Why do Republicans sabotage Obamacare - then say it's failing?

Republicans are going to pay the price if Obamacare collapses. Trump supporters don't give a damn about low income Americans. Their message is drop dead. I am a Reagan Republican and am ashamed at what the Republican Party has become. That is why I consider myself as a independent and I may do something that I have never done. I may have to put up with 4 years with a Democrat to get rid of Trump and his white supremacists and neo-Nazi supporters that have taken over the Republican Party.
A "Reagan Republican" my ass. No Reagan voter would ever support a commie piece of legislation like Obamacare. If it collapses, you can blame it on the people who created the monstrosity.
Republicans are going to pay the price if Obamacare collapses. Trump supporters don't give a damn about low income Americans. Their message is drop dead. I am a Reagan Republican and am ashamed at what the Republican Party has become. That is why I consider myself as a independent and I may do something that I have never done. I may have to put up with 4 years with a Democrat to get rid of Trump and his white supremacists and neo-Nazi supporters that have taken over the Republican Party.
ya..I don't think so..
You're at best a left wing loon drunk on the specter of government interference in our daily lives.
$6000 per year deductibles and 60% coverage thereafter....How does that help "the poor"?
The very same insurance companies that wrote ACA are running from it as fast as they can.

I am a compassionate conservative unlike fake conservatives like you. The fact is that everyone agrees that it needs to be fixed but kicking millions of low-income people off of their health care insurance is not the answer.

"Compassionate conservative" is a euphemism meaning "fake conservative."
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
An opinion blog. Nice. But not facts. Opinions.
Equine excrement. There are more facts here than any conservative could ever cram into their meager brain
Obama and Democrats sabotaged the ACA by passing it...

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Boykin: Obama Creating Personal Brownshirt Army To Enforce Marxism | Right Wing Watch

Last year, Retired General Jerry Boykin recorded a video for Rick Joyner’s Oak Initiative in which he claimed that President Obama was using healthcare reform legislation as cover to establish a private Brownshirt army loyal only to him.
How come the taxpayer pays your premiums Lakhota?

Answer, Soros doesn't pay a living wage for your spreading of liberal propaganda.
CBO suggests Trump admin at fault for Obamacare's rising costs - CNNPolitics

CNN)Having failed to repeal Obamacare, President Donald Trump has said his strategy would be to let the health law "implode."
The Congressional Budget Office released a report Thursday that predicts Trump administration policies on Obamacare could help it on its way by leading to rising premiums and decreased enrollment in individual insurance markets over the next year.

Uncertainty about cost-sharing subsidies the government pays to insurance companies -- which Trump has repeatedly said he may withhold -- are mentioned by the CBO's report as a significant driver of higher costs for the insured. The failure to promise these payments, along with reductions in advertising to inform people about the markets and employees who sign-up enrollees, can only "push enrollment down," the report says.

Insurers rely on the subsidies to lower the deductibles and co-pays of single enrollees who earn less than $30,000 a year and families of four making roughly $61,000. They are separate from the premium subsidies the government pays to lower premiums.
How come the taxpayer pays your premiums Lakhota?

Answer, Soros doesn't pay a living wage for your spreading of liberal propaganda.

Would you rather that the taxpayers get stuck with the whole bill when uninsured people show up at the ER for charity care and are much sicker than they ever had to be, if they had been able to get preventive care?
How come the taxpayer pays your premiums Lakhota?

Answer, Soros doesn't pay a living wage for your spreading of liberal propaganda.

Would you rather that the taxpayers get stuck with the whole bill when uninsured people show up at the ER for charity care and are much sicker than they ever had to be, if they had been able to get preventive care?
It was cheaper before Obamacare "solved" the problem.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

See the far left drones use far left religious dogma sites for their "facts"..

Obamacare is on auto pilot and the only time it was changed was when Obama used an EO to rewrite the laws.

So as you see the far left is just pumping out propaganda not connected to reality, but what do you expect those that for passing a bill and never reading it.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

See the far left drones use far left religious dogma sites for their "facts"..

Obamacare is on auto pilot and the only time it was changed was when Obama used an EO to rewrite the laws.

So as you see the far left is just pumping out propaganda not connected to reality, but what do you expect those that for passing a bill and never reading it.

You seem to be unable to intellectually process the information that is being presented here. Bleating that it is not true without any evidence to support your position makes it nothing more than a logical fallacy in the form of an appeal to ignorance
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Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

See the far left drones use far left religious dogma sites for their "facts"..

Obamacare is on auto pilot and the only time it was changed was when Obama used an EO to rewrite the laws.

So as you see the far left is just pumping out propaganda not connected to reality, but what do you expect those that for passing a bill and never reading it.

You seem to be unable to intellectually process the information that is being presented here. Bleating that it is not true without any evidence to support you position makes it nothing more than a logical fallacy in the for of an appeal to ignorance

See how the far left does not understand the very law they supported?

Anything passed in the Congress would need to be signed by the president, so please far left drones show all the bills signed by Obama that hurt Obamacare.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

See the far left drones use far left religious dogma sites for their "facts"..

Obamacare is on auto pilot and the only time it was changed was when Obama used an EO to rewrite the laws.

So as you see the far left is just pumping out propaganda not connected to reality, but what do you expect those that for passing a bill and never reading it.

You seem to be unable to intellectually process the information that is being presented here. Bleating that it is not true without any evidence to support you position makes it nothing more than a logical fallacy in the for of an appeal to ignorance

See how the far left does not understand the very law they supported?

Anything passed in the Congress would need to be signed by the president, so please far left drones show all the bills signed by Obama that hurt Obamacare.
You're not making a lick of sense. What YOU need to do is to demonstrate which of the numerous actions outlines here, taken by Trump, the Republicans and the states DID NOT actually happen OR if they did -how they did not undermine the ACA.
Why do Republicans keep lying about heath care?


“There’s a new Jimmy Kimmel test for you. It’s called the lie-detector test.”

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Bill Cassidy Responds To Jimmy Kimmel By Doubling Down On The Dishonesty

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Cause Republicans hate middle America. The GOP will only be happy when they push the middle class into a lower economic bracket. They, and the Orange so called, president are in it for the wealthy.

Sadly, many of the low and middle class voters who elected the treasonous orange clown are the exact ones that are going to be hurt by the policies of this criminal administration that Putin elected.

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