Why do liberals hate Christianity ?

Fortunately for all of us, Freewill, the Supreme Court disagrees with you about the separation of church and state. However, you should take heart. Both Iran and Iraq agree with you.

WTF are you even talking about? Or more to the point babbling about? In you life you make decisions every day, right? I assume those decisions are based on some sort of rational thought, although I have no evidence of that happening. What do you base your decisions on? Your "feelings?" Or do you on your sense of right or wrong? The founders and me never once tried to force religion onto you. But that does not mean that decisions of those of faith are not made in line with that faith.

Your comments are absurd and not based on fact. What happens in a true theocracy is what we see in Iraq. Just expecting to be heard and being shouted down by your side just because someone holds Christian beliefs is very similar to what is happening in Iraq.

You an your ilk want to force the majority to believe that sodomy is natural, that is your belief, and in forcing your belief system, thus your religion, onto the majority you are acting very much like the Mullahs in the ME.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

So, if something like Prop 8 is passed in California by the majority of voters, for whatever their reasons, you are OK with that? You are not going to try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the courts? You act as if you are totally autonomous and your decisions are made objectively. I can only assume you are not a cyborg whose decisions are programed, even though that is what the majority of liberals sound like. I assume you base decisions on the facts as you know them. Your beliefs are as you have formulated them in you mind, relativism. Apparently to me the biggest fact that you use is to be anti-, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-America...on an on.

So your BELIEF is that homosexuality is natural, you base that one what? On science? Hardly. If Evolution does serve a purpose it at least is a system that explains the survival of a specie. Homosexuality works against evolution. There is absolutely no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible. Maybe homosexual ACTS may be explainable but that is about all. The point being is that you choose a side based on your faith as does everyone else in the free world. No one is forcing religion on you, no one. At least not yet, wait for the Muslim invasion then see what you are really worried about.
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they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

So, if something like Prop 8 is passed in California by the majority of voters, for whatever their reasons, you are OK with that? You are not going to try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the courts? You act as if you are totally autonomous and your decisions are made objectively. I can only assume you are not a cyborg whose decisions are programed, even though that is what the majority of liberals sound like. I assume you base decisions on the facts as you know them. Your beliefs are as you have formulated them in you mind, relativism. Apparently to me the biggest fact that you use is to be anti-, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-America...on an on.

So your BELIEF is that homosexuality is natural, you base that one what? On science? Hardly. If Evolution does serve a purpose it at least is a system that explains the survival of a specie. Homosexuality works against evolution. There is absolutely no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible. Maybe homosexual ACTS may be explainable but that is about all. The point being is that you choose a side based on your faith as does everyone else in the free world. No one is forcing religion on you, no one. At least not yet, wait for the Muslim invasion then see what you are really worried about.

I'm waiting for any liberal to answer that^^^^
liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

So, if something like Prop 8 is passed in California by the majority of voters, for whatever their reasons, you are OK with that? You are not going to try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the courts? You act as if you are totally autonomous and your decisions are made objectively. I can only assume you are not a cyborg whose decisions are programed, even though that is what the majority of liberals sound like. I assume you base decisions on the facts as you know them. Your beliefs are as you have formulated them in you mind, relativism. Apparently to me the biggest fact that you use is to be anti-, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-America...on an on.

So your BELIEF is that homosexuality is natural, you base that one what? On science? Hardly. If Evolution does serve a purpose it at least is a system that explains the survival of a specie. Homosexuality works against evolution. There is absolutely no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible. Maybe homosexual ACTS may be explainable but that is about all. The point being is that you choose a side based on your faith as does everyone else in the free world. No one is forcing religion on you, no one. At least not yet, wait for the Muslim invasion then see what you are really worried about.

I'm waiting for any liberal to answer that^^^^

Please, LGS don't hold your breath.
So, if something like Prop 8 is passed in California by the majority of voters, for whatever their reasons, you are OK with that? You are not going to try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the courts? You act as if you are totally autonomous and your decisions are made objectively. I can only assume you are not a cyborg whose decisions are programed, even though that is what the majority of liberals sound like. I assume you base decisions on the facts as you know them. Your beliefs are as you have formulated them in you mind, relativism. Apparently to me the biggest fact that you use is to be anti-, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-America...on an on.

So your BELIEF is that homosexuality is natural, you base that one what? On science? Hardly. If Evolution does serve a purpose it at least is a system that explains the survival of a specie. Homosexuality works against evolution. There is absolutely no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible. Maybe homosexual ACTS may be explainable but that is about all. The point being is that you choose a side based on your faith as does everyone else in the free world. No one is forcing religion on you, no one. At least not yet, wait for the Muslim invasion then see what you are really worried about.

I'm waiting for any liberal to answer that^^^^
I'll take the challenge; I'm a liberal, and an atheist as well.

It's as natural as cancer, cleft pallets, cystic fibrosis, birth defects like club foot, etc., for those disposed to claim homosexuality is 'genetic', and for those who don't think it is, it's as natural as cannibalism, compulsive eating disorders, alcoholism, autism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, etc.

Need any more answers? I didn't include them all.
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this is what liberals refuse to acknowledge .

You have yet to explain this mysterious connection equation between religion and politics.

Where is it?
the premise of the thread is not to establish an equation between religion and politics . the thread is asking why a lot of liberals resent Christianity more than any other religion.

The thread asssssssumes an equation between religion and politics. How the fuck else can you posit some body of one equates to some view of the other? You've already assssumed that "liberals" -- a concept I doubt you can even smell a definition of -- are some kind of monolithic unit that "resents" Christianism. You have yet to prove that. Because you can't prove that, because it's a fallacy.

That's why you can't answer the question, dumbass. Because your entire premise is already invalid.
liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

So, if something like Prop 8 is passed in California by the majority of voters, for whatever their reasons, you are OK with that? You are not going to try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the courts? You act as if you are totally autonomous and your decisions are made objectively. I can only assume you are not a cyborg whose decisions are programed, even though that is what the majority of liberals sound like. I assume you base decisions on the facts as you know them. Your beliefs are as you have formulated them in you mind, relativism. Apparently to me the biggest fact that you use is to be anti-, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-America...on an on.

So your BELIEF is that homosexuality is natural, you base that one what? On science? Hardly. If Evolution does serve a purpose it at least is a system that explains the survival of a specie. Homosexuality works against evolution. There is absolutely no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible. Maybe homosexual ACTS may be explainable but that is about all. The point being is that you choose a side based on your faith as does everyone else in the free world. No one is forcing religion on you, no one. At least not yet, wait for the Muslim invasion then see what you are really worried about.

I'm waiting for any liberal to answer that^^^^

uh - he didn't bother to explain what Prop 8 is. Who's "waiting"?
Why? Because in this country the majority religion is christerism and practice in its fundamentalist form it's a mental illness. It stunts the rational thinking process. It is a virus of the mind

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Yeah, Christianity makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
You do realize, don't you, that the separatist Puritans/Congregationalists were evangelical? And that their publications in the 17th and 18th centuries were highly influential in forming our foundational principles? The Quakers (the Charismatics/Pentecostals of their day) also laid a solid Christian foundation in our land, Pennsylvania being the most tolerant British colony on the Atlantic seaboard, the example for and envy of the others.

Did you know then that the Congregationalists were leaders of the Great Awakening of the 1740s, a period of punctuated growth in evangelical Christianity in America?

But damn, those Puritans and Congregationalists sure messed things up, though, didn't they?

Actually, they weren't.

And for the most part, they had to really be fought.

Had we gone down the road they were building, this really would be a "Christian Nation" and we would still be burning witches.
Aren't you the guy who was duped into travelling to Oklahoma for some kind of rumble or meet-up or some such thing with members of another forum?



Did you get lonely there?
Of course you have all this proof (from all the far left blog sites) that proves the US was founded on "Liberalism".

And why should I post what a 10 second internet search will provide for you.

I do not do someone else's homework. You promote that the country was founded on "liberalism", up to you to prove you are right.

Then again the far left will knowing post bunk material and lies and expect you to prove them wrong.

It wasn't the conservatives, they did not want change..

The liberals of our founding are the true conservatives that you enjoy applying dumbass concepts to today. Conservatives are not opposed to change. Most of us would like to see the administration change. Most of us would like to see tax policy changed. And most of us would like to see regulatroy change.

The fact that we do not like your idea of change does not mean we oppose change. we just like to see common sense applied to any change, and there is little, if any common sense in the changes you champion.

Clasical Liberals, such as our framers, wanted freedom of choice, and they fought a revolution to get that freedom. They wanted freedom of thought, freedom or speech, and freedom of religion. They believed that man had the right to choose his own destiny. Those are the very same things that true conservatives want today.

Liberal/socialists, on the other hand, want freedom from want, freedom from povery, and freedom from responsibility for their own bad decisions. And yes, they want the freedom to tell other people how they should live and work for the common good (liberal/socialist code for take care of the rest of us).
Are you familiar with the Progressive Era academic John Dewey? His essay, Liberalism and Social Action, expounds on the evolved definition of the term liberal. It's dry and dull, as most liberal literature is, but it affirms some of the modern-day liberal/progressive criticism of the American founding.
Of course you have all this proof (from all the far left blog sites) that proves the US was founded on "Liberalism".

And why should I post what a 10 second internet search will provide for you.

I do not do someone else's homework. You promote that the country was founded on "liberalism", up to you to prove you are right.

Then again the far left will knowing post bunk material and lies and expect you to prove them wrong.

It wasn't the conservatives, they did not want change..

The liberals of our founding are the true conservatives that you enjoy applying dumbass concepts to today. Conservatives are not opposed to change. Most of us would like to see the administration change. Most of us would like to see tax policy changed. And most of us would like to see regulatroy change.

The fact that we do not like your idea of change does not mean we oppose change. we just like to see common sense applied to any change, and there is little, if any common sense in the changes you champion.

Clasical Liberals, such as our framers, wanted freedom of choice, and they fought a revolution to get that freedom. They wanted freedom of thought, freedom or speech, and freedom of religion. They believed that man had the right to choose his own destiny. Those are the very same things that true conservatives want today.

Liberal/socialists, on the other hand, want freedom from want, freedom from povery, and freedom from responsibility for their own bad decisions. And yes, they want the freedom to tell other people how they should live and work for the common good (liberal/socialist code for take care of the rest of us).

STILL waiting on your definition of "progressive" there, home skillet. Wassamatta? Is the question inconvenient?

I can see from the above that you have no clue what Liberal means, so I was really hoping for the entertainment factor. Should I what, check back in a week?
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The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

why would we be jealous if a group is forcing their religion on us ... to me that would makes us angry not jealous ... your post here isn't really well though out here ... just a programed response of yours... just a after thought
tell us how Christianity is being forced upon you .:eusa_whistle:

Do we really need so many churches that are tax free?
why would we be jealous if a group is forcing their religion on us ... to me that would makes us angry not jealous ... your post here isn't really well though out here ... just a programed response of yours... just a after thought
tell us how Christianity is being forced upon you .:eusa_whistle:

Do we really need so many churches that are tax free?

How does it hurt you that churches are tax free? You don't pay more than you otherwise would pay.
Liberals hate Christianity because they can't stand a power being above the state. The state is all. The state gives and the state takes away.

Christianity requires that a person make judgments on their behavior and their actions. Liberals don't make judgments at all. If it feels good, it's the right thing to do.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Because the rich use christianity to get dumb middle class and poor people to vote against their own financial interests. The GOP uses god, gays, guns & racism to get stupid middle class voters to vote for them. Are you one?

Moral Majority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do we really need so many churches that are tax free?

How does it hurt you that churches are tax free? You don't pay more than you otherwise would pay.

How do you know???

Because your tax is based on how much you make, not how much someone else doesn't pay. If it's not, I want the bottom 50% to pay something because churches being tax exempt does not take as much money out of the system as exempting 50% of our population.
Liberals hate Christianity because they can't stand a power being above the state. The state is all. The state gives and the state takes away.

Christianity requires that a person make judgments on their behavior and their actions. Liberals don't make judgments at all. If it feels good, it's the right thing to do.

Any proof of what you say here? "Liberals hate christianity"

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