Why do republicans think there is no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion just because...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.
All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law.

Sadly, republicans would whether a criminal rule them then do what is right.
OK........I'm a Republican, and I confess: "Russia influenced me to vote for Trump".

When I entered the voting booth. Some sort of commie mind wave signal that I can't explain, forced me to vote for Trump.

True story........ :cool:
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OK........I'm a Republican, and I confess: "Russia somehow influenced me to vote for Trump".

When I entered the voting booth. Some sort of commie mind wave signal that I can't explain, forced me to vote for Trump.

True story........ :cool:
Got you to eh? Damn Hillary!
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.
Because the fuckwits in the democrat government tell us so!

OK........I'm a Republican, and I confess: "Russia influenced me to vote for Trump".

When I entered the voting booth. Some sort of commie mind wave signal that I can't explain, forced me to vote for Trump.

True story........ :cool:

This guy????

All republicans care about is their party and couldn't give a single damn about this country or enforcing the law.

Sadly, republicans would whether a criminal rule them then do what is right.
And they have the 2nd coming of Ponzi leading them
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.
But there's all sorts of "things" H. Clinton is guilty of.................................
Don't you just love the irony coming from both sides in all this?
You know what I love? Seeing the stark differences in the libtarded press in their quest for truth without evidence, now Benghazi? They sure as fuck were not interested were they?
Yeah Thats why it was in our face every day for many months Didn't know you used alt facts too Must be a Kelly Ann follower
OK........I'm a Republican, and I confess: "Russia influenced me to vote for Trump".

When I entered the voting booth. Some sort of commie mind wave signal that I can't explain, forced me to vote for Trump.

True story........ :cool:
It's amazing to me how you people miss the point as always.
...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.
The FBI can't be building a case because after three Congressional investigations and a year long FBI investigation there is not a single piece of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government according to two Democratic senators who get deep briefings from the FBI and intelligence services, Diane Feinstein and Joe Manchin, and according to Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.
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...it hasn't been shown to the media? Are they really that dense? The FBI is building the case for a reason.

My god did republicans have this level of skepticism when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails? No, of course not. They clung to the slightest rumors unsubstantiated or not.

Because comey and others have testified before congress that their is no evidence of collusion

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