Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?

If you're good enough to walk around as a citizen you're good enough to vote.
I’m thinking you intentionally missed the premise of the thread.
Pay attention...why would ANYONE want to encourage ignorant, degenerates to have a say in the formation of ANYTHING?
Look we don’t encourage dumbass Trump Humpers to vote but it is their right
You sure don't...you encourage taxpayer dependent ignorant urban street beasts and baby factory running, barely legal uneducated Guadalupe on a stolen citizenship to vote.
We found out. That is why we voted them out in 2020.
'We' didn't vote Trump out, the election was stolen by YOUR party. YOUR party is responsible for 4 years of a fake Russia hoax, a fake impeachment and a fake response to a seasonal flu. All because of YOUR party's "Orange Man Bad" meme. Folks like YOU fell for it hook-line-and sinker.
Lefties will spend 100 times more time and effort evading answering the opening post than it would take to just answer it. It is a picture worth a thousand words though, that shows that they REALLY value the vote of the lowest bottom feeders. They will " fight like hell" to protect the bottom feeder vote that fuels the Democrat party.
Lefties do not want to say why they are so interested in getting the bottom feeders to vote.
If you Trump Humper bottom feeders want vote Dem have at it
the democrats depend on dim witted poorly educated and non americans to vote for them
Nah. We know you Trump fanboys will never
Are you sure these mutants are "Trump Fan Boys"?
The alternative being what?
Only wise informed, accountable, independent folks with skin in the game vote....fuck that would be terrible.
It's fine in theory but tell me how it would work in practice and maybe I'll change my mind.
Easy. Instead of focusing on getting the bottom feeder vote, just focus on getting the "wise informed, accountable, independent folks with skin in the game" vote
The alternative being what?
Only wise informed, accountable, independent folks with skin in the game vote....fuck that would be terrible.
It's fine in theory but tell me how it would work in practice and maybe I'll change my mind.
Easy. Instead of focusing on getting the bottom feeder vote, just focus on getting the "wise informed, accountable, independent folks with skin in the game" vote
Ahhh, so you mean we should only campaign where the most the educated people are, like universities? Somehow I doubt that is what you meant, I'm guessing you meant we should make it harder for poor people and people of color to vote. Isn't that what the GOP is doing?
I'm guessing you meant we should make it harder for poor people and people of color to vote. Isn't that what the GOP is doing?
Why do you racist bigots keep saying that poor dark people are too stupid to vote with / like the masses?
I'm guessing you meant we should make it harder for poor people and people of color to vote. Isn't that what the GOP is doing?
Why do you racist bigots keep saying that poor dark people are too stupid to vote with / like the masses?
Why do you racist bigots look at how and where Blacks tend to vote and make it harder for them to do it?
How is it "hard"?
Face it...unless we send limos for your pet humans on voting day you'll say it's too hard for them.
Ahhh, so you mean we should only campaign where the most the educated people are, like universities? Somehow I doubt that is what you meant, I'm guessing you meant we should make it harder for poor people and people of color to vote. Isn't that what the GOP is doing?
Stick to what you quoted of me: "wise informed, accountable, independent folks with skin in the game"
I'm guessing you meant we should make it harder for poor people and people of color to vote. Isn't that what the GOP is doing?
Why do you racist bigots keep saying that poor dark people are too stupid to vote with / like the masses?
Why do you racist bigots look at how and where Blacks tend to vote and make it harder for them to do it?
You're making a complete ass of yourself here in public forum....Man up and admit it...Dems need wetbacks and their spawn, taxpayer dependent filth, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals and degenerates to make it to the polls because legit first class core Americans can't and won't vote for the Party Of Filth

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