Why Do Liberals Like Terrorists So Much?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democratic lawmaker likens convicted bomber to George Washington

"Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez publicly defended convicted bomber Oscar Lopez Rivera on Sunday and compared him to first president George Washington.

Rivera, a Puerto Rican nationalist, served 35 years of a 55-year federal prison sentence for his role in more than 70 bombings in U.S. cities, including Chicago, Washington, and New York, from 1974-1983,
according to Fox News. Former President Barack Obama Obama commuted the remaining 20 years of Rivera’s prison sentence during his last several months in office, WLS-TV reported.

Rivera led the Puerto Rican terrorist group, Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional, or “Armed Forces of National Liberation,” which advocated for Puerto Rico’s independence from the United States. FALN, which is viewed by many Americans as a terrorist organization, claimed responsibility for the bombings, which killed five people and injured dozens more..."

"Former President Bill Clinton offered clemency to Rivera and 12 other FALN members in 1999. The other 12 members accepted the deal, but Rivera declined it because the offer did not extend to all imprisoned FALN members"
- This pardon was reportedly part of a deal to get a heavily populated Puerto Rican section of NY t vote for Hillary for NY Senator...

Obama's bud, Bill Ayers, was a convicted terrorists who bombed his country and killed 1st Responders. Barry announced is intent to run for President from Ayers' home...but insisted Ayers was not a friend. (Yeah, like Bill Clinton smoked a joint but never inhaled.His 8 years as President convicted of a lot of financing, supplying, arming, training, facilitating, defending, and protecting terrorists.)

So why are liberals so fond of terrorists?
No, I hate terrorist....

On the otherhand, conservatives in this country act just like the islamic state towards science, education and people that are different in many ways.
No, I hate terrorist....

On the otherhand, conservatives in this country act just like the islamic state towards science, education and people that are different in many ways.
you are definitely different in MANY different ways
Why do Red Snowflakes have to lie so much?

It's just what they do.

For what crime was Ayers convicted of? Who is that you claim he killed as a first responder.

poor Grump, defended by liars.
No, I hate terrorist....

On the otherhand, conservatives in this country act just like the islamic state towards science, education and people that are different in many ways.

A personal question, if I may! Do you have brown eyes?

If not I do not understand how, since you are always full of shit!
Cause they are brown and not Christian. That simple.

^^^^this is basically why. As pathetic as that is.
Trust me, that is all it is. There is nothing else to them. I mean just look at their posts and look at how easy they are.

Colbert: "Trump fired Comey."

The morons: "Yaaaaay!"

Colbert: "No! You are suppose to boooo!"

The morons: "oh, uh, huh, booooo!"
Democratic lawmaker likens convicted bomber to George Washington

"Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez publicly defended convicted bomber Oscar Lopez Rivera on Sunday and compared him to first president George Washington.

So why are liberals so fond of terrorists?

Why are conservatives so fond of terrorists?

Mississippi Republican threatens to lynch ‘Nazi-ish’ lawmakers who remove Confederate monuments

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Oliver wrote. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”

What are those monuments- in loving memory of 'Southern Americans'?

The Monument of Liberty Place- which commemorated the deaths of police in New Orleans.
Gee, I don't know. Why don't you go and ask Osama Bin Laden? Oh, wait... he's dead. Done in during Obama's term. Ignored by Bush and the right for 8 years. Hmmm, go ask the Taliban or Al Queda. Oh wait... Reagan called them freedom fighters and the moral equivalent of our founding fathers. How about Central American Terrorists? Oh, wait.... funded by Reagan's Iran Contra scheme. Hmmmm, maybe it's the right that is so fond of terrorist groups.
Democratic lawmaker likens convicted bomber to George Washington

"Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez publicly defended convicted bomber Oscar Lopez Rivera on Sunday and compared him to first president George Washington.

So why are liberals so fond of terrorists?

Why are conservatives so fond of terrorists?

Mississippi Republican threatens to lynch ‘Nazi-ish’ lawmakers who remove Confederate monuments

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Oliver wrote. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”

What are those monuments- in loving memory of 'Southern Americans'?

The Monument of Liberty Place- which commemorated the deaths of police in New Orleans.

They shouldn't be destroyed. They should be placed in a museum so future generations can marvel and our own history of inhumanity to our fellow man.

The insurgents in the South finally won and took back control of their States and were able to erect monuments like that.
I don't see liberals fighting to keep monuments of the guy. Like confederate flag waiving righties .

Why do righties love the confederate terrorists who tried to destroy America and killed more troops than any us enemy ever ???
Part of it is their guilt-fantasy-world, in which liberals see 3rd worlders as these magical, saint-like, innocent perpetual victims being exploited by white Westerners (it makes liberals feel oh-so-noble) - even though the reality is the opposite: 3rd worlders are the dregs of humanity who never had the brains or values to create a decent society. Which is what makes them 3rd world in the first place. Which is why 3rd world cultures are an orgy of criminal violence and literacy percentages even lower than their pitiful average lifespans.

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