Debate Now Why do I need to wear a mask if I'm vaccinated?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
No rules, anybody can answer,.. but I don't know why some places (not around here) are insisting upon this (not even allowing proof of vaccination) and I think it's stupid.
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No rules, anybody can answer,.. but I don't know why some places (not around here) are insisting upon this (not even allowing proof of vaccination) and I think it's stupid.
Maybe you ought to watch the real news, and listen to real journalists, not faux talking heads who do phony interviews where both parties read from the teleprompter. But I digress.

Wearing a mask in public
  • Protects the wearer from contracting a virus
  • Protects others from infecting others
    • who show no symptoms and are a carrier.
    • shows others they have the same freedoms and liberty as jerks who don't
  • Do you put on a seat belt, and secure your children in a car if you have any?
    • A seat belt protects people
    • A mask protects people
Is this simple enough for you Simon?
I'm still not worried about getting the virus because I'm vaccinated and it's a waste of time for me. :rolleyes:
Because vaccinated people can still contract the virus and pass it to unvaccinated people.
So if this is true, what it the point of vaccine proof to interact with government agencies and businesses? The vaccinated have no benefit over the vaccinated.
Maybe you ought to watch the real news, and listen to real journalists, not faux talking heads who do phony interviews where both parties read from the teleprompter. But I digress.

Wearing a mask in public
  • Protects the wearer from contracting a virus
  • Protects others from infecting others
    • who show no symptoms and are a carrier.
    • shows others they have the same freedoms and liberty as jerks who don't
  • Do you put on a seat belt, and secure your children in a car if you have any?
    • A seat belt protects people
    • A mask protects people
Is this simple enough for you Simon?
Who gets to decide what is "real" news, and who is a "real" journalist?
I'm still not worried about getting the virus because I'm vaccinated and it's a waste of time for me. :rolleyes:
Actually, for those that have been vaccinated it is more important to wear a mask than for those that have not been vaccinated. If you have been vaccinated you can get the Delta variant and show no symptoms. Unwittingly, you could pass it on to many others. If you have not been vaccinated and you get the Delta variant you will probably know it and you will self isolate.
So if this is true, what it the point of vaccine proof to interact with government agencies and businesses? The vaccinated have no benefit over the vaccinated.
It would seem that way, but the vaccinated people who do get a breakthrough infection, seemingly do not endure the adverse symptoms, or death. There are a bunch of baseball players who have been vaccinated, and are testing positive and have to sit out for ten days and then test negative three days in row, or something.
Who gets to decide what is "real" news, and who is a "real" journalist?
We do, and if we fail, as we are at the moment..we hurt ourselves the most. If we have bad data..we will make bad decisions...simple as that.

As for masking? Almost all the reasoning for wearing one comes down to protecting others. Most masks won't really help all that much for the wearer...but it a tremendous tool for the other guy. Everyone wears--everyone wins. So..for me, it comes down to selfishness versus self-sacrifice.
Were I a religious guy..I might make a reference as to which one the Bible seems to favor..but I'll let others do that for me.
Maybe you ought to watch the real news, and listen to real journalists, not faux talking heads who do phony interviews where both parties read from the teleprompter. But I digress.

Wearing a mask in public
  • Protects the wearer from contracting a virus
  • Protects others from infecting others
    • who show no symptoms and are a carrier.
    • shows others they have the same freedoms and liberty as jerks who don't
  • Do you put on a seat belt, and secure your children in a car if you have any?
    • A seat belt protects people
    • A mask protects people
Is this simple enough for you Simon?
It is simply propaganda. That good enough for you?
It would seem that way, but the vaccinated people who do get a breakthrough infection, seemingly do not endure the adverse symptoms, or death. There are a bunch of baseball players who have been vaccinated, and are testing positive and have to sit out for ten days and then test negative three days in row, or something.
Yet, not a single athlete in baseball or the NFL, or the NBA, or the NHL have died from having this virus.
Joe Dufus says we need to pay people $100 to get vaccinated.

If the vaccine is so damn good why should we have pay people to take it?
They don't.

Neither do the unvaccinated.

Masks are Kabuki theater.
Who gets to decide what is "real" news, and who is a "real" journalist?
The listener and watcher.

There really is Fake News. It is not ABC, CBS or NBC; it is Breitbart, Faux News and those talking heads whose interviews are fake, they are easily defined watching for example, Tucker Carlson or Hannity or other actors on Fox News, who read leading questions already printed on the teleprompter, and the response is the same, a long winded response supporting the leading question also on the teleprompter.

AM Conservative talking heads learned from Limbaugh to make a pretense of a debate when a non ditto head challenged his daily rant, already written days in advance. Limbaugh listened for a short time, then disconnected the caller and went into a Soliloquy, a long winded already written "speech" to himself and his ditto head audience.

Another example is when Dumb Donald goes of the cuff. The topic on the teleprompter goes away, and the donald attacks the press or whosoever didn't kiss is fat as of the moment.

Then there are the Internet Tabloids, Supermarket Magazines and than those on the social media who take sensationalist headlines and print them as true, then the biddable fools echo it all over message boards such as this one.
Joe Dufus says we need to pay people $100 to get vaccinated.

If the vaccine is so damn good why should we have pay people to take it?
Whose Joe Dufus? Is he one of the members of the Swamp appointed by Dumb Corrupt Donald?

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