Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

So your plan doesn't increase economic growth?
Thanks for admitting your error.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.
Well how does one reduce pay inequity?

Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

He just buys now Bud lights instead of natural lights, Marlboros instead of pall mall, cocaine instead of crystal meth..

So remind us how does that help the economy?

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

What happens to all other wages increase an equal percentage above the $15.00? What happens to the worker, now being given $15.00 per hour, in two or five years when they are back on the bottom of the pay schedule and everything that was unaffordable before, is unaffordable again and they need food stamps, etc.?
Inflation happens; in the mean time, there is less "pay inequality" and our minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

Reducing social services should help alleviate that pay inequality.
Why do you believe so?
There is lots of evidence that too much inequality slows an economy:
Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth, according to new OECD analysis. This work finds that countries where income inequality is decreasing grow faster than those with rising inequality.

Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Well how does one reduce pay inequity?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

A fifteen dollar minimum wage will end pay inequity?
It will reduce pay inequality to that extent.

Social services pays out about fourteen dollars an hour by comparison.

There is no reason to subsidize the rich through underpayment of minimum wages.

We are not subsidizing the rich, we are subsidizing the poor. So we increase minimum wage, and instead of the lowlifes working 30 hours a week, they drop down to 20 hours a week to keep their benefits. What was accomplished except allowing the lowlife to work less hours?
Any time a CEO can socialize costs to improve his bottom line, he probably will.
There is lots of evidence that too much inequality slows an economy:
Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth, according to new OECD analysis. This work finds that countries where income inequality is decreasing grow faster than those with rising inequality.

Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD

Well how does one reduce pay inequity?

Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.
Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

He just buys now Bud lights instead of natural lights, Marlboros instead of pall mall, cocaine instead of crystal meth..

So remind us how does that help the economy?


Bud lights are made here. Cigarettes too.
Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.
Well how does one reduce pay inequity?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

A fifteen dollar minimum wage will end pay inequity?
It will reduce pay inequality to that extent.

Social services pays out about fourteen dollars an hour by comparison.

There is no reason to subsidize the rich through underpayment of minimum wages.

We are not subsidizing the rich, we are subsidizing the poor. So we increase minimum wage, and instead of the lowlifes working 30 hours a week, they drop down to 20 hours a week to keep their benefits. What was accomplished except allowing the lowlife to work less hours?
Any time a CEO can socialize costs to improve his bottom line, he probably will.

And like most of your comments, this one made absolutely no sense.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.
Millions of people broke the cycle from the Great Depression to WWII, and it was Government programs that sustained them during that period.

So the plan is to sustain black people until when?
Until we have another Jobs Boom, laissez-fair, dude.


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

So your plan doesn't increase economic growth?
Thanks for admitting your error.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

Wage increases only help consumer spending if it's across the board, not in one city or state.

GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

So your plan doesn't increase economic growth?
Thanks for admitting your error.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.

Did you have any ideas that would actually increase economic growth?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

A fifteen dollar minimum wage will end pay inequity?
It will reduce pay inequality to that extent.

Social services pays out about fourteen dollars an hour by comparison.

There is no reason to subsidize the rich through underpayment of minimum wages.

We are not subsidizing the rich, we are subsidizing the poor. So we increase minimum wage, and instead of the lowlifes working 30 hours a week, they drop down to 20 hours a week to keep their benefits. What was accomplished except allowing the lowlife to work less hours?
Any time a CEO can socialize costs to improve his bottom line, he probably will.

And like most of your comments, this one made absolutely no sense.
You have absolutely, no clue.

The bank bailouts are one example.

Part time work with few hours, is another example.
Well how does one reduce pay inequity?

Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.

To reduce turnover.
It was an expensive pain in the ass to constantly train new workers.
And the company has less to spend.

The company is spending on the worker. The worker can then spend more on other things.

Right. So how does that increase economic growth?

How Consumer Spending And Economic Growth Is Linked


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

It's not about business keeping more. It's about using money wisely.

Company growth is the lifeblood of most businesses--especially large businesses. That's because growth reflects investment success.

You have a company, and it's growth rate is 5.2%. But pressure from media and other sources get to you, so you start to overpay your employees. Your growth falls from 5.2% to 3.5%. Investors start selling their stock in your company. New investors are few and far between. What do you think happens to your company at that point?
If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

So your plan doesn't increase economic growth?
Thanks for admitting your error.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.

Did you have any ideas that would actually increase economic growth?

I've already given several.
And the company has less to spend.

The company is spending on the worker. The worker can then spend more on other things.

Right. So how does that increase economic growth?

How Consumer Spending And Economic Growth Is Linked


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.
The company is spending on the worker. The worker can then spend more on other things.

Right. So how does that increase economic growth?

How Consumer Spending And Economic Growth Is Linked


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

It's not about business keeping more. It's about using money wisely.

Company growth is the lifeblood of most businesses--especially large businesses. That's because growth reflects investment success.

You have a company, and it's growth rate is 5.2%. But pressure from media and other sources get to you, so you start to overpay your employees. Your growth falls from 5.2% to 3.5%. Investors start selling their stock in your company. New investors are few and far between. What do you think happens to your company at that point?

Companies are keeping plenty and the economy is slow.
The company is spending on the worker. The worker can then spend more on other things.

Right. So how does that increase economic growth?

How Consumer Spending And Economic Growth Is Linked


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.
No one breaks the cycle of poverty because of government handouts. That's a concept liberals don't get.
Millions of people broke the cycle from the Great Depression to WWII, and it was Government programs that sustained them during that period.

So the plan is to sustain black people until when?
You would have to ask Trump, Let us know what he says.

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