Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?

Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?​

Has anyone asked that simple question?

  • The democrat party has BECOME the party of scuzzos and freaks, faggots, druggies, illegals, the criminal, racists, and the sexually perverted and confused. If they are to survive as a viable party, they NEED to begin educating and training people at a very young age to grow up to not only accept all that as normal, but to actually VOTE for more of it to keep them in power!
“…the law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement "implicit bias" and "anti-racism" training, among other programs…”

That’s all they mean by tenets of CRT? I don’t see any problems with this training.
“…the law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement "implicit bias" and "anti-racism" training, among other programs…”

That’s all they mean by tenets of CRT? I don’t see any problems with this training.
That is because you are okay with teaching CRT. However, many others are not, and that is not what those moneys were allocated for.
Just one place would help. I would like to see these curiculums and what they entail.

There is a suspicion that CRT is not being taught in any school and is just a right wing bogey man to whip up the ignorant.

i have seen some of these school board meetings and the quality of speaker is very low grade. theey should not be dictating educational policy.

You asked for 1. Here's 2. There are many more online. It took all of 3 minutes to find this.


"[T]he California State Board of Education on Thursday approved the nation’s first statewide ethnic studies curriculum for high schools, saying the teaching of discrimination and oppression has never been more important."


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That is because you are okay with teaching CRT. However, many others are not, and that is not what those moneys were allocated for.
All your article said was that they were using the funds to implement anti-racism and implicit bias training. If that’s all you mean by CRT then that’s fine with me.
There is no porn. They're objecting to pictures of babies who have two dads or two moms. What the State of Florida is describing as "porn" are widely praised children's books which show families which are not a husband, wife and children.

This book was banned:

Amazon product ASIN 0547510748
No groomer, they and i am objecting to you filth teaching children sexual perversion and mutilation.
All your article said was that they were using the funds to implement anti-racism and implicit bias training. If that’s all you mean by CRT then that’s fine with me.
Nice word play. However the funds were not given to the schools for this use.
EVERYWHERE that shitholeism is manifested and fostered…You really haven’t seen/heard weirdos defending these teachings…you haven’t seen the brawls at school board meetings?
The brawls are started by ignorant bigots like yourself.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
Why wouldn’t you want them to teach our children?
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
Because both are key to their continued political success and essential to them eventually gaining permanent power.
Why wouldn’t you want them to teach our children?
The reasons are really irrelevant, it's the right of parents to teach their children what they want and to instill them with their values.

Nothing in our constitution empowers the gov't to take that power from parents.
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Word play? That’s what your fucking article said.

You didn’t even read your own article, did you?
Yes I did, and as stated they are misusing government funds for this radical teaching, and the ask for proof was given as requested by Tommy Tainant . I can see you staying classy in true liberal fashion.
Yes I did, and as stated they are misusing government funds for this radical teaching, and the ask for proof was given as requested by Tommy Tainant . I can see you staying classy in true liberal fashion.
“Radical teaching” you say.

Your article says the funding is going to anti-racism and implicit bias training. Is that what you mean by “radical teaching”? Because that doesn’t sound so radical to me.
The reasons are really irrelevant, it's the right of parents to tech their children what they want and to instill them with their values.

Nothing in our constitution empowers the gov't to take that power from parents.
Is somebody saying that parents don’t have the right to teach their kids values?
“Radical teaching” you say.

Your article says the funding is going to anti-racism and implicit bias training. Is that what you mean by “radical teaching”? Because that doesn’t sound so radical to me.
We should not be telling white students they are inherently racist, evil individuals. It is total crap and this false information should not be taught. However, the issue is the use of funds being misused which you seem to be avoiding.
We should not be telling white students they are inherently racist, evil individuals. It is total crap and this false information should not be taught. However, the issue is the use of funds being misused which you seem to be avoiding.
I don’t believe it is part of any curriculum to tell white students they are racist and evil. If it is then can you link to it?

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