Why do Muslims hate Americans after all we've done for/to them?

Why do Muslims hate Americans after all we've done for/to them? .....Do they have any good reasons?

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan


I sincerely wonder if those who are saying that we're the innocent victim, that we have never done anything wrong, that people in Middle East have absolutely nothing to be cranky about, really believe this stuff. It's a perfect example of the danger of absolutism. Completely unwilling to give an inch, to admit to one misstep.

We're making the problem even worse with this stuff.


is support of Israel a mis-step?

Because I remember the RFK assination.

If the US pulls out of the ME entirely, which i hope happens,do you really believe that hatred of the US would stop?
I thought you were gonna ask about militant groups...and that's why I said one by one because they are all different and some are legitimate and some are unnessacry organizations.....

But my answer is you have to go to the middle east and see how much religon means in their culture...there is a lot of religous everything there.....so it's comes to a surprise to them as they are shocked....because even though people they never met Muhamad they all love him like crazy...and I mean like crazy....you can see for yourself but your probably scared of the middle east now...:)

I'm not scared of much but myself, bro.

Anyhoo, I still don't understand fully. I'm not sure if you're for or against violence.........against people who verbally or in effigy burn/maim a Religious prophet, of any kind...

I get angry when anyone insults prophets in the way they did with that film....it's not just a simple troll film like you think....he's an Arab Coptic and in the middle east what he's basically saying is "fuck you" to the muslims...Westerners don't understand what it means in the middle east....

And no killing random people I am against .....protesting is okay to me and protesting is almost a everyday thing there ever since the revolutions...so it's all different

This is what is going on in Egypt and I haven't seen any outrage from anyone. Genocide is actionable in the UN Charter and nothing is or has been done to stop it.

According to today's issue of El Fegr, "Elements of terrorist, jihadi organizations distributed leaflets today inciting for the killing of Copts in Suez, Ismailia, and Upper Egypt, promising them [Copts] a tragic end if they do not return to the truth."

An image of a copy of the letter appears on El Fegr's website. Titled "An Urgent and Important Notice," it begins by calling on "all brothers and sisters" to "kill or physically attack the enemies of the religion of Allah—the Christians in all of Egypt's provinces, the slaves of the Cross, Allah's curse upon them…" It proceeds to promise a monetary reward for whoever helps "achieve Allah's rights against his enemies."

As a testimony to how safe the jihadi organizations of today's Egypt feel under the new president, the Muslim Brotherhood's Muhammad Morsi, the usual cryptic language is dropped, as the letter names contact points and even a mosque, Sheikh Ahmed Mosque in Kasfrit, where those interested should rally "after Friday prayers where new members to the organization will be welcomed."

This genocide has been called until Egypt's Christians "return to the truth," a reference apparently meaning that Egypt's Christians must either embrace "the truth"—that is, Islam, which they must convert to—or else return to the truths of the religion, which holds that Christians must embrace their subhuman dhimmi status (Koran 9:29).

Egypt's Jihad Organizations Call for Christian Genocide :: Raymond Ibrahim
Embracing obsessive hatred and instilling it in your children is not my definition of sane. YMMV

Really? :lol:, why don't we have a debate about it becaue your opinion is bull....sorry

he wa accurate.

Jihad existed long before the USA

Except groups don't exist for no reason....militant palestinian groups are revolutionary groups created from the conflcit...

Whoever tries running away from that fact and just throws the word Jihad is one dumbmotherfucker

I sincerely wonder if those who are saying that we're the innocent victim, that we have never done anything wrong, that people in Middle East have absolutely nothing to be cranky about, really believe this stuff. It's a perfect example of the danger of absolutism. Completely unwilling to give an inch, to admit to one misstep.

We're making the problem even worse with this stuff.


is support of Israel a mis-step?

Because I remember the RFK assination.

If the US pulls out of the ME entirely, which i hope happens,do you really believe that hatred of the US would stop?

No, of course not, the damage is done. But we can try to make things better or continue what we're doing now. Not working out real well.


I sincerely wonder if those who are saying that we're the innocent victim, that we have never done anything wrong, that people in Middle East have absolutely nothing to be cranky about, really believe this stuff. It's a perfect example of the danger of absolutism. Completely unwilling to give an inch, to admit to one misstep.

We're making the problem even worse with this stuff.

I wish this troll op would move to the middle east and TRY and post this crap.

The middle east isnt dangerous buddy....lol its safer than America but media keeps brainwashing you....

Why don't you tell that to the families of the four dead Americans that were killed in Libya this week.

That still doesn't make all the dangerous....Some people almost make it sound like a world war 3 war zone or something......I've been in Egypt when there were a few protests it was very normal there...but it wasn't my business because I was just going to the border not to stay there

I sincerely wonder if those who are saying that we're the innocent victim, that we have never done anything wrong, that people in Middle East have absolutely nothing to be cranky about, really believe this stuff. It's a perfect example of the danger of absolutism. Completely unwilling to give an inch, to admit to one misstep.

We're making the problem even worse with this stuff.


is support of Israel a mis-step?

Because I remember the RFK assination.

If the US pulls out of the ME entirely, which i hope happens,do you really believe that hatred of the US would stop?

Pulling out of the middle east entirely will simply leave a void happily filled by China and Russia. We should pull our meddling out of the middle east and give up the failed idea that muslim countries can be dragged kicking and screaming into peace and prosperity. We see how their kicking and screaming turns out. What we should do is return to an Ameracentric position in the middle east. Those cruel and brutal dictators who are friendly to us we support. We do not support equally cruel and brutal dictators who are not friendly to use.

I sincerely wonder if those who are saying that we're the innocent victim, that we have never done anything wrong, that people in Middle East have absolutely nothing to be cranky about, really believe this stuff. It's a perfect example of the danger of absolutism. Completely unwilling to give an inch, to admit to one misstep.

We're making the problem even worse with this stuff.


is support of Israel a mis-step?

Because I remember the RFK assination.

If the US pulls out of the ME entirely, which i hope happens,do you really believe that hatred of the US would stop?

Pulling out of the middle east entirely will simply leave a void happily filled by China and Russia. We should pull our meddling out of the middle east and give up the failed idea that muslim countries can be dragged kicking and screaming into peace and prosperity. We see how their kicking and screaming turns out. What we should do is return to an Ameracentric position in the middle east. Those cruel and brutal dictators who are friendly to us we support. We do not support equally cruel and brutal dictators who are not friendly to use.

So keeping a dictator is what we want and what the people want right? Fucking moron
The first thing we should scrap is that what the people want has any meaning for us. It should be what benefits us, not what benefits them. Western friendly dictators, no matter how despotic are able to keep a lid on the more murderous aspects of muslim beliefs. Left alone, the people will happily murder one another. The Sunni will burn the Shia alive and the Shia will behead the Sunni. Only the heaviest of dictatorships can stop it. When they stop it, the country prospers. By keeping the peace, Egypt had trade, tourism, and peace with its neighbors. Now that dictatorship has passed from Mubarak to the more theocratic dictatorship of the muslim brotherhood it is all gone.
The first thing we should scrap is that what the people want has any meaning for us. It should be what benefits us, not what benefits them. Western friendly dictators, no matter how despotic are able to keep a lid on the more murderous aspects of muslim beliefs. Left alone, the people will happily murder one another. The Sunni will burn the Shia alive and the Shia will behead the Sunni. Only the heaviest of dictatorships can stop it. When they stop it, the country prospers. By keeping the peace, Egypt had trade, tourism, and peace with its neighbors. Now that dictatorship has passed from Mubarak to the more theocratic dictatorship of the muslim brotherhood it is all gone.

You just said in your previous post that we should be involved in the middle east so china and Russia won't take control there and be influential...right?

So why do you say now who's our friends and who aren't? Either way we have to have a foothold or else someone takes that control and we lose our connections and everything...
Buying our Friends and our Enemies has been our Foreign Policy for many many years. And until Americans decide to take the red pill, that will continue to be our Foreign Policy.
is support of Israel a mis-step?

Because I remember the RFK assination.

If the US pulls out of the ME entirely, which i hope happens,do you really believe that hatred of the US would stop?

Pulling out of the middle east entirely will simply leave a void happily filled by China and Russia. We should pull our meddling out of the middle east and give up the failed idea that muslim countries can be dragged kicking and screaming into peace and prosperity. We see how their kicking and screaming turns out. What we should do is return to an Ameracentric position in the middle east. Those cruel and brutal dictators who are friendly to us we support. We do not support equally cruel and brutal dictators who are not friendly to use.

So keeping a dictator is what we want and what the people want right? Fucking moron
If the people cared enough about having a dictator lord over them, they would rise up and take there government back by bloody coup. Your an ignorant mouth breather for believing American intervention is needed for every country in the world. How do civilizations rise and fall? Through the will of the people. If it is not time for the ME to become a utopia of civil freedom who are we to say it's going to happen anyways.
Pulling out of the middle east entirely will simply leave a void happily filled by China and Russia. We should pull our meddling out of the middle east and give up the failed idea that muslim countries can be dragged kicking and screaming into peace and prosperity. We see how their kicking and screaming turns out. What we should do is return to an Ameracentric position in the middle east. Those cruel and brutal dictators who are friendly to us we support. We do not support equally cruel and brutal dictators who are not friendly to use.

So keeping a dictator is what we want and what the people want right? Fucking moron
If the people cared enough about having a dictator lord over them, they would rise up and take there government back by bloody coup. Your an ignorant mouth breather for believing American intervention is needed for every country in the world. How do civilizations rise and fall? Through the will of the people. If it is not time for the ME to become a utopia of civil freedom who are we to say it's going to happen anyways.

It's not me. This katzndogs guy is the one who wants dictators there....I told him that is bullshit and the people don't want dictators and America shouldn't force dictators on them or anybody...I don't believe in intervention I believe in the peoples protests and elections

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