Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?

I understand the term. There is a reason you don’t want to talk about it.
If you have a point to make, then fucking make it already.

I'm not going to go on a scavenger hunt to look up terms for you when everyone else here is perfectly capable of understanding what is being discussed. I wasn't even talking to you.
I didn't post the article.

You can read the article yourself and look up any terms you don't understand. I'm not your mom.
Implicit: Always to be found in.

Bias: Racism.

So you admit that curriculums train kids that racism is always to be found in them.
That is part of CRT, and have already provided links. Feel free to go through the links on page 1-6.
I did and I did not see what you claim is in the school curriculum. Since you’ve dodged giving a direct link and example it’s seems as if you don’t really know what you’re talking about or you are being dishonest
You done?? Got nothing?
Already posted links several times. If you are too lazy to go through the many links by me and others, that is on you.
So according to you, anti-racism and implicit bias training are "part of CRT". And this is "radical teaching" according to you.

I guess I just disagree with you on this. I have no problem with those "radical" aspects of what you consider CRT.

You have no problem with teaching little children that "whiteness" is the cause of the social ills in America?

Then you are a racist. Or worse, too apathetic to even care THAT much.

You have no problem with teaching little children that "whiteness" is the cause of the social ills in America?

Then you are a racist. Or worse, too apathetic to even care THAT much.
How are little children being taught that whiteness is the cause of social ills in America. Can you give an example?
How are little children being taught that whiteness is the cause of social ills in America. Can you give an example?
I can give many examples. For now though, I'm going to refer you to any of the 150 examples that have ALREADY been posted. And generally speaking, I expect you to do your own research. I've already done mine.
I can give many examples. For now though, I'm going to refer you to any of the 150 examples that have ALREADY been posted. And generally speaking, I expect you to do your own research. I've already done mine.
Research done and previous examples reviewed. Did not see one that showed what I asked you about. How about you give one of your many examples??
Research done and previous examples reviewed. Did not see one that showed what I asked you about. How about you give one of your many examples??
Just a few of the many on my list:

I don’t believe it is part of any curriculum to tell white students they are racist and evil. If it is then can you link to it?
because you live behind closed doors then. Don't know what to tell you bubba, but you be fking out of touch. Stay stupid my friend.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?
Oh crap. Don't give them any ideas.
If it was up to the Libtards not only would our children get CRT, Hate Whitey, and Queer Nation grooming and indoctrination but they would get extensive classes in Marxism.

They would be told that the real Founding Fathers of this country were Martin Luther King Jr. and George Washington Carver.

Just imagine how screwed up a class in Biology would be if these Moon Bats were calling all the shots.
The brawls are started by ignorant bigots like yourself.
Good parents who don’t want their innocent children taught that blacks are and have always been inferior second class citizens are “bigots”?
I just can’t reconcile the ass-backwards bullshit….THANK GOD!

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