker programs.

The big welfare programs are already there. Making them work doesn't make the program/problem bigger.

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.
wow, you've never heard of management and supervisors? wow! How about public buses? We have them in chicago. shit, we even have Trains. how the fk do people know to take them?

I see you are still working from the premise that those on welfare are as dumb as a box of rocks. you're such a nice sweetie.

More government.
how is it more, it exists already? why not use it? again, you ain't too bright. got that box of rocks?

1) if you don't earn income why should you pay taxes???
2) why do you care about increasing corporate costs?? Do you like it when corporate products cost more ???? Do you like to pay more for your cell phone and airplane tickets? Brain-2 does not know he pays the corporate tax.
Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.


"It's proof many pay very little if any"

26/500 is many? DERP!
Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do? Where will the buses come from? That will require more government. And how will people find real jobs if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.
wow, you've never heard of management and supervisors? wow! How about public buses? We have them in chicago. shit, we even have Trains. how the fk do people know to take them?

I see you are still working from the premise that those on welfare are as dumb as a box of rocks. you're such a nice sweetie.

More government.
how is it more, it exists already? why not use it? again, you ain't too bright. got that box of rocks?

You think there are people just sitting around who can do all that extra work? Too funny.

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.

You said, "It's proof many pay very little if any"

26 companies that lost hundreds of billions during the recession in 2008 and 2009 still hadn't earned
back their losses by 2012. Companies only pay taxes if they are profitable after covering previous losses as well as current expenses.


"It's proof many pay very little if any"

26/500 is many? DERP!


It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

so?? if you don't earn income why should you pay taxes???
the brainless hasn't absorbed that fact yet. holding onto that box of rocks too long. doesn't know that a loss isn't making money.
Yes it does obviously. Who is going to tell people to go where and what to do?

It's easy. Next month, a note is added to the envelope your check came in.
It says, "Your June payment will require XX hours of work at the farm at XYZ.
The bus to that farm will be at ABC at precisely 8 AM on June 5th 2017.
Failure to work the required hours will reduce your check proportionately.

And how will people find real jobs

The same places they find real jobs now.
The savings realized by the failure to work the required hours, by payments received by the farms and by former recipients finding other jobs will be more than enough to cover the cost of bus transportation.

if they are working in your slave labor scheme?

These "slaves" are free to quit and forfeit their welfare checks at any time.

You need people to schedule how many people are needed where. You need places that have jobs available. That doesn't just magically appear on an envelope. The buses don't magically appear when needed either. You really are as dumb as the other clown. Clearly repubs want to keep people in poverty.
wow, you've never heard of management and supervisors? wow! How about public buses? We have them in chicago. shit, we even have Trains. how the fk do people know to take them?

I see you are still working from the premise that those on welfare are as dumb as a box of rocks. you're such a nice sweetie.

More government.
how is it more, it exists already? why not use it? again, you ain't too bright. got that box of rocks?

You think there are people just sitting around who can do all that extra work? Too funny.
what extra work are you referring to? the buses and trains exists. what don't you understand box-o-rocks?
Thanks, I was looking for proof that corporations pay taxes.

It's proof many pay very little if any.

Nope, no proof of your claim there.

Try again?

so?? if you don't earn income why should you pay taxes???
the brainless hasn't absorbed that fact yet. holding onto that box of rocks too long. doesn't know that a loss isn't making money.


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