Why do Republicans bash socialism - when it's all around them?

Does anyone think that American socialism is the same as Venezuelan socialism? Why or why not?
it is about management not labels.

And ownership...
We subscribe to Capitalism for the metrics. Our form of socialism includes eminent domain, for the Good of The State.

As you know, eminent domain is for the benefit of the citizens.
So is a lynching.

Does anyone think that American socialism is the same as Venezuelan socialism? Why or why not?
it is about management not labels.

And ownership...
We subscribe to Capitalism for the metrics. Our form of socialism includes eminent domain, for the Good of The State.

As you know, eminent domain is for the benefit of the citizens.
we subscribe to Capitalism.
lol. you have to get back to after we have studied the results for a year.

California, Oregon, Washington have had years of left wing solutions and they keep getting worse, why is that? You keep telling us that left wingers only have solutions, why have these left wing cities in these left wing state not solved simple homelessness and simple poverty, filthy living conditions, higher disease rates, even a simple garbage issue, drug addiction and other issues that exist in these cities.
let me know once Persons can collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

You are the one claiming success, all you have is excuses and more homelessness, more poverty in your cities.
you are claiming that. i am claiming we have a market friendly solution.

You are claiming to have a solution, you have had those cities for a long time and they are getting worse, all those left wing mayors and left wing governors, you had a left wing President for 16 of the last 27 years.

We can’t the left wing prove they have the answers?
lol. we could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but there is simply "too much social horror for the right wing to bear."
If government finances it by involuntary taking money from me OF COURSE it is an example of socialist arrangement.
Government finances nothing. Taxpayers do.

No I don't, not in any meaningful way. I have a say in what I finance. The descisions here are that of government I have little to no control over as an individual.
We the People are The Government. We finance whatever we vote to finance. You need to import more Brown Latino Slaves and maybe then you can get enough votes for a full blown Economy Killing Socialist State.
Latinos fill a labor shortage. Many of those Latinos are fleeing capitalist shitholes like Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador, Panama, among others.
There is no labor shortage. Left Tard Employers need to have their Sweat Shops and Slave Plantations shut down if they are using Illegal Aliens. Welfare needs cut down 50% and people need to be made to go to work, or starve.

Get off your lazy couch surfing designer tennis shoe wearing, welfare taking, food stamp eating ass and go to work.

Left demand to be paid $15/hour and at the same time wants to import people who will do the same job for $5/hour.

Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

MORE: 75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

What the hell is wrong with a little socialism? We live with it. It's all around us. It has made our lives better. It's called Democratic Socialism.

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Of course none of those are examples of Socialism.
simply "using the Other Peoples' money is socialism."

No, of course.
Government is social-ism.

Nope, it isn't.
yes, it is. want to argue about it?

There are many cities with privately run police departments. They not only do a better job, but they do so for a lower cost.

There are also private roads as well. And if you didn't know, private roads are often a fraction of the cost of government union labor, and are built to the same quality.

Here's the problem with your argument.

We on the right-wing believe in something called Federalism.

Federalism is the idea that every group of people should govern themselves.

It is a fundamental belief that "one size fits all" policies don't work. That a rule governing New York, likely would not work, and may even be counter productive in Montana. That a policy that might work in San Fransisco, would work poorly in Miami.

It is the idea that the power of government should be moved as close to the people as possible.

This is why I do not actively oppose California implementing socialist programs and policies. Let them. If they bankrupt their entire state, that's on them.

What I have a problem with, is trying to force socialism on everyone, from Washington. That's where the rub comes. If you want implement that in Detroit, and bankrupt the city, that's on you. But don't force your bad policies on Columbus Ohio, if we don't want it.

Moreover, the big problem with having the Federal government pay for all this stuff, is that the Federal government can borrow and print money, that the states and cities cannot.

This gives stupid left-wingers the illusion that you can borrow and print money, forever, and pay for everything you want. But every country that has gone down that path, has failed. Venezuela, Cuba, Greece, and the Soviets before them.

In the end, you can't tax your way to prosperity, and no country ever has. You can't mandate success.

Lastly you like all left-wingers, mention several things when you talk about successful socialism....
Roads, Libraries (that you on the left have never gone to), Military, Police, Fire Department.

Now I always have to be amused by this, because you hate the military, hate the police, hate free speech and never go to libraries, you claim roads are a subsidy for the oil industry. The only thing on that list you people on the left-wing do not complain about, is the Fire Department.

Nevertheless.... When you calculate out all the costs of all those things combined.... we could cut taxes by 50%, and have enough money to cover all those things, and have money left over to pay down the US debt.

Excellent post.

Leftists claim that police, fire dept and libraries are form of socialism, and reason for claiming these services to be socialist because the government provides them.

As taxpayers, we elect our local public officials. We do this in order to delegate to them the responsibility of managing our cities, otherwise the whole body of the people would have to gather and make all decisions collectively. Our delegation of responsibility is not socialism.

Without police, fire dept, road services etc., each of us would have to devote some of own time to perform these necessary functions, just as we do so on our own property (lawn mowing, cleaning up the driveway). I live on private road, city has no responsibilities there, so we, the homeowners are maintaining it out of our own pockets and on own time.

As the size of municipalities grew this effort became too difficult to manage so the taxpayers again delegated their responsibilities to the local government. The burden to finance these services is borne by every person and the benefits in return are equally distributed. That is not socialism. Nobody is taking from one person to benefit another who provided nothing to it.

The military is mandated by the Constitution. It is also funded by all taxpayers and its mission is to serve all citizens equally. That is not socialism, neither.

Except, left wants us to believe that everything that comes from government is socialism, therefore socialism is good, and we should get more of it. The leftist socialist attempts to change definition into something that sounds more acceptable, such as "democratic socialism" isn't gonna change the fact that it is still the failed ideology.
a public sector must be socialist.
Government finances nothing. Taxpayers do.

No I don't, not in any meaningful way. I have a say in what I finance. The descisions here are that of government I have little to no control over as an individual.
We the People are The Government. We finance whatever we vote to finance. You need to import more Brown Latino Slaves and maybe then you can get enough votes for a full blown Economy Killing Socialist State.
Latinos fill a labor shortage. Many of those Latinos are fleeing capitalist shitholes like Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador, Panama, among others.
There is no labor shortage. Left Tard Employers need to have their Sweat Shops and Slave Plantations shut down if they are using Illegal Aliens. Welfare needs cut down 50% and people need to be made to go to work, or starve.

Get off your lazy couch surfing designer tennis shoe wearing, welfare taking, food stamp eating ass and go to work.

Left demand to be paid $15/hour and at the same time wants to import people who will do the same job for $5/hour.

only illegals don't care about minimum wage laws.
So we're not talking about whether we have socialism in our government and economy...we're talking about how MUSH socialism we require.

Exactly. It should be much less.
At least that's the beginning of an honest discussion.

I say we need more. Not as much maybe as Sweden but enough to mitigate the harm that capitalism can cause

Sweden isn't socialist, it's a Welfare State. They regulate their industries far less than we do, they just tax the everloving daylights out of them, and the people.
Wait...we're told to be afraid of socialism...but Sweden is more socialist than we are and more than almost all Dems and liberals want..and we're told that Sweden is not socialist?

Then what the fuck are we supposed to be afraid of?

Having strong social programs and safety nets doesn't make them socialist country.

Socialism refers to public ownership of the means of production. Sweden is not socialist country.
The Founding Fathers listed the duties of the federal government in a single sentence, "to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare". Notice they didn't say "to provide for the general welfare and promote the common defense. Lest we forget the Rev. Jim Jones was the darling of the emerging democrat/socialist movement back in the late 70's. Jonestown was going to set an example if how well socialism could work. When you listen to these socialist fools today just remember, "don't drink the cool-aid".

Socialism refers to public ownership of the means of production. While police, etc. are necessary functions, they are not productive ones, and are therefore proper subjects of government action. This was nailed down by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations (Book V, Of the Revenues of the Sovereign or Commonwealth) long before Socialism was even invented.
California, Oregon, Washington have had years of left wing solutions and they keep getting worse, why is that? You keep telling us that left wingers only have solutions, why have these left wing cities in these left wing state not solved simple homelessness and simple poverty, filthy living conditions, higher disease rates, even a simple garbage issue, drug addiction and other issues that exist in these cities.
let me know once Persons can collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

You are the one claiming success, all you have is excuses and more homelessness, more poverty in your cities.
you are claiming that. i am claiming we have a market friendly solution.

You are claiming to have a solution, you have had those cities for a long time and they are getting worse, all those left wing mayors and left wing governors, you had a left wing President for 16 of the last 27 years.

We can’t the left wing prove they have the answers?
lol. we could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but there is simply "too much social horror for the right wing to bear."

Again, left wing cities, left wing states, you have poverty, you have homelessness and left wing solutions. The last country to try to solve simple poverty abandoned the pay for no work as it did nothing but produce more government reliance and added no benefit to the country. You still have failed to answer the question, why in left wing cities you have not solved simple homelessness or simple poverty and it has gotten worse.
lol. we could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but there is simply "too much social horror for the right wing to bear."

Then why didn't you?

What is "social horror"?

Since President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty began, how much have we reduced the rate of poverty?
Do Republicans even know what socialism really is? There are various degrees and forms of socialism. There are also various degrees and forms of capitalism. If you don't believe me - Google it.

Right... Google it and you'll see how socialism is great.

So we're not talking about whether we have socialism in our government and economy...we're talking about how MUSH socialism we require.

Exactly. It should be much less.
At least that's the beginning of an honest discussion.

I say we need more. Not as much maybe as Sweden but enough to mitigate the harm that capitalism can cause

Sweden isn't socialist, it's a Welfare State. They regulate their industries far less than we do, they just tax the everloving daylights out of them, and the people.
Wait...we're told to be afraid of socialism...but Sweden is more socialist than we are and more than almost all Dems and liberals want..and we're told that Sweden is not socialist?

Then what the fuck are we supposed to be afraid of?

Having strong social programs and safety nets doesn't make them socialist country.

Socialism refers to public ownership of the means of production. Sweden is not socialist country.
Hoover Dam fulfills that requirement for the US.
The Founding Fathers listed the duties of the federal government in a single sentence, "to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare". Notice they didn't say "to provide for the general welfare and promote the common defense. Lest we forget the Rev. Jim Jones was the darling of the emerging democrat/socialist movement back in the late 70's. Jonestown was going to set an example if how well socialism could work. When you listen to these socialist fools today just remember, "don't drink the cool-aid".

Socialism refers to public ownership of the means of production. While police, etc. are necessary functions, they are not productive ones, and are therefore proper subjects of government action. This was nailed down by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations (Book V, Of the Revenues of the Sovereign or Commonwealth) long before Socialism was even invented.
public services are public sector means of production for those services or products.
Government finances nothing. Taxpayers do.

No I don't, not in any meaningful way. I have a say in what I finance. The descisions here are that of government I have little to no control over as an individual.
We the People are The Government. We finance whatever we vote to finance. You need to import more Brown Latino Slaves and maybe then you can get enough votes for a full blown Economy Killing Socialist State.
Latinos fill a labor shortage. Many of those Latinos are fleeing capitalist shitholes like Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador, Panama, among others.
There is no labor shortage. Left Tard Employers need to have their Sweat Shops and Slave Plantations shut down if they are using Illegal Aliens. Welfare needs cut down 50% and people need to be made to go to work, or starve.

Get off your lazy couch surfing designer tennis shoe wearing, welfare taking, food stamp eating ass and go to work.

Left demand to be paid $15/hour and at the same time wants to import people who will do the same job for $5/hour.

Makes no sense. If we deport The Illegal Aliens and Nancy Pelosi finally brings the USMCA to a vote, wages will rise dramatically for lower skilled workers.

Fuck off, Marxist swine.
"you didnt build that" was referring to roads and bridges.
Keep things in context. "that" could be anything if unspecified.
"that" is public infrastructure.

No, commie in chief was referring to business.

So let me repeat it: Fuck off, Marxist swine!

That video clearly shows that he's referring to roads and bridges in the context of "you didnt build that".

Granted, Obama wasnt speaking carefully.

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