Why Do Liberals Feel The Need To 'Steal Jesus' At Christmas Time?

Jeez, I don't know what makes you think liberals stole baby Jesus. Did I miss something, or are you guys just being silly? The vandals who took the baby probably have VERY little political opinion in any category.
Going around stealing and destroying fellow Christians' baby Jesus' is not the sort of things Conservatives do, OL.

Did you read the study that shows Liberals are more likely NOT to say Merry Christmas than Conservatives, not that it has a major impact on this story? It does show Christmas has more significant meaning to Conservatives that to liberals. It is partly because Conservatives have been proven to be more tolerant....IMHO.

Conservatives love ‘Merry Christmas.’ Liberals don’t care.
My goodness, people have been stealing "baby jesus" from manger scenes since I can remember......just like stealing lightbulbs from outside lights and, of course, smashing Jack-o-Lanterns at Halloween. I guess it just takes someone like you to turn it into a Persecution thread to feel good about yourself.
So you seem to be very tolerant of criminal activity.......
A nativity scene without any Jews, Arabs, Africans, refugees or unwed mothers
Jeez, I don't know what makes you think liberals stole baby Jesus. Did I miss something, or are you guys just being silly? The vandals who took the baby probably have VERY little political opinion in any category.
Going around stealing and destroying fellow Christians' baby Jesus' is not the sort of things Conservatives do, OL.

Did you read the study that shows Liberals are more likely NOT to say Merry Christmas than Conservatives, not that it has a major impact on this story? It does show Christmas has more significant meaning to Conservatives that to liberals. It is partly because Conservatives have been proven to be more tolerant....IMHO.

Conservatives love ‘Merry Christmas.’ Liberals don’t care.
Easy, if we are going to celebrate Christmas here, you should try to drop the Liberals-as-Boogeyman philosophy, at least for a few days. I have been trying to drop the Conservatives-as-Devils stance, but SOME of you guys are making that kinda hard. Ya know what I mean?
We're talking about the Christian symbol of hope for the world. Must it be sullied by such blind hatred on the Right?
Maybe they are fundies who see plastic Jesus as a violation of the Commandments:

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

— Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV)
When I was a hormonal teenager very upset at my parents' intensely nasty divorce, I committed vandalism by blowing dandelion seeds all over the just rolled turf of lawn in our new apartment complex.
Vandalism is intense anger misdirected. It usually has little to do with what is damaged.
Jesus' birthday was of minor importance. There were only a couple of verses devoted to his birth. The entire new testament was devoted to his life. Thats what we need to celebrate.....not his birthday.
Are they THAT threatened by a plastic baby Jesus in a manger scene?

Are they THAT miserable that they feel the need to inflict that misery on others?

Do they realize that stealing or destroying a plastic baby Jesus does NOTHING to destroy the meaning of the season or Christians' faith?

Vandals smash nativity scenes, abduct baby Jesus in PA, TN, NH

Vandals smash nativity scenes, abduct baby Jesus in PA, TN, NH - The American Mirror

"Vandals are targeting nativity scenes across the country, most recently with thrashed figurines in Pennsylvania and reports of baby Jesus abductions in Tennessee and New Hampshire.

“What would possess someone to take the main character out of my scene?” she questioned. “They did it last year, and they did it again this year. “They obviously need Jesus more than I do right now,” she said."

Here's your 'basket of deplorables', Hillary - delinquents who steal and destroy others property, specifically the baby Jesus in Christmas Nativity Scenes.

Why do Right Wing Nut jobs feel the need to attack Liberals because of some vandals?

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