Why do liberals hate Christianity ?

Of course you have all this proof (from all the far left blog sites) that proves the US was founded on "Liberalism".

And why should I post what a 10 second internet search will provide for you.

I do not do someone else's homework. You promote that the country was founded on "liberalism", up to you to prove you are right.

Then again the far left will knowing post bunk material and lies and expect you to prove them wrong.

It wasn't the conservatives, they did not want change..

The liberals of our founding are the true conservatives that you enjoy applying dumbass concepts to today. Conservatives are not opposed to change. Most of us would like to see the administration change. Most of us would like to see tax policy changed. And most of us would like to see regulatroy change.

The fact that we do not like your idea of change does not mean we oppose change. we just like to see common sense applied to any change, and there is little, if any common sense in the changes you champion.

Clasical Liberals, such as our framers, wanted freedom of choice, and they fought a revolution to get that freedom. They wanted freedom of thought, freedom or speech, and freedom of religion. They believed that man had the right to choose his own destiny. Those are the very same things that true conservatives want today.

Liberal/socialists, on the other hand, want freedom from want, freedom from povery, and freedom from responsibility for their own bad decisions. And yes, they want the freedom to tell other people how they should live and work for the common good (liberal/socialist code for take care of the rest of us).
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron
have any Christians forcefully put a muzzle on your horse face to keep you from sucking dicks homo ?? has the local church strapped a basketball sized butt plug on you to keep you from taking it up your gigantic ass ??:doubt:
"Outdated" definitions? Conservatism by its definition is afraid of change. Conservatives are still afraid of change. It's why they unleashed the rabidly afraid American Taliban Teabagger party to stifle a black President. Conservatives are just always afraid.

That's why they keep buying more and more guns.

Yes outdated definitions and now more far left propaganda!

translation= Kosh you got your ass handed to you ... your response, typical republican who just got his ass kick... how about a couple of "oh yeah" !!!! "I know you are but what am I" ...
"Outdated" definitions? Conservatism by its definition is afraid of change. Conservatives are still afraid of change. It's why they unleashed the rabidly afraid American Taliban Teabagger party to stifle a black President. Conservatives are just always afraid.

That's why they keep buying more and more guns.

Yes outdated definitions and now more far left propaganda!

translation= Kosh you got your ass handed to you ... your response, typical republican who just got his ass kick... how about a couple of "oh yeah" !!!! "I know you are but what am I" ...

Wrong! More far left propaganda based on talking points and zero facts.

Then again what would you expect from the far left Obama drones.

More proof that the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Notice though how the far left has all but stopped using the whole "separation of Church and state". Just wondering how that got removed from the programmed responses.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

we are talking religion not beliefs ... tell me one thing a liberals religion has ever forced on you ... you can't tell us .. you have to come back with this mediocre response of liberal beliefs ... have we forced any ten commandments in your school business or government building ??? no !!!! have we said we have to have prayers in your school, business or government building every morning ??? NO !!!! you christians have ... stop confusing Ideas and religious beliefs as one and the same
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron
have any Christians forcefully put a muzzle on your horse face to keep you from sucking dicks homo ?? has the local church strapped a basketball sized butt plug on you to keep you from taking it up your gigantic ass ??:doubt:

I see you're want to have more gay sex again well I'm not into that sort of thing ... its ok for you though ...suck away dick smoker
puff puff
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this is what liberals refuse to acknowledge .

You have yet to explain this mysterious connection equation between religion and politics.

Where is it?
the premise of the thread is not to establish an equation between religion and politics . the thread is asking why a lot of liberals resent Christianity more than any other religion.

somewhat psycological reasons. Christianity isnt any pushier than Islam, just look whats happening in Africa with Sharia Law, look whats happening in France and England,
Its just that is easier to rebel against the ones most close to your self,... that your more familiar with. For some Liberals, their parents were CONSERVATIVES and in a sense they rebel against their parents beliefs. Hating christianity may possibly in some cases be an extension of that rebellion.
liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

we are talking religion not beliefs ... tell me one thing a liberals religion has ever forced on you ... you can't tell us .. you have to come back with this mediocre response of liberal beliefs ... have we forced any ten commandments in your school business or government building ??? no !!!! have we said we have to have prayers in your school, business or government building every morning ??? NO !!!! you christians have ... stop confusing Ideas and religious beliefs as one and the same

More proof the the far left does not understand what they post about, just likes to use programmed talking points vs actual facts.

Same old far left programmed propaganda material!

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You have yet to explain this mysterious connection equation between religion and politics.

Where is it?
the premise of the thread is not to establish an equation between religion and politics . the thread is asking why a lot of liberals resent Christianity more than any other religion.

somewhat psycological reasons. Christianity isnt any pushier than Islam, just look whats happening in Africa with Sharia Law, look whats happening in France and England,
Its just that is easier to rebel against the ones most close to your self,... that your more familiar with. For some Liberals, their parents were CONSERVATIVES and in a sense they rebel against their parents beliefs. Hating christianity may possibly in some cases be an extension of that rebellion.

So as I have pointed out before the far left has yet to grow up!

Then again JFK was a conservative and so was Carter. Although we did watch the far left dismantle Carter when he defied them.
Yes outdated definitions and now more far left propaganda!

translation= Kosh you got your ass handed to you ... your response, typical republican who just got his ass kick... how about a couple of "oh yeah" !!!! "I know you are but what am I" ...

Wrong! More far left propaganda based on talking points and zero facts.

Then again what would you expect from the far left Obama drones.

More proof that the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Notice though how the far left has all but stopped using the whole "separation of Church and state". Just wondering how that got removed from the programmed responses.

defining liberalism isn't propaganda .... it's a definition ...that fact that you are incapable of understanding the meaning is your problem ...

as for the meaning of liberalism it was that meaning way before obama ... obama had nothing to do with defining liberalism ... I realize when you rightwingnuts are getting your ass kick its your feeling to say a few obamas and drones which makes you feel better, but its still a pitiful response

you say the far left would rather see the world burn >????who went to war with Iraq because they were afraid ??? republicans ... who has cause the middle east to erupt in to violence ??? republicans... if any one wants to see the world burn that would be you republicans .... how many times have we heard from you republicans lets turn the middle east to glass ... to many time

speaking of programmed responses did you have this programmed responses of yours already written here???
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translation= Kosh you got your ass handed to you ... your response, typical republican who just got his ass kick... how about a couple of "oh yeah" !!!! "I know you are but what am I" ...

Wrong! More far left propaganda based on talking points and zero facts.

Then again what would you expect from the far left Obama drones.

More proof that the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Notice though how the far left has all but stopped using the whole "separation of Church and state". Just wondering how that got removed from the programmed responses.

defining liberalism isn't propaganda .... it's a definition ...that fact that you are incapable of understanding the meaning is your problem ...

as for the meaning of liberalism it was that meaning way before obama ... obama had nothing to do ,with defining liberalism I realize when you rightwingnuts are getting your ass kick its your feeling to say a few obamas and drones makes you feel better but its a pitiful response

you say the far left would rather see the world burn who went to war with Iraq because they were afraid ??? republicans who has cause the middle east to erupt in to violence ??? republicans if any one wants to see the world burn that would be you republicans .... how many times have we heard from you republicans lets turn the middle east to glass ... to many time

speaking of programmed responses did you have this programmed responses of yours already written here???

And the far left continues to show that they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

More far left propaganda based on programmed talking points.

No surprise here!

Seen one far left propaganda post, seen them all!

Can we get the far left posters to use one ID to post under?
the premise of the thread is not to establish an equation between religion and politics . the thread is asking why a lot of liberals resent Christianity more than any other religion.

somewhat psycological reasons. Christianity isnt any pushier than Islam, just look whats happening in Africa with Sharia Law, look whats happening in France and England,
Its just that is easier to rebel against the ones most close to your self,... that your more familiar with. For some Liberals, their parents were CONSERVATIVES and in a sense they rebel against their parents beliefs. Hating christianity may possibly in some cases be an extension of that rebellion.

So as I have pointed out before the far left has yet to grow up!

Then again JFK was a conservative and so was Carter. Although we did watch the far left dismantle Carter when he defied them.

you are one fuck up person .... let me try one more time ... liberals won't walk in lock step with everything that is said by liberals ... we aren't republicans ... we liberals will disagree with our leaders ... let them know we aren't happy with what they are doings ... look at what we did when Obama tried to put medicare and social security on the chopping block ...did we sit their quite because Obama is our god??? hell no we went after him ... just because he's a democrat doesn't mean we won't set him strait on what we believe, where you republican will say oh well he bush he's our leader ...lets follow him right off the cliff ... unlike you republicans when a country girl band says they are ashamed of being from texas because of their lying president, we as liberals accept their opinion ... we don't go ape shit and call ever radio station in the country to try and band their music ... just because they vented their opinion to the public, now do we kosh ... if anyone needs to grow up its you republicans ... we have the right to have separation of church and state ... you don't have the right to take it from us ... their are ya happy now ... or are you looking for some reason to jump on the phrase "separation of church and state"
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The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

we are talking religion not beliefs ... tell me one thing a liberals religion has ever forced on you ... you can't tell us .. you have to come back with this mediocre response of liberal beliefs ... have we forced any ten commandments in your school business or government building ??? no !!!! have we said we have to have prayers in your school, business or government building every morning ??? NO !!!! you christians have ... stop confusing Ideas and religious beliefs as one and the same

More proof the the far left does not understand what they post about, just likes to use programmed talking points vs actual facts.
Same old far left programmed propaganda material!


do you ever say anything thats worth reading ??? you're starting to sound like a broken record... its propaganda this propaganda that ... deny this !!! deny that!!! never taking responsibility for anything you republicans fuck up ... you force your way of life on us all... then can't comprehend why we object to your jack booted ways... if any one here need to find out what are real facts that would be you.. cause you're clueless:lol::lol::lol::D
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

why would we be jealous if a group is forcing their religion on us ... to me that would makes us angry not jealous ... your post here isn't really well though out here ... just a programed response of yours... just a after thought
It wasn't the conservatives, they did not want change..

The liberals of our founding are the true conservatives that you enjoy applying dumbass concepts to today. Conservatives are not opposed to change. Most of us would like to see the administration change. Most of us would like to see tax policy changed. And most of us would like to see regulatroy change.

this has got to be the most ignorant response to date... regulatory change??? really you want to go with that??? when the republican under Bush as you call it had "regulatory change" it almost cause us to go into another great depression ... regulatory change??? really you want to go with that??? thank god for democrats other wise we would be in deep dog shit

The fact that we do not like your idea of change does not mean we oppose change. we just like to see common sense applied to any change, and there is little, if any common sense in the changes you champion.

and it even gets worse ...our idea of change ... you mean like changing the law that the republican deregulated under bush ... that kind of change you don't like ??? you would rather see everybody lying in the streets cause you don't like our idea of change

Clasical Liberals, such as our framers, wanted freedom of choice, and they fought a revolution to get that freedom. They wanted freedom of thought, freedom or speech, and freedom of religion. They believed that man had the right to choose his own destiny. Those are the very same things that true conservatives want today.

freedom of choice really I don't see any liberal trying to take womans choice away do I ?? hell nooooo !!!! republicans don't want freedom of thought, freedom or speech, and freedom of religion... they want to force their religion on you .. they don't want you to think for your self they would rather do it for you ... are you nuts here really republicans believed that man had the right to choose his own destiny ??? now I'm laughing at you ...
Liberal/socialists, on the other hand, want freedom from want, freedom from povery, and freedom from responsibility for their own bad decisions. And yes, they want the freedom to tell other people how they should live and work for the common good (liberal/socialist code for take care of the rest of us).
you have got to be the most clueless person to date
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translation= Kosh you got your ass handed to you ... your response, typical republican who just got his ass kick... how about a couple of "oh yeah" !!!! "I know you are but what am I" ...

Wrong! More far left propaganda based on talking points and zero facts.

Then again what would you expect from the far left Obama drones.

More proof that the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Notice though how the far left has all but stopped using the whole "separation of Church and state". Just wondering how that got removed from the programmed responses.

defining liberalism isn't propaganda .... it's a definition ...that fact that you are incapable of understanding the meaning is your problem ...

as for the meaning of liberalism it was that meaning way before obama ... obama had nothing to do with defining liberalism ... I realize when you rightwingnuts are getting your ass kick its your feeling to say a few obamas and drones which makes you feel better, but its still a pitiful response

you say the far left would rather see the world burn >????who went to war with Iraq because they were afraid ??? republicans ... who has cause the middle east to erupt in to violence ??? republicans... if any one wants to see the world burn that would be you republicans .... how many times have we heard from you republicans lets turn the middle east to glass ... to many time

speaking of programmed responses did you have this programmed responses of yours already written here???
ever herd of the muslim brotherhood or the arab spring ?? the fact is your president is an arrogant idiot .
liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

why would we be jealous if a group is forcing their religion on us ... to me that would makes us angry not jealous ... your post here isn't really well though out here ... just a programed response of yours... just a after thought
tell us how Christianity is being forced upon you .:eusa_whistle:
Why? Because in this country the majority religion is christerism and practice in its fundamentalist form it's a mental illness. It stunts the rational thinking process. It is a virus of the mind

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Yeah, Christianity makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
You do realize, don't you, that the separatist Puritans/Congregationalists were evangelical? And that their publications in the 17th and 18th centuries were highly influential in forming our foundational principles? The Quakers (the Charismatics/Pentecostals of their day) also laid a solid Christian foundation in our land, Pennsylvania being the most tolerant British colony on the Atlantic seaboard, the example for and envy of the others.

Did you know then that the Congregationalists were leaders of the Great Awakening of the 1740s, a period of punctuated growth in evangelical Christianity in America?

But damn, those Puritans and Congregationalists sure messed things up, though, didn't they?

Actually, they weren't.

And for the most part, they had to really be fought.

Had we gone down the road they were building, this really would be a "Christian Nation" and we would still be burning witches.
Re my previous statement on how the evil fundie Xians started up the abolitionist movement in the U.S., that some poor ignorant ranting troll disputed. And for this 'JakeStarkey' poster, this is yet another post you can report for 'being too long' … whatever that was supposed to do for you and your inability to score any points in this thread.

The following is from Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction-James M. McPherson, 1982. Alfred A Knopf.

The Quakers became one of the most successful sects in England and America. By 1760 they began to purge themselves of slaveholding. In 1775 they founded the first American antislavery organization, the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. Meanwhile the First Great Awakening of the 1740s (the first of several major revival movements in the history of American Protestantism) had produced and evangelical faith in conversion and spiritual regeneration. This in turn caused many Congregationalists as well as Quakers to transform the view of sin as a form of slavery into a conviction that slaveholding was a sin.
p. 38 of the book.

The most important underlying cause for the emergence of militant abolitionism after 1830 was the religious phenomenon known as the Second Great Awakening … It spawned a host of reform crusades against 'sin'- the sin of infidelity, of Sabbath breaking, of prostitution, of intemperance, and of enslaving human beings. These crusades inherited the Puritan doctrine of collective accountability and collective judgment. All Americans were therefore accountable for the sin of slavery as long as one American held slaves.

The principal evangelical preacher of the Second Great Awakening was Charles Grandison Finney. Among his followers were the eloquent lecturer Theodore Weld and the wealthy merchant brothers Arthur and Lewis Tappan. Along with William Lloyd Garrison, these men became the principal founders of the American Antislavery Society in 1833. … By 1838, there were 1,350 such auxiliaries with a total claimed membership of 250,000.

The scope an fervor of this crusade were unprecedented. The abolitionists of the 1830s spurned the moderation and gradualism of their predecessors. … There must be no compromise with slavery, they inisisted: one does not compromise with sin, one vanquishes it. ….

In the 1830s, abolitionists had two primary goals: to convert Americans, including Southerners and slaveholders, to a belief that slaveholding was a sin; and to win equal rights for free blacks. These goals, and the methods to achieve them, were modeled on the religious crusades, or 'revivals', of the Second Great Awakening. Having themselves experienced conversion to abolitionism, the reformers hoped to convert others. Once convinced that slavery and racial discrimination were sins against God and man, Americans would cease sinning, surmount racism, abolish slavery, and grant equal rights to the freed people.
p. 40-41 of the book.

This part of the movement, the 'evil theocratic Xian fundies', is in contrast to those secular 'enlightened liberals' who were the far more numerous after 1840, whose version of 'anti-slavery' was not abolitionist, but in fact what would be a modern white nationalist's wet dream; they opposed slavery only in the new territories and northern states because they wanted no blacks at all to be allowed to settle there, free or slave.

The 'evil theocratic fundie' evangelicals were also the first to elect women to offices in their organization, and these are also the first organizations to spawn a women's rights and suffrage movement in the United States as well.

The Free Soilers, in contrast to most abolitionists, cared more about the rights of white men than the rights of black people. “There are Republicans who are Abolitionists, there are others who anxiously desire and labor for the good of the slave,” explained the New York Tribune in 1856,” but there are many more whose main impulse is to secure the new Territories for Free White Labor, with little or no regard for the interest of negroes, free or slave.”

It can also be noted the favorite Founder of the Xian Haters, Thomas Jefferson, the 'liberal Deist', remained a slave master for his entire life; just because Founders made grand speeches, like Jefferson's famous tract on slavery, doesn't mean they actually believed or practiced that stuff themselves. It's just that what politicians say in speeches has little or no relation to what they actually do.
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