Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?

Just one place would help. I would like to see these curiculums and what they entail.

There is a suspicion that CRT is not being taught in any school and is just a right wing bogey man to whip up the ignorant.

i have seen some of these school board meetings and the quality of speaker is very low grade. theey should not be dictating educational policy.
Weird how you clowns claim none of this is being taught anywhere, then go apoplectic when a law is passed saying it can’t be taught.

Why are you so butthurt if it isn’t happening anywhere, Clown?
It's so sad that we have a political party who hate education and betterment of society so much that they call any idea of proper historical or contextual understanding of the world as "CRT".

I guess as Trump said, "I love the poorly educated". We know Trump. We know.
You mean historical rewriting to fit the Left's agenda. The history that's been taught for decades is the true history of America, dumb shit Commie!

Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?​

No idea what you are talking about, but nice Confederate Flag avatar or whatever. Keep making stuff up
So, it’s not being taught. Why would you have a problem banning something from being taught that isn’t being taught?
The Education Department actually states that this is not so and that CRT doesnt form part of the programme.

The Department is not encouraging the use of American Rescue Plan funds to teach CRT—and any claim to the contrary is patently false,"

I am not saying that you are wrong but the onus is on you to prove that they are lying.
Funny how they didn’t say using those funds to teach CRT is banned, huh?

”Not being encouraged”….Gubmint weasel words.
Well they are on record denying it. You are making the accusation but cant seem to produce any evidence to support this. A bit like the stop the steal thing and the paedo pizza palour that you idiots shot up.

You need to show evidence. You do understand that right ?
No, they didn’t deny it. They said they aren’t encouraging it.

Learn to read, Dipshit.
I think it is in line with con values. They want to shut down public schools and hand out vouchers.
Kids would then go to corporation owned schools where they could monetise education.
The same shit argument is being made over here. Problem being all of these "free" or "charter" schools are hopelessly corrupt with millions of pounds of taxpayer money being fiddled aay. Education has not improved either.
You think public schools are free? What a dumbass.
Weird how you clowns claim none of this is being taught anywhere, then go apoplectic when a law is passed saying it can’t be taught.

Why are you so butthurt if it isn’t happening anywhere, Clown?
Because it is creating a false narrative as well as restricting academic free speech.
You mean historical rewriting to fit the Left's agenda. The history that's been taught for decades is the true history of America, dumb shit Commie!
i would be astonished if our view of the past had not changed in decades.

History changes as new information becomes available. You do acknowledge that dont you ?

We ere taught in school that the empire was a wonderful thing. No we know it was just a corrupt and cruel tool to enrich evil people.

You have given a typical conservative ignorant response.

Do you really believe this shit ?
Where did I say that dickhead ? We pay for them through our taxes.
You whined about private schools charging money. Claimed they are monitizing education.

WTF do you thin public schools and their unions do, Halfwit?
Why are you wasting energy banning things that dont exist /
Did you ever go to a university ?
Who said it is wasted energy?

You still can’t explain why you are pissing your Depends over something being banned that you claim doesn’t exist.

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