Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

What is that preference for, if not to invest in our economy and help with full employment? It could be taxed as ordinary income.

So you made it up. Surprise, surprise.

I've legally avoided paying capital gains on many properties I've owned by doing 1031 exchanges. When I have sold a property and paid capital gains on the profits, I never once imagined it was for me to hire anyone.
Why have that preference, if not to help the People, with full employment?

the capital gains tax is to encourage investment in the country. It is also to prevent double taxation since money in investments was already taxed when it was earned.
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
no; taxes need to be raised higher.

Should our corporate taxes be raised, or just income and capital gains taxes?
Or do you have some other tax you'd like to raise?
Let end the drug war first, and then see if we need to eliminate the capital gains preference.

Why would we need to eliminate the capital gains preference?
It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms. It is just a loophole.

It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms.

Does it help business creation?

no; taxes need to be raised higher.

Should our corporate taxes be raised, or just income and capital gains taxes?
Or do you have some other tax you'd like to raise?
Let end the drug war first, and then see if we need to eliminate the capital gains preference.

Why would we need to eliminate the capital gains preference?
It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms. It is just a loophole.

It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms.

Does it help business creation?
? simply creating business is anarchy. How many of those created businesses fail in the first few years?
What is that preference for, if not to invest in our economy and help with full employment? It could be taxed as ordinary income.

So you made it up. Surprise, surprise.

I've legally avoided paying capital gains on many properties I've owned by doing 1031 exchanges. When I have sold a property and paid capital gains on the profits, I never once imagined it was for me to hire anyone.
Why have that preference, if not to help the People, with full employment?

the capital gains tax is to encourage investment in the country. It is also to prevent double taxation since money in investments was already taxed when it was earned.
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.
? simply creating business is anarchy. How many of those created businesses fail in the first few years?

More than half of all new businesses fail within the first 2 years. What supply siders constantly forget is that it's supply and demand that drives the economy. At the present time, there is an enormous amount of pent up demand which Americans can't act on because they lack the income. Increasing wages for those at the lowest end of the income scale, will release some of that pent up demand and drive employment.

Someone once said that if you really wanted to prime the economic pump, he'd give poor people $10,000 per family, because if you give $10,000 to a rich man, he'll put it into savings and investments which may or may not result in employment, but if you give it to the poor, they will spend every $$ they get, and that will spur job creation.

When Bill Clinton increased the minimum wage, unemployment went down. When W increased earned income credits, unemployment went up.
Should our corporate taxes be raised, or just income and capital gains taxes?
Or do you have some other tax you'd like to raise?
Let end the drug war first, and then see if we need to eliminate the capital gains preference.

Why would we need to eliminate the capital gains preference?
It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms. It is just a loophole.

It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms.

Does it help business creation?


Are you sure?
Should our corporate taxes be raised, or just income and capital gains taxes?
Or do you have some other tax you'd like to raise?
Let end the drug war first, and then see if we need to eliminate the capital gains preference.

Why would we need to eliminate the capital gains preference?
It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms. It is just a loophole.

It doesn't work to create Jobs Booms.

Does it help business creation?
? simply creating business is anarchy. How many of those created businesses fail in the first few years?

A lot of them fail.
So you made it up. Surprise, surprise.

I've legally avoided paying capital gains on many properties I've owned by doing 1031 exchanges. When I have sold a property and paid capital gains on the profits, I never once imagined it was for me to hire anyone.
Why have that preference, if not to help the People, with full employment?

the capital gains tax is to encourage investment in the country. It is also to prevent double taxation since money in investments was already taxed when it was earned.
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

Why have that preference, if not to help the People, with full employment?

the capital gains tax is to encourage investment in the country. It is also to prevent double taxation since money in investments was already taxed when it was earned.
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.
the capital gains tax is to encourage investment in the country. It is also to prevent double taxation since money in investments was already taxed when it was earned.
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
it has nothing to do with double taxation; income is income that can be taxed at ordinary rates. A capital gains preference should help with full employment or be eliminated.

The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains. It helps if you understand the concepts, you try to argue.
The Congressional Budget Office has stated categorically that cutting taxes DOES NOT increase employment, and that it does not increase revenues. Revenues went DOWN and unemployment went up when St. Ronnie cut taxes, which is why he subsequently raised them again, he just didn't raise them enough.
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains. It helps if you understand the concepts, you try to argue.

The lower rate doesn't help if they don't have a capital gain. How are they getting the capital gain?
Why do republican want black people to live under bridges and on street corners?

Why not fund education and make adding additional job making skills easier...Oh'noo''s we can't do that as that would mean the big bad government....Give me a break.
so why are you against school choice? Just curious.
Why do republican want black people to live under bridges and on street corners?

Why not fund education and make adding additional job making skills easier...Oh'noo''s we can't do that as that would mean the big bad government....Give me a break.
so why are you against school choice? Just curious.

If people had free choice they would have a chance to say no to him. Worst nightmare ever!
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains. It helps if you understand the concepts, you try to argue.

The lower rate doesn't help if they don't have a capital gain. How are they getting the capital gain?
I am only referring to income from gains. It should be taxed as ordinary income, and delete the term, capital gain from the, "tax preference rolls".
A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains. It helps if you understand the concepts, you try to argue.

The lower rate doesn't help if they don't have a capital gain. How are they getting the capital gain?
I am only referring to income from gains. It should be taxed as ordinary income, and delete the term, capital gain from the, "tax preference rolls".

I am only referring to income from gains.

Right. Someone starts a business, risks their money, invests their time, creates jobs, becomes successful.
Then he wants to sell to take his gains and start a new business, but you want to take 40% of his gain.
Why do republican want black people to live under bridges and on street corners?

Why not fund education and make adding additional job making skills easier...Oh'noo''s we can't do that as that would mean the big bad government....Give me a break.

Why do you believe that blacks must have their education funded and make "job making skills easier" than for other races and ethnic groups? How is that NOT racist and bigoted?
it is typical libturd thinking.
Excessive CEO Pay for Dumb Luck

The compensation packages of the chief executive officers of America have been rising faster than just about any rational metric upon which they are supposedly based. “CEO pay grew an astounding 943% over the past 37 years,” according to a recent Economic Policy Institute analysis. EPI further observes this was a far faster growth rate than “the cost of living, the productivity of the economy, and the stock market.”

CEO compensation isn’t the pay for performance its advocates claim. Instead, it is unmoored from any rational basis. This makes it an inappropriate wealth transfer from shareholders to management.
why do you supposed that is? Do you think the CEOs own the businesses for the majority of firms out there? Or do you know there is a board that actually hires the CEO to the job? And why would a board pay a CEO so much? Do you even stop to consider the what's and if's?

What to Pay a CEO | Y Scouts

"Once you’ve chosen when to hire a CEO, what to look for in a CEO, and how to hire a CEO, you’re well on your way to hiring a CEO for your company. Once you’ve asked some insightful interview questions and chosen a few final candidates for the position, it’s time to decide what to pay a CEO.

The salary of a chief executive officer varies widely between companies. Here are five factors that can influence what to pay a CEO."
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A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster, if not used to create Jobs Booms.

A capital gains preference only helps the rich get richer faster

By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains.

How are they getting their gain?
By not paying ordinary income tax rates on capital gains. It helps if you understand the concepts, you try to argue.

The lower rate doesn't help if they don't have a capital gain. How are they getting the capital gain?

If you sell your house for more than you paid for it, you've achieved a capital gain. If you buy a business, break it apart and sell off the pieces, thereby ending any jobs associated with that business, you'll achieve a capital gain. Any time you sell an asset for more than you paid for it, you achieve a capital gain, even if you did nothing to improve that asset or its value while you owned it.
Yep, that's very true. They make the money they do because not many are able to perform the way they can.

A few years ago I purchased a new big screen. I'm not much of a television watcher, but I became one. I started to watch the show Big Bang Theory, and got interested in the cast. So I looked them up on the internet.

Turns out these are very wealthy people. They each get one million dollars per episode plus cuts when their shows get rerun and various other perks. It's a half-hour show. Take out the commercials, it's about 20 minutes. There are about eight or nine major players in the show, so how long could each one act, 2 to 5 minutes?????

I'm sure some of them put a lot of time into their career, took some risks, obviously have talents, but compared to a CEO that went through college, worked his or her way up the ladder, making business relationships, making political relationships, moving from town to town, yet they make a fraction of the money some in the entertainment field do, yet nobody on the left ever comments yet alone complains about the money actors make.

Being overpaid is probably the only thing those two have in common. The ceo at the television station makes the decision that they are making enough money off the show to pay the actors what they get. If the show isn't good it gets cancelled.

CEO's are giving themselves large raises. The complaints come because he is giving himself much larger raises than everyone else. And the feeling is a company only has so much for compensation and the CEO is taking so much the people doing the real work get very little. A ceo with good people below him can get away with doing very little.

And right there you hit the nail on the head. You actually believe that a CEO is taking pay away from other workers. There is no truth to that.

It's just like with the acting. How much do you think their hair people make? How about their makeup people? How about the stage hands? What about the people who actually create the episodes or write the jokes for the show? Do you believe any of them are near the pay scale of the actors themselves? And if you paid the actors less, would all those other people get more money?

I used to know a guy who was a drummer. Not bad drummer, but certainly not one of the best I've ever seen. Because his love was music, he became a roadie for a somewhat famous band. Yeah, he traveled around with them, set up and tore down the equipment, met a lot of interesting people, a lot of beautiful girls, but the job didn't pay squat. He would have made out better working here at McDonald's. The musicians of the band? Very wealthy and living the good life.

People get paid what they are worth. In other words, your worth to an employer is only as much as the next person willing to do the same job with the same quality. It doesn't matter if you're a CEO or a floor sweeper. If you are not bringing in money or contributing more than you get paid by a company, a company has no use for you.

CEO pay? If a CEO has a track record of increasing revenue of companies by 35%, then you pay that CEO what he wants or your competitor will and take business away from your company. That's just how it works.

Certainly the ceo is taking a big cut of payroll.

The actors are not deciding any of the pay. The CEO of the television station is deciding what to pay the actors and the makeup people. That is the difference and it obviously is a big one. The CEO is deciding his own pay, the actor is dependent on the CEO giving him/her that pay.

Again, that is not at all true with CEO's.
Why CEOs Make So Much Money

Your article became very suspicious to me because it seems like it was an opinion of an anti-CEO writer.

It all boils down to the Board of Directors. the BOD is a group of people elected by the stockholders of a company. They are not "fellow CEO's" as you suggest, but people that work within the company or at times, outside. Either way, they are not a bunch of rich people looking out for each other. The BOD does their job, or lose the interest of their investors. That could cause them to get voted out next election.

As you pointed out, CEO pay is substantial, so it's up to the BOD to prove to their clients that CEO pay is merited. CEO pay can help bring down growth of a company, so they have to be able to justify to their shareholders that CEO pay is an investment and not a player in a companies reduction of growth.

If a CEO is paid twenty millions dollars, but the growth of the company increases by 2% then the CEO did his or her job and the BOD made a wise decision. But if they increase a CEO pay to twenty million dollars, and the company loses growth, then the company risks losing investors, or the members of the BOD that gave that CEO that kind of money risk being voted out.

Board Of Directors - B Of D

No, a BOD really does have lots of CEO's:
2017 Proxy | GE.com

So yes they give the CEO a raise and then get one themselves to keep up with that raise. You really are blind to how things really work. The game is obviously rigged.
dude, you haven't a clue.

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