Why do poor communities exist in America?

What? If anyone purchased their crowd base it is the left when they promise more and more for doing less and less.

If you are capable of working, and have the means to support yourself, you have no business asking for tax payer fund for frivolous uses.
How unfortunate for You, right-wingers only have fantasy not any "gospel Truth".
Welfare already does that. You have claimed you don't have a problem with more expensive means testing. Why not simply admit right-wingers are just plain hypocrites regarding being LEGAL to the (Constitutional) Law?
I don't get your logic. How did you arrive at "LEGAL to the (constitutional) LAW?"
you cite a very important point. I will invent a reasonable example. Let's imagine
a 50 year old person who is disabled from work and is on SSI (supplemental security
income) lets say that it is $ 700 /month. Believe it or not----there are homeless
people in such a circumstance. Along with your economics courses and Statistics ---
you should have done some BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE
Your special pleading or "cherry picking" is duly noted. Why are those persons not receiving enough to support themselves? Not all persons who are homeless have those problems.
Welfare already does that. You have claimed you don't have a problem with more expensive means testing. Why not simply admit right-wingers are just plain hypocrites regarding being LEGAL to the (Constitutional) Law?

Yes, welfare does that. And the means testing prevents people from drawing tax money when they do not need it.

I m all for having a safety net for those who need it. I am adamantly opposed to providing tax payer supported pay for those who simply choose not to work. If you are able to support yourself, why should I be taxed because you choose not to? And why should I be taxed to support someone who obviously has the means to support themselves?
I don't get your logic. How did you arrive at "LEGAL to the (constitutional) LAW?"
You haven't been paying attention. Employment is at-will in every at-will employment State. Thus, for-cause criteria for unemployment compensation is extra-Constitutional and repugnant to the equal protection clause of our several Constitutions.
That is Your opinion. We already have anecdotal evidence not your ego based unsubstantiated opinions. Why do we have a homeless problem in any at-will employment State?

I have shown you documented evidence that the overwhelming majority of homeless people have substance abuse problems or mental health problems. Simply handing them money will not fix that. In fact, it would make it worse in some cases.
Yes, welfare does that. And the means testing prevents people from drawing tax money when they do not need it.

I m all for having a safety net for those who need it. I am adamantly opposed to providing tax payer supported pay for those who simply choose not to work. If you are able to support yourself, why should I be taxed because you choose not to? And why should I be taxed to support someone who obviously has the means to support themselves?
A safety net includes equal protection of the laws. Only ILLEGALS have a problem with it.
A safety net includes equal protection of the laws. Only ILLEGALS have a problem with it.

A safety net is for those who NEED help and cannot help themselves. What you want is a check for people who either do not need it or are capable of helping themselves by getting a job.
That is just you making it up. Show us the studies, storyteller.

Is that enough? Since you refuse to post proof of your claims, my posting three should be plenty.
Your special pleading or "cherry picking" is duly noted. Why are those persons not receiving enough to support themselves? Not all persons who are homeless have those problems.

no cherry picking----I presented a real issue. What are "those problems"? and
what is "enough" to support oneself?

Is that enough? Since you refuse to post proof of your claims, my posting three should be plenty.
A common stereotype of the homeless population is that they are all alcoholics or drug abusers. The truth is that a high percentage of homeless people do struggle with substance abuse, but addictions should be viewed as illnesses and require a great deal of treatment, counseling, and support to overcome.

You admit means testing is not working, yet, you don't want the homeless to be able to help themselves either.

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