Why do Muslims hate Americans after all we've done for/to them?

I think it is safe to say that our nation is too arrogant... We have not even figured out how to govern ourselves effectively, but to try to introduce democracy into Afghanistan using America's current model is a joke. Afghanistan is not united, but more like America in the beginning. Since we decided to try to bring peace to lands that Jesus Christ couldn't even tame, we could have at least attempted to do it right by introducing the original American model, weak federal govt and a strong local govt. But instead like America we marched in waving bibles and trying to westernize a group of people that have been fighting since the dawn of time. Muslims hate America because were Americans and we do the stupid un thought out things America does.

That's a bunch of bull sh...t!
What are you talking about ?
Afghanistan was becoming civilized until our President started acting like a wussie!
Tell me what you would do if you were a soldier and handed this card as many troops in Afghanistan were given and then see how this laminated direct order KILLED US troops!

BUT it is extremely hard to fight a war when the civilian control, i.e. Obama administration
puts requirements like these in place!

One soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given.
This is from a laminated card each soldier must carry:

"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force

For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch. “We should just drop a f–king bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?”
There are plenty of critics in the arena. He deserves my silence. I love my country a lot more than I love politics. I think it is essential that he be helped in office.

Top 10 Breaches of Protocol By the Obamas | NewsReal Blog

And the last Congressional Medal of Honor winner??? Dakota Meyer rightfully won the Medal of Honor .. no question..

.........but the traitor Obama that put around his neck ,CAUSED the deaths of the Marines!

How can Obama do that when HE KNOWS his orders got the Marines killed!
Here is why.. Obama's NEW rules of engagements did the following:

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties,
rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines
— despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village."

'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush | McClatchy

DO YOU idiots understand the above??? Soldiers told NOT to go into areas where there might be fighting!!!!
Soldiers told NOT to lay down artillery because FEAR of civilian casualties.. WHEN THERE WERE NONE AROUND!!!
That fear caused the death of marines!!
I think it is safe to say that our nation is too arrogant... We have not even figured out how to govern ourselves effectively, but to try to introduce democracy into Afghanistan using America's current model is a joke. Afghanistan is not united, but more like America in the beginning. Since we decided to try to bring peace to lands that Jesus Christ couldn't even tame, we could have at least attempted to do it right by introducing the original American model, weak federal govt and a strong local govt. But instead like America we marched in waving bibles and trying to westernize a group of people that have been fighting since the dawn of time. Muslims hate America because were Americans and we do the stupid un thought out things America does.

That's a bunch of bull sh...t!
What are you talking about ?
Afghanistan was becoming civilized until our President started acting like a wussie!
Tell me what you would do if you were a soldier and handed this card as many troops in Afghanistan were given and then see how this laminated direct order KILLED US troops!

BUT it is extremely hard to fight a war when the civilian control, i.e. Obama administration
puts requirements like these in place!

One soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given.
This is from a laminated card each soldier must carry:

"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force

For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch. “We should just drop a f–king bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?”
There are plenty of critics in the arena. He deserves my silence. I love my country a lot more than I love politics. I think it is essential that he be helped in office.

Top 10 Breaches of Protocol By the Obamas | NewsReal Blog

And the last Congressional Medal of Honor winner??? Dakota Meyer rightfully won the Medal of Honor .. no question..

.........but the traitor Obama that put around his neck ,CAUSED the deaths of the Marines!

How can Obama do that when HE KNOWS his orders got the Marines killed!
Here is why.. Obama's NEW rules of engagements did the following:

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties,
rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines
— despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village."

'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush | McClatchy

DO YOU idiots understand the above??? Soldiers told NOT to go into areas where there might be fighting!!!!
Soldiers told NOT to lay down artillery because FEAR of civilian casualties.. WHEN THERE WERE NONE AROUND!!!
That fear caused the death of marines!!

can you make that bigger and in caps?i missed most of it....
I think it is safe to say that our nation is too arrogant... We have not even figured out how to govern ourselves effectively, but to try to introduce democracy into Afghanistan using America's current model is a joke. Afghanistan is not united, but more like America in the beginning. Since we decided to try to bring peace to lands that Jesus Christ couldn't even tame, we could have at least attempted to do it right by introducing the original American model, weak federal govt and a strong local govt. But instead like America we marched in waving bibles and trying to westernize a group of people that have been fighting since the dawn of time. Muslims hate America because were Americans and we do the stupid un thought out things America does.

That's a bunch of bull sh...t!
What are you talking about ?
Afghanistan was becoming civilized until our President started acting like a wussie!
Tell me what you would do if you were a soldier and handed this card as many troops in Afghanistan were given and then see how this laminated direct order KILLED US troops!

BUT it is extremely hard to fight a war when the civilian control, i.e. Obama administration
puts requirements like these in place!

One soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given.
This is from a laminated card each soldier must carry:

"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force

For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch. “We should just drop a f–king bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?”
There are plenty of critics in the arena. He deserves my silence. I love my country a lot more than I love politics. I think it is essential that he be helped in office.

Top 10 Breaches of Protocol By the Obamas | NewsReal Blog

And the last Congressional Medal of Honor winner??? Dakota Meyer rightfully won the Medal of Honor .. no question..

.........but the traitor Obama that put around his neck ,CAUSED the deaths of the Marines!

How can Obama do that when HE KNOWS his orders got the Marines killed!
Here is why.. Obama's NEW rules of engagements did the following:

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties,
rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines
— despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village."

'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush | McClatchy

DO YOU idiots understand the above??? Soldiers told NOT to go into areas where there might be fighting!!!!
Soldiers told NOT to lay down artillery because FEAR of civilian casualties.. WHEN THERE WERE NONE AROUND!!!
That fear caused the death of marines!!

Your talking to an Active Duty Army EOD NCO... I know just as well as most how fubar our countries policies are hurting our soldiers. But I want to state that our aiding Afghanistan was two part, old intel reports that Osama Bin Ladin was hiding out on the western Portion and the Torqam Gate which is the only accessible land pass into china and not horridly far from the lithium mine we gave them. We have been in afghanistan for 12 years now. Obama had nothing to do with where and why this shiz storm started.
The old testiment describes life under the laws of God in mostly historical accounts. The new testiment describes Biblical commands under grace - what we are to live today. Christ gave his life so we wouldn;t have to continue living under law (like sacrifice for sin - in the old testiment people were commanded to sacrifice for atonement - Once Christ died on the cross it is no longer needed for repentance.)

The premise has never changed.

I'm not quite sure if an Orthodox Jew would agree on that point, but I'm not a religious philosophist. I can only see where mass religion has led to the down fall of man and society.

What does an orthodox Jew have to do with Christianity?
You blame religion for the downfall of man?

The only religion you can blame for the downfall of our society is secularism - the worship of self interest.

I challange you to show me where Christianity has led to the downfall of man...

That's a ridiculous notion.
Throughout every administration there has been hate directed at the US and the west by many radical Muslims. One of the multi-faceted reasons that those in the ME hate the US and the west is because they do not understand democracy. Due to having been oppressed and inculcated with negative religious dogma in many instances, they misperceive what reality is. Because of this and the fact that they have lived under state run tryanny, they don't know that we have indivdual freedoms. That we cannot control individual freedoms (the government can't). They equate something like this film with something sponsored by the US government like the government propaganda that comes to them from dictators and tyrants/terrorists. Therefore, in part due to this, they think the US is bad and that the government sactions such things. It is something that needs to be overcome but it will be decades or more before we can make inroads into the understanding and tolerance we deserve and have earned. With religion and power as obstacles, it is almost a completley losing proposition! In addition the average person in the ME doesn't see the results of our aid and help. By the time it filters down to the street through all sorts of corruption reseved for leaders, there isn't anything left for the average person. They don't get the real picture and information about what we do and they don't understand that our freedoms are individual freedoms they've never enjoyed. For them their lives and behavior have been dictaed from the top by their leaders and their religion. There is no room for variance or for thinking as an individual. It must always be for the good of Islam (and a great deal of it is perverted by radicals).

I was watching a clip of the violence on TV the other day and saw at least 6-8 children hoisted on their father's shoulders watching the violence. They couldn't have been more than 4-6 years old. They learn from a very early age unfortunately to be intolerant and reactivee.
I'm not quite sure if an Orthodox Jew would agree on that point, but I'm not a religious philosophist. I can only see where mass religion has led to the down fall of man and society.

What does an orthodox Jew have to do with Christianity?
You blame religion for the downfall of man?

The only religion you can blame for the downfall of our society is secularism - the worship of self interest.

I challange you to show me where Christianity has led to the downfall of man...

That's a ridiculous notion.
Spanish Inquisition
The crusades
The sacking of rome
attacks on Israel by other muslim countries based on a different belief system
Muslim opposition to Christianity and all of the glorious things that have driven nations of people to do.

Mass religion in general, not just christianity is evil and gives way for bad things.
Title: Why do Muslims hate Americans after all we've done for/to them?

Do they have any good reasons?
Forgive me if this has been answered I haven't read the whole thread...

But... What have we done for them?
Maybe we should just stop doing things for/to them? Just a thought anyway.

I actually started a thread about doing such a thing, it may not be well liked but I feel it is relevant to most of this conversation. We need to become isolationists.
What does an orthodox Jew have to do with Christianity?
You blame religion for the downfall of man?

The only religion you can blame for the downfall of our society is secularism - the worship of self interest.

I challange you to show me where Christianity has led to the downfall of man...

That's a ridiculous notion.
Spanish Inquisition
The crusades
The sacking of rome
attacks on Israel by other muslim countries based on a different belief system
Muslim opposition to Christianity and all of the glorious things that have driven nations of people to do.

Mass religion in general, not just christianity is evil and gives way for bad things.

So, you want to talk about what the Roman Church, and what bad people did in the name of Christianity. I'd prefer that you focus on American Christianity - the doward trend of our society and men.

What do you have to say about that?

You can point to some bad people in American Churches with serious flaws - like Jeremiah Wright and westboro baptist - that teach hate which is totally unChristian... but the effects of Chistianity in Amerca on the whole have been amazingly positive since our forefathers used Christian concepts to develop this Great Nation.

Not until the middle of last century when the concept of self serving secularism began to grow that our society has begun a downward trend. Today many men act like women and women act like men. Children run households with demands of gratification and people do whatever they want in the same vein. Serving self has become the mantra of the left. It is becoming the religion of the state as self serving leftists forget the roots of our Nation.
Maybe we should just stop doing things for/to them? Just a thought anyway.

I actually started a thread about doing such a thing, it may not be well liked but I feel it is relevant to most of this conversation. We need to become isolationists.

Right, because sticking our head in the sand will certainly stop Iran from developing Nukes!!
And why should we feel the need to police the world. Why stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power? We are all familiar with MAD. We launch nukes, they launch nukes... it doesn't matter at that point. It's apparently our time to go. However, by not provoking other nuclear powers, we stand less of a chance of leaving them with a salty taste in there mouths. We agreed not to use ours all willy nilly. that is all we can do. Look out for number one and stop trying to antagonize mad men and there ambitions.
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So, you want to talk about what the Roman Church, and what bad people did in the name of Christianity. I'd prefer that you focus on American Christianity - the doward trend of our society and men.

What do you have to say about that?

You can point to some bad people in American Churches with serious flaws - like Jeremiah Wright and westboro baptist - that teach hate which is totally unChristian... but the effects of Chistianity in Amerca on the whole have been amazingly positive since our forefathers used Christian concepts to develop this Great Nation.

Not until the middle of last century when the concept of self serving secularism began to grow that our society has begun a downward trend. Today many men act like women and women act like men. Children run households with demands of gratification and people do whatever they want in the same vein. Serving self has become the mantra of the left. It is becoming the religion of the state as self serving leftists forget the roots of our Nation.

I will not argue about the teachings and lessons of Christianity... I cant as I follow my own interpretation. I can however tell you that any religion in mass is recipe for cataclysm. Small suburban communities hearing the good word from someone they like and respect and revere as knowing all that is to be known (because we forget this is only one persons interpretation). When an idea or thought or whatever you want to call it manifests. "We need t organize a mission trip to hati or africa or mexico" etc etc. why because mass religion isnt happy with co-exsistance. It needs to assimilate. how do religious disputes arise? When a group in mass tries to tell another group how to do it.

I'm not attacking misson trips FYI, some of those people do great humanitarian work. Just an example.
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Maybe we should just stop doing things for/to them? Just a thought anyway.

I actually started a thread about doing such a thing, it may not be well liked but I feel it is relevant to most of this conversation. We need to become isolationists.
NO we don't. No presidential candidate has promoted that stance. For good reason. It's a bad idea.

Edit: Not using our military for political gain isn't being an isolationist.
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Maybe we should just stop doing things for/to them? Just a thought anyway.

I actually started a thread about doing such a thing, it may not be well liked but I feel it is relevant to most of this conversation. We need to become isolationists.
NO we don't. No presidential candidate has promoted that stance. For good reason. It's a bad idea.

Edit: Not using our military for political gain isn't being an isolationist.

Securing America's border, making everything home grown, stopping the import, export and aid to foreign countries whose favor we will never win, IS isolationism.
Buying our Friends and our Enemies has become an American tradition. I'd like to think it's time to break that vicious circle, but i know that's not gonna happen. The American People just aren't ready for it yet.
I actually started a thread about doing such a thing, it may not be well liked but I feel it is relevant to most of this conversation. We need to become isolationists.
NO we don't. No presidential candidate has promoted that stance. For good reason. It's a bad idea.

Edit: Not using our military for political gain isn't being an isolationist.

Securing America's border,
Works for me.

making everything home grown,
Does't work. Won't work

stopping the import, export
Doesn't work. Won't work.

and aid to foreign countries whose favor we will never win
No problem with that.

, IS isolationism.
If all those things happen... Yes. However nobody but you that I'm aware of has suggested that's a good idea.

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