Why do republicans want war with Iran instead of a peaceful solution?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Why do you want more war,more young American men and women killed,THOUSANDS if not Hundreds of Thousands injured some beyond repair...why are you so interested in having a war when we can peacefully solve this problem? I just can't see what would make someone WANT war. So explain it please.
They want some new war porn to masturbate to, the stuff from the 2nd gulf war has gotten sort of stale.
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
Who has suggested going to war with Iran? Not wanting to make a bad deal is not the same as wanting to go to war despite this liberal talking point these are not the only options.
they really think Iran will be PEACEFUL. Lets go all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

Just like under Clinton he wanted to find peaceful and then when he left office. NINE months later we had 9/11

these people are going to get us killed, AGAIN. Hopefully it won't be more than 3000 the next time
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
They don't, keeping up this this state of affairs where Iran is ostracized and continually threatened guarantees that they get the bomb and that we will have to fight another stupid war, at least with a deal there is a chance that they will see a nuclear bomb is no longer in their best interests and maybe we will not have to spend another trillion dollars and thousands of Americans lives on a war only war contractors, some Israelis and American dumbasses want.
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
They don't, keeping up this this state of affairs where Iran is ostracized and continually threatened guarantees that they get the bomb and that we will have to fight another stupid war, at least with a deal there is a chance that they will see a nuclear bomb is no longer in their best interests and maybe we will not have to spend another trillion dollars and thousands of Americans lives on a war only war contractors, some Israelis and American dumbasses want.
How does giving them a nuclear bomb keep them from getting a nuclear bomb?
The mistake is in imagining that a country that has a national slogan Death to America is peaceful. The country that has vowed that the islamic flag will fly over the white house isn't peaceful.

The peaceful intent of Iran exists only in the minds of democrats. Last week this peaceful country was practicing on how to sink an American aircraft carrier.
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
They don't, keeping up this this state of affairs where Iran is ostracized and continually threatened guarantees that they get the bomb and that we will have to fight another stupid war, at least with a deal there is a chance that they will see a nuclear bomb is no longer in their best interests and maybe we will not have to spend another trillion dollars and thousands of Americans lives on a war only war contractors, some Israelis and American dumbasses want.
How does giving them a nuclear bomb keep them from getting a nuclear bomb?

No one is giving them a nuclear bomb. Jeeze you fuckers are stupid tonight.
Dumb question.

Why do Rs want anything?


The GOP war profiteers always do very well during wartime.

Don't believe it? Ask the Bushes and Cheeeenyes.


They also stand to make gains in their ongoing efforts to trash the US.

Look at the bush admin and the Rs with the Obama admin. Everything they have done has had the same goals. Weaken the US, undermine our position in the world, cause direct harm to the working class, hire more from other countries.

That's what its all about.
Why do democrats want nuclear war worldwide with Iran as the flashpoint?
You do realize 1. Iran has no Nukes. 2. It would take YEARS to get Nukes 3. Israel,Pakistan,India ALL have nukes are ALL either in the ME or close enough to the ME to spark a nuclear war. Pakistan and India have fought 3 major wars since 1947 when's last time Iran started a war?
Who has suggested going to war with Iran? Not wanting to make a bad deal is not the same as wanting to go to war despite this liberal talking point these are not the only options.
What bad deal? How is the deal on the table from what we know a bad deal? It stops their nuclear activities and makes them stay open to inspections something we CAN'T say about Israel's Nukes. They could be in danger of going off and as fanatical as Israel is it wouldn't surprise me if they used Samson Option if Iran and the US AND several other nations agreed to a deal.
Dumb question.

Why do Rs want anything?


The GOP war profiteers always do very well during wartime.

Don't believe it? Ask the Bushes and Cheeeenyes.


They also stand to make gains in their ongoing efforts to trash the US.

Look at the bush admin and the Rs with the Obama admin. Everything they have done has had the same goals. Weaken the US, undermine our position in the world, cause direct harm to the working class, hire more from other countries.

That's what its all about.

Is this why the Obomanation wants to legalize 11 million illegals....to cause direct harm to the working class?
He's on the way out. Can't say that he'll be missed.
Well, the obomanation hopes so, as Bibi BOMBED him in Congress....

Iran believes it has an obligation to allah to start nuclear war. They hate you. They hate everyone not muslim or the right kind of muslim. They are fanatics. Having a mandate from God means that they can lie, cheat or kill to further their religious goals.
So its about saving Israel who has nukes,an elite military and IQ service etc...that's what I figured. Shed American blood to save Israeli blood.Some sick bastards.

So it doesn't bother you that Iran is in the process of taking over 4 other muslim countries, and has eyes on ME domination.... you must be a terrorist muslim supporter!

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