Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

So your plan doesn't increase economic growth?
Thanks for admitting your error.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.

Did you have any ideas that would actually increase economic growth?

I've already given several.

You gave one that reduced GDP by as much as it increased GDP.

Try again?


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

It's not about business keeping more. It's about using money wisely.

Company growth is the lifeblood of most businesses--especially large businesses. That's because growth reflects investment success.

You have a company, and it's growth rate is 5.2%. But pressure from media and other sources get to you, so you start to overpay your employees. Your growth falls from 5.2% to 3.5%. Investors start selling their stock in your company. New investors are few and far between. What do you think happens to your company at that point?

Companies are keeping plenty and the economy is slow.

Avoiding the question I see. Good choice on your part.


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.

Correct. Stock market is a reflection of business success or failure.
Well we should put a stop to CEOs giving themselves constant raises I suppose. I'd also like to see corporate taxes used as an incentive to give raises.

So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
The poor tend to spend most of their income, sooner rather than later. That increase in demand causes a corresponding increase in supply.

Increasing supply usually requires more labor or more hours or both.
No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.

To reduce turnover.
It was an expensive pain in the ass to constantly train new workers.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.
So in other words, have government run everything. And you called me a Communist?

And how would a CEO making less help the little guy?

No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
The poor tend to spend most of their income, sooner rather than later. That increase in demand causes a corresponding increase in supply.

Increasing supply usually requires more labor or more hours or both.

And you've reduced the business investment which creates supply. Zero net change.


GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.

Correct. Stock market is a reflection of business success or failure.

So businesses are succeeding and our economy is slow? You should think about that.
It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?

He now has more to spend.

And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.

To reduce turnover.
It was an expensive pain in the ass to constantly train new workers.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

So what?
The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US. The business investment may be international which will help another countries economy far more than ours.

The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.

Did you have any ideas that would actually increase economic growth?

I've already given several.

You gave one that reduced GDP by as much as it increased GDP.

Try again?

No I've given several. Increasing consumer spending here in the US with increased ages vs business investment in other countries. While decreasing corporate taxes and keeping more money in the economy. While decreasing inequality which slows the economy...
No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
The poor tend to spend most of their income, sooner rather than later. That increase in demand causes a corresponding increase in supply.

Increasing supply usually requires more labor or more hours or both.

And you've reduced the business investment which creates supply. Zero net change.

Business investment in other countries doesn't help us.
No, the government would run nothing. Because we have corporate taxes now, the government is running those companies? Seriously?

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone.

It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
The poor tend to spend most of their income, sooner rather than later. That increase in demand causes a corresponding increase in supply.

Increasing supply usually requires more labor or more hours or both.

And you've reduced the business investment which creates supply. Zero net change.
how did that happen; walk through the steps.
He now has more to spend.

And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.

To reduce turnover.
It was an expensive pain in the ass to constantly train new workers.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

So what?
rational choice theory applies to markets.

GDP = C + I + G + NX

C = Consumer spending

I = Business investments

G = Government spending

NX = Net exports

So the broom pusher has an extra $3000 to add to consumer spending.
The company has $3000 less which subtracts from business investments.

How has your plan increased economic growth?

If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.

Correct. Stock market is a reflection of business success or failure.

So businesses are succeeding and our economy is slow? You should think about that.

I have, I've thought about it a lot. And my conclusion is we had a President for eight years promoting government dependency. It's still happening today. As Rush Limbaugh said so many times "If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"

We have industry begging people to take jobs, and people not taking them. What does that tell you? We also have record high rates of people not participating in the workforce.

You can never get an economy going with so many people on the dole. There are no raises on welfare. There are no promotions on welfare. You get X amount of money, and that's all you'll ever get. You are poor and will always be poor.
The wage increases are pretty much guaranteed to increase consumer spending in the US.

And decrease business investment.

The business investment may be international

Especially if we mandate much higher wages for unskilled labor.

Too much of it already is international. Hence the slow economy.

Did you have any ideas that would actually increase economic growth?

I've already given several.

You gave one that reduced GDP by as much as it increased GDP.

Try again?

No I've given several. Increasing consumer spending here in the US with increased ages vs business investment in other countries. While decreasing corporate taxes and keeping more money in the economy. While decreasing inequality which slows the economy...

No I've given several. Increasing consumer spending here in the US with increased ages vs business investment in other countries.

You should stop doing things that cause companies to want to invest overseas versus here.

While decreasing corporate taxes and keeping more money in the economy.

You recommend reducing corporate taxes?

While decreasing inequality which slows the economy...

I've never understood the logic behind this claim....can you explain it?
It would decrease inequality which would increase economic growth which is good for everyone

How does giving the broom pusher a raise increase economic growth?
It increases the circulation of money and engenders a positive multiplier effect.

It increases the circulation of money

How? Walk thru the steps.
The poor tend to spend most of their income, sooner rather than later. That increase in demand causes a corresponding increase in supply.

Increasing supply usually requires more labor or more hours or both.

And you've reduced the business investment which creates supply. Zero net change.

Business investment in other countries doesn't help us.

Stop pushing for it.
If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.

Correct. Stock market is a reflection of business success or failure.

So businesses are succeeding and our economy is slow? You should think about that.

I have, I've thought about it a lot. And my conclusion is we had a President for eight years promoting government dependency. It's still happening today. As Rush Limbaugh said so many times "If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"

We have industry begging people to take jobs, and people not taking them. What does that tell you? We also have record high rates of people not participating in the workforce.

You can never get an economy going with so many people on the dole. There are no raises on welfare. There are no promotions on welfare. You get X amount of money, and that's all you'll ever get. You are poor and will always be poor.

We have very low unemployment. Ever heard of the baby boomers? We've known they were retiring for sometime, participation is no surprise. More people are going to college and delaying going into the workforce.
And the company has less to spend.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, for a reason.

To reduce turnover.
It was an expensive pain in the ass to constantly train new workers.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services.

So what?
rational choice theory applies to markets.

That's why your "unemployment for quitters and never workers" is bad for the economy.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?
You answered your own question. To create a permanent underclass of self entitled individuals who at the polling place can vote themselves a pay raise.
Democrats like social entitlements for two reasons. One, it virtually guarantees them votes from the people to whom they provide handouts. Two, to create a sector of the population they can control.
With how fast the middle class is shrinking you should be concerned for everyone. I don't hear real answers from either party.
The middle class is NOT shrinking. That's a liberal narrative. And it works against themselves. Out of one side of their mouths they shriek about the allegedly shrinking middle class. Out of the other side of their yapper, they clam Obama created about three billion new jobs.
Can't have it both ways.
If paying little so that the business keeps more was going to grow the economy, we would already have huge growth.

You mean we don't????? We are not setting records in the stock market???

Maybe I'm watching the wrong news sources.

Stock market isn't GDP.

Correct. Stock market is a reflection of business success or failure.

So businesses are succeeding and our economy is slow? You should think about that.

I have, I've thought about it a lot. And my conclusion is we had a President for eight years promoting government dependency. It's still happening today. As Rush Limbaugh said so many times "If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"

The rich are getting a capital gains tax preference to create Jobs Booms, but don't.

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