Why do Democrats want taxpayer funded educators to teach our children homosexuality and CRT?

You must've missed this story:

And you must have missed this one:

Thanks but I have no interest in an opinion video.
I prefer facts. Name a school that teaches this subject and I will look up the curiculum and then make my own decision.
That should not be too dificult if it is "everywhere".
If you cant I will be forced to conclude that the OP is full of shit.
Love to see the exam....

We could see what grade I would get...
The Education Department actually states that this is not so and that CRT doesnt form part of the programme.

The Department is not encouraging the use of American Rescue Plan funds to teach CRT—and any claim to the contrary is patently false,"

I am not saying that you are wrong but the onus is on you to prove that they are lying.
This may come as a surprise to you, but unlike the uninformed dumb fucks you are, we don't believe every fucking word our government tells us.

Just because they said they're not doing it doesn't mean it is the truth.

We already know they are renaming and re-branding shit. That's exactly what you communists do. We figure out what kind of bullshit you're running to try to get your Marxist utopia in place, and instead of realizing that most of the people don't want your cock sucking shit, you simply re-branding resell it is something else.

We are not fooled, you butt pirate commie motherfucker. Keep your Marxist ass the fuck out of here.

That's it. I want to go to war with Britain again and give them a righteous ass whipping for a third time. These fucking lessers need to get back in their place.
Why are the Neo-GOP liars and Flip-Floppers?

Everyone not in the Cult of Trumpyberra is asking.
This may come as a surprise to you, but unlike the uninformed dumb fucks you are, we don't believe every fucking word our government tells us.

Just because they said they're not doing it doesn't mean it is the truth.

We already know they are renaming and re-branding shit. That's exactly what you communists do. We figure out what kind of bullshit you're running to try to get your Marxist utopia in place, and instead of realizing that most of the people don't want your cock sucking shit, you simply re-branding resell it is something else.

We are not fooled, you butt pirate commie motherfucker. Keep your Marxist ass the fuck out of here.

That's it. I want to go to war with Britain again and give them a righteous ass whipping for a third time. These fucking lessers need to get back in their place.
Well they are on record denying it. You are making the accusation but cant seem to produce any evidence to support this. A bit like the stop the steal thing and the paedo pizza palour that you idiots shot up.

You need to show evidence. You do understand that right ?
It's so sad that we have a political party who hate education and betterment of society so much that they call any idea of proper historical or contextual understanding of the world as "CRT".

I guess as Trump said, "I love the poorly educated". We know Trump. We know.
I think it is in line with con values. They want to shut down public schools and hand out vouchers.
Kids would then go to corporation owned schools where they could monetise education.
The same shit argument is being made over here. Problem being all of these "free" or "charter" schools are hopelessly corrupt with millions of pounds of taxpayer money being fiddled aay. Education has not improved either.
China or the CCP took over their population with the same tactic but they used wealth and class status instead of race and sex to do it in their schools and entertainment sectors....divide and conquer.....
Its as old as government itself....
The idea that you are an expert on the Chinese education system is making me smile. Many thanks.
Thanks but I have no interest in an opinion video.
I prefer facts. Name a school that teaches this subject and I will look up the curiculum and then make my own decision.
That should not be too dificult if it is "everywhere".
If you cant I will be forced to conclude that the OP is full of shit.
what was opinion?
And you must have missed this one:

Nobody will miss the fact that agitprop dreck is from the hack-a-rama at Raw Sewage.
It's so sad that we have a political party who hate education and betterment of society so much that they call any idea of proper historical or contextual understanding of the world as "CRT".

I guess as Trump said, "I love the poorly educated". We know Trump. We know.
right? the demofks think they control everything.
I think it is in line with con values. They want to shut down public schools and hand out vouchers.
Kids would then go to corporation owned schools where they could monetise education.
The same shit argument is being made over here. Problem being all of these "free" or "charter" schools are hopelessly corrupt with millions of pounds of taxpayer money being fiddled aay. Education has not improved either.
yep you're against the blacks getting an education. We know, your kkk roots are thick there.
Has anyone asked that simple question?
If Dems believe it’s genuinely important that children learn about these things why wouldn’t Democrats push a campaign to encourage parents to discuss/teach these things at home?
Is sexual deviance and racial divide tools of a Marxist programmer?

Because the answer is easy, at school parents aren't around to see and hear what's being taught.

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