Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?

You can be anybody you want to be on the net.
That's true. So lets leave my education out of the discussion (which, however, is true as listed).
Do you intend to answer my questions?
Bonus question: Have YOU ever been to a University.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
if all they do is waste tax money, why do Americans keep giving it to them?

tax revolt
But none of you can actually prov it. Bit like the Jewish Space Lasers you all believe in.
But you dont need proof to convince conservatives so you are ok.
Egads, you don't believe in the Jewish space lasers? You schmuck.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
Help me keep track of sexual deviants OP...

I know how much you care about this issue.
China or the CCP took over their population with the same tactic but they used wealth and class status instead of race and sex to do it in their schools and entertainment sectors....divide and conquer.....
Its as old as government itself....
of course there was also the dumbing down of education...

I've been in both red and blue states... Blue states seem to be anti-learning, anti-REAL news... long story what all I mean...

reminds me of Jesus talking about the separation of the sheep from the goats.. all the sheep (Rs) are going to end up in TX and other southern states while the moral-losers end up elsewhere... and then maybe Jesus will return...

something has to happen, that we know....
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
Because they are perverse scum and want to destroy families.
EVERYWHERE that shitholeism is manifested and fostered…You really haven’t seen/heard weirdos defending these teachings…you haven’t seen the brawls at school board meetings?
Post them OP. Let us see what you know.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?

They've tried that but Republicans won't even teach their children about straight sex, much less gender identity issues.
Just one place would help. I would like to see these curiculums and what they entail.

There is a suspicion that CRT is not being taught in any school and is just a right wing bogey man to whip up the ignorant.

i have seen some of these school board meetings and the quality of speaker is very low grade. theey should not be dictating educational policy.
You could say in Florida, liberals their are fighting hard against the law that. Makes it against the law to talk about sex to 4 to 8 year olds. Even Disney is getting in on it. So answer me one question, you good with 4 to 8 years olds being taught about sex? Yes or no question.
They've tried that but Republicans won't even teach their children about straight sex, much less gender identity issues.
No we wait till their minds are mature enough. But we know about your agenda.
They've tried that but Republicans won't even teach their children about straight sex, much less gender identity issues.
Hmmm….why do you suppose ‘Republicans’ have fewer abortions, fewer children out of wedlock…why are fewer gender confused weirdos and butt fucking faggots?
Could you please explain what you define as CRT? Then could you please give actual evidence of CRT being taught in school?
Playing stupid is not a rational refutation…the loons have spent the last few years defending CRT teachings in public schools…are you now saying that you’ve been defending something that doesn’t actually exist?
The Education Department actually states that this is not so and that CRT doesnt form part of the programme.

The Department is not encouraging the use of American Rescue Plan funds to teach CRT—and any claim to the contrary is patently false,"

I am not saying that you are wrong but the onus is on you to prove that they are lying.

That does not appear correct when reading the article.
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) was awarded $9 billion in ARP ESSER funding to implement its reopening plan, which supported "putting DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) at the heart of NYSED’s work with" all local education agencies.
There are at least ten other states, including Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia, that have used or plan to use billions of dollars in ARP funding for their state education departments to implement.....
I read your link..... What exactly in Critical Race Theory will they be now teaching? ZIP ZERO NOTHING
Per the article....

Blue states across the country are using billions of taxpayer dollars from President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to push core tenets of critical race theory (CRT) in public schools.

...including California, New York and Illinois, that are planning to use the funds to implement CRT in their schools.

The California DoE used funds to "increase educator training and resources" in subjects such as "anti-bias strategies," "environmental literacy," "ethnic studies," and "LGBTQ+ cultural competency," according to the plan.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) was awarded $9 billion in ARP ESSER funding to implement its reopening plan, which supported "putting DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion)....The approved plan included "providing staff development on topics such as culturally responsive sustaining instruction and student support practices, privilege, implicit bias,....
There are at least ten other states, including Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia, that have used or plan to use billions of dollars in ARP funding for their state education departments to implement certain tenets of CRT.

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