Why do people say dreamers are "stealing jobs"?

I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.
You mean you recruited cheap foreign labor at half the price that you would have had to pay. Americans in STEM jobs should be making twice as much as they made in the 1990s. Yet, we're making exactly the same.

Prices are determined by the market. It MAY be true that the surplus of (barely) qualified Indians has depressed wage increases. I'll give you that much. My company was always looking for good Americans to hire. It's just that 95% of the applicants were Indian and Chinese, so it was a numbers game.

But I promise you, there was never a moment where I was encouraged to hire foreign for the "cheap labor". Not once. I was always encouraged to find Americans first.
I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.
You mean you recruited cheap foreign labor at half the price that you would have had to pay. Americans in STEM jobs should be making twice as much as they made in the 1990s. Yet, we're making exactly the same.

Prices are determined by the market. It MAY be true that the surplus of (barely) qualified Indians has depressed wage increases. I'll give you that much. My company was always looking for good Americans to hire. It's just that 95% of the applicants were Indian and Chinese, so it was a numbers game.

But I promise you, there was never a moment where I was encouraged to hire foreign for the "cheap labor". Not once. I was always encouraged to find Americans first.

It doesn't matter what they asked you. Companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft lobbied the government to increase the number of H1-Bs so they could flood the market with STEM graduates and drive down the price of IT labor. Wherever I go I am totally surrounded by Indians. You and I both know that the wage rate for IT people would be much higher if it wasn't for all these software coolies imported from India.
Why do people say dreamers are "stealing jobs"?
Their presence upon US soil is the result of criminal action on the part of their parents and their education on US soil is a theft of public services.

Every job they take is one less job for an American Citizen to fill.

The metaphor works... close enough for gubmint work.
I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.
European kids wouldn't work 27/4 and take $7.50/hour to be yelled at all day.
And they shouldn't have to. We are beyond that.
I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.
You mean you recruited cheap foreign labor at half the price that you would have had to pay. Americans in STEM jobs should be making twice as much as they made in the 1990s. Yet, we're making exactly the same.

Prices are determined by the market. It MAY be true that the surplus of (barely) qualified Indians has depressed wage increases. I'll give you that much. My company was always looking for good Americans to hire. It's just that 95% of the applicants were Indian and Chinese, so it was a numbers game.

But I promise you, there was never a moment where I was encouraged to hire foreign for the "cheap labor". Not once. I was always encouraged to find Americans first.

It doesn't matter what they asked you. Companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft lobbied the government to increase the number of H1-Bs so they could flood the market with STEM graduates and drive down the price of IT labor. Wherever I go I am totally surrounded by Indians. You and I both know that the wage rate for IT people would be much higher if it wasn't for all these software coolies imported from India.

In IT? Absolutely. That's 100% true for IT.
Do you guys know how the world of talent acquisition actually works? Because I have a feeling you don't.

I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.

You sound like an uber smart un-American Johnny Boy...surely you have the demographics to show what job sectors these beaners...doh, I meant "dreamers" work within...right?
What percentage are enrolled in school?
What percentage aren't employed?
Don't run and hide now Johnny Boy....post this shit!
You would think that you guys could put 2 + 2 together but evidently not...If they have jobs currently and the shortage of workers in the US is rising daily, how are ..



Do you guys know how the world of talent acquisition actually works? Because I have a feeling you don't.

I'm pretty sure "Dreamers" are a special class of illegal aliens and were unConstitutionally cleared to steal jobs and benefits from American citizens at their expense.

How exactly does one "steal" a job? Last time I was a recruiter, we had to hire mostly Indians and E.Asians to fill our difficult, high-paying, technical jobs. What jobs are you talking about, exactly? Because we have too many high-paying jobs and not enough qualified Americans to fill them. We don't have enough talent in this country.

Hell, we were even bringing over kids from Spain and Italy because our kids are too fucking dumb to be engineers. So much for the job shortage, lol.

You sound like an uber smart un-American Johnny Boy...surely you have the demographics to show what job sectors these beaners...doh, I meant "dreamers" work within...right?
What percentage are enrolled in school?
What percentage aren't employed?
Don't run and hide now Johnny Boy....post this shit!

What, do you think I'm out there taking a census? Google is your friend. It will serve you as well as it would serve me.
Wait ... are you actually retarded? You think I'M the one bitching about illegals taking jobs? Quite the opposite; I don't give 2 shits about the crybaby hillbillies that would fit right in an episode of South Park. I'm saying that DACA kids, by and large, AREN'T taking your loser, dead-end jobs, so there's no need for the little bitches to cry about it.

The semantics you play is fucking retarded.
I'm sure you started this thread thinking you were super clever...you had what you thought to be saavy premeditated replies all lined up....right?
You just knew you'd appear to be super smart to everyone...haha...I know your type.
Well, none of that shit worked out for you...you're making yourself look a complete fucking idiot and you're losing credibility here fast. The best thing that could happen for you is this thread falling off the first page....If I were you I'd hope that happens fast or you might be starting a new identity here and abandoning the username "John Shaw". Just in case you do that I'd like to suggest an appropriate name for you....Juan Shawtinez. Clearly you're from that filthy shithole down south.

21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of Mexifornia lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry peeps...it's time to reduce population to improve the quality of life for REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Do you guys know how the world of talent acquisition actually works? Because I have a feeling you don't.
Why do people call illegal aliens dreamers?

It's a pathetic attempt by Liberals to "clean up" the perception of ILLEAGLS. The desperate pieces of shits have been looking for a clever way to repackage wetbacks for years.

The simple fact is that EVERYTHING illegal aliens do in this country is a crime but instead of criminals we call them "dreamers"

I guess that makes Charles Manson a "Dreamer " too.
Do you guys know how the world of talent acquisition actually works? Because I have a feeling you don't.
Why do people call illegal aliens dreamers?

It's a pathetic attempt by Liberals to "clean up" the perception of ILLEAGLS. The desperate pieces of shits have been looking for a clever way to repackage wetbacks for years.

The simple fact is that EVERYTHING illegal aliens do in this country is a crime but instead of criminals we call them "dreamers"

I guess that makes Charles Manson a "Dreamer " too.

Liberals believe they should write their own laws...they think they get to choose which laws they have to follow. When Liberals think there shouldn't be a law...they just pretend there isn't one.
Do you guys know how the world of talent acquisition actually works? Because I have a feeling you don't.

Do you have any idea how the world of hiring works? That's not a question, as I already know you have absolutely no clue.

If the illegals weren't in the country, who would the employers hire? Answer: Americans.

They'll hire people who are qualified. Employers actually prefer to hire Americans because they don't have to go through all the H1B nonsense that is time-consuming and expensive. Unfortunately, we can't find Americans who are qualified to work many of the open positions, which is why we turn to foreigners.
Twist Every Richkid's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

In order to get enough STEM graduates, the plutocratic hypocrites who force this unfunded mandate on us better give real Americans the same high allowance and paid-up tuition they give their sons, or we will make sure those putrid preppy pukes never graduate.
All dreamers are Valedictorians on their way to medical school.

Jacob, Laban, Rachel, and Leah

Even if they were, that's nothing to be proud of. It means nothing else than working without pay for 8 years because they're afraid to grow up. But cradle-to-grave brainwashing about this educatioal absurdity puts people into a coma.
Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements.

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.

More proof that Liberals love their cheap labor...."but, but, but what about a higher minimum wage"?
Do they ever make sense?

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