Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

What makes you think snakes couldn't talk before the fall? What makes you think they can't now if they chose to?

People put too many limitations on things. Not criticizing you personally here. I think I probably act the same.

Interestingly enough, that could possibly be true.

The main reason for the Flood was that the Sons of God had mated with the daughters of mankind, and they created the Nephilim.

God saw what was going on and decided He needed to start over again.

There are alot of things that can be true if we just open our minds to the possibility.

Take Unicorns. Many presume them to be mythological creatures because they picture them as they are always depicted in media. Essentially to be horses with a horn. People accept this as fact. But they don't consider the possibility that the picture we associate with Unicorns is different from what our ancestors thought.

I commonly accepted this as fact, until I read an obscure account of an ancient writer describing a unicorn. (I wish I could remember the source). When I read it, it just clicked, this writer isn't describing what we consider a unicorn. He's describing a Rhinocerous.

I wonder how many other things we attribute to myth and think our ancestors were foolish simply because we don't understand what they were actually talking about. How many people are closed to ideas because they just cant broaden their view to see alittle more widely then they currently are?

I think it's human nature to resist this. And it's difficult to find balance between opening your mind to possibilities and denial of clear and convincing truth sometimes.

I know, I'm long winded. I just think about this stuff from time to time and I don't get to talk about it often.

That sounds like what most people think about heaven. Many assume it will be boring with nothing but songs on clouds being repeated over and over again until you want to scream. I don't think anything could be further from the truth. I think we'll be so full of joy it will be hard to stop singing, we'll be praising because we'll be so genuinely grateful once we see what Christ did for us, the enormity of it all...try to imagine all insecurity being gone, replaced by unbelievable confidence because you feel centered in God, because His presence is felt so close and it's overflowing loving. It's hard to imagine, and if you experience it even for a micro second, you realize you have a ton more insecurity and defenses than you ever imagined, weighing you down.

People will accuse Christians of being closed minded but in reality, it's hard for us to try to comprehend the vastness of the glory of God
I know God still loves the jewish people but they are in a little hot water, they are the ones that had Christ put to death.

If you believe that, then you don't understand the scriptures nearly as much as you claim to.

He's a Christian. You've got to back each other up. I'm the anti-christ. Nice to meet you.

I'd rather stand for the truth. I'd rather encourage others to do better and provide constructive criticism whether Christian or not. As I'd love them to do so to me.
And I'm amused when people pretend that scientific proof is the only way we can know anything. Amused and yet sad.

It's sad you twisted the meaning of my words. I did not say that scientific proof is the only way to know anything. I said it's funny when Christians pretend the Bible is scientific proof of anything.

I keep trying to have a better connection with you, but it's difficult when you insist on distorting the meaning of my post.

The nature of faith is knowing beyond what can be proved. You keep forgetting I'm a person of faith, myself. I get it though. My faith doesn't count because it isn't Biblical.

You discount my religion. That is sad.

I don't discount your religion in the least. In fact, i study it from time to time, even though I disagree with some basic tenants. I study lots of things. It's easier to love people you understand.

And Forgive me, but I wasn't attempting to twist your words or direct those comments at you directly. I should have been clearer in my statements.

The nature of faith is certitude. That's why God reveals the Truths He does and gives us the choice to exercise faith in them. So we can understand through our own experiences that what He teaches are true.

Take honesty for example. It's a true principle. Can it be proven try scientifically? No (though I won't deny that I would consider the study of the effects of lying on the liars body is interesting evidence). How do I know it's a true principle? Is it because of reason? No. Though I am sure I could make some reasonable arguments why it's good to be honest.

No. The only way to know honesty is good for ourselves is to actively strive to be honest in our lives. Then we see the fruits of it. We can taste them for ourselves. The Holy Spirit testifies to us, no matter what our religious persuasion, that being honest is a true and holy principle.

The only way to have things of the Spirit taught to us exercising faith (IE Doing the principle) and learning through the Spirit.

That is why I encourage people not to simply take my word for anything. I could be wrong. We all need to learn for ourselves. We all need to have our own personal experience with God. And we can have our own experience with God through experimenting in faith.

I didn't always know God was there. I just came to the conclusion that if there was a God, and if He created me with the ability to communicate. He could communicate back. And when and if He was ever really He could make Himself known. At that point I had to conclude that if the scriptures are true, then the only way we could know is to exercise faith. I had to experiment.

I will never regret doing that. Nor of learning what I have since. I only wish my choices had been better since then because despite learning alot I still have done alot of stupid things.

I have no regrets, about anything.
I know God still loves the jewish people but they are in a little hot water, they are the ones that had Christ put to death.

If you believe that, then you don't understand the scriptures nearly as much as you claim to.

You might want to open the bible and read it for yourself.

Mat 27:22 Pilate said to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? They all said to him, Let Him be crucified.
Mat 27:23 And the governor said, Why? What evil has He done? But they cried out the more, saying, let Him be crucified!
Mat 27:24 But when Pilate saw that it gained nothing, but rather that a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. You see to it.

Who were the people that handed Christ over to pilate to be crucified ?

Who were the people that were calling for him to be crucified ?

We all have the blood of Christ on us. And Thank God! Because through His blood we are made pure.

Matthew was using the passage to remind his readers of Exodus 24. The Pharisees, though unadvertedly, were sanctioning the New Covenant.
If you believe that, then you don't understand the scriptures nearly as much as you claim to.

He's a Christian. You've got to back each other up. I'm the anti-christ. Nice to meet you.

I'd rather stand for the truth. I'd rather encourage others to do better and provide constructive criticism whether Christian or not. As I'd love them to do so to me.

I appreciate that. I have some days when I'm irked by what some Christians say and it starts to generalize to ALL Christians are the same.

That's a flaw in my thinking that I'm working on.

It's funny that your friend calls me the anti-christ. That's got to be the biggest insult I've had in my life, LOL. I mean I have my flaws but.......
If you believe that, then you don't understand the scriptures nearly as much as you claim to.

You might want to open the bible and read it for yourself.

Mat 27:22 Pilate said to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? They all said to him, Let Him be crucified.
Mat 27:23 And the governor said, Why? What evil has He done? But they cried out the more, saying, let Him be crucified!
Mat 27:24 But when Pilate saw that it gained nothing, but rather that a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. You see to it.

Who were the people that handed Christ over to pilate to be crucified ?

Who were the people that were calling for him to be crucified ?

We all have the blood of Christ on us. And Thank God! Because through His blood we are made pure.

Matthew was using the passage to remind his readers of Exodus 24. The Pharisees, though unadvertedly, were sanctioning the New Covenant.

I don't have the blood of Christ on me.
You might want to open the bible and read it for yourself.

Mat 27:22 Pilate said to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? They all said to him, Let Him be crucified.
Mat 27:23 And the governor said, Why? What evil has He done? But they cried out the more, saying, let Him be crucified!
Mat 27:24 But when Pilate saw that it gained nothing, but rather that a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. You see to it.

Who were the people that handed Christ over to pilate to be crucified ?

Who were the people that were calling for him to be crucified ?

We all have the blood of Christ on us. And Thank God! Because through His blood we are made pure.

Matthew was using the passage to remind his readers of Exodus 24. The Pharisees, though unadvertedly, were sanctioning the New Covenant.

I don't have the blood of Christ on me.

No one does.
We all have the blood of Christ on us. And Thank God! Because through His blood we are made pure.

Matthew was using the passage to remind his readers of Exodus 24. The Pharisees, though unadvertedly, were sanctioning the New Covenant.

I don't have the blood of Christ on me.

No one does.

You'll notice the OP is ALWAYS pushing the Bible, and telling EVERYBODY to read it. When we don't, he considers us ATTACKING the Bible.

He uses the Bible to attack non-christians calling us the anti-christ.


And the moderates sit back and snooze.
I don't have the blood of Christ on me.

No one does.

You'll notice the OP is ALWAYS pushing the Bible, and telling EVERYBODY to read it. When we don't, he considers us ATTACKING the Bible.

He uses the Bible to attack non-christians calling us the anti-christ.


And the moderates sit back and snooze.

OP has no idea about astronomy, genetics, evolution, biology, nuclear physics, or radiometric dating. He has nothing but vague notions of all of them. He only knows the generic talking points of creationist tards.

Lol atoms decayed at different rates in the past....no 8th grader with a general understanding of how atoms work would claim such things.
He's a Christian. You've got to back each other up. I'm the anti-christ. Nice to meet you.

I'd rather stand for the truth. I'd rather encourage others to do better and provide constructive criticism whether Christian or not. As I'd love them to do so to me.

I appreciate that. I have some days when I'm irked by what some Christians say and it starts to generalize to ALL Christians are the same.

That's a flaw in my thinking that I'm working on.

It's funny that your friend calls me the anti-christ. That's got to be the biggest insult I've had in my life, LOL. I mean I have my flaws but.......

We all have flaws. The point of life is to love each other despite them and to help each other overcome.

I actually wish all Christians were the same. I just wish we were all the same in that we were all full of love and desire to obey the commandments of God.
Could you at least try to use proper English? It's impossible to understand you.

Incidentally, your siggy makes no sense whatever. But I'm flattered you care.
Dude what are you talking about. There are millions of planets outside of out solar system. Life doesnt exist on other planets in this solar system because no other planets are in the habitable zone, the zone in which water can exist. But we have no idea if life exists outside of our solar system because weve never been outside of it. There very well could be.

My point is if we are all made up of elements in the universe how come there is no other life detected out there yet ?

So earlier you said don't discuss evolution with anyone who does not understand it,well i understand it .well let's see if we are a product of evolution or creation.

"if we are all made up of elements in the universe"

So wait....If im correct in understanding that, do you not believe everything in the universe is an element...?

Yes,but we are only made up of 6 major elements but as many as 28.
No one does.

You'll notice the OP is ALWAYS pushing the Bible, and telling EVERYBODY to read it. When we don't, he considers us ATTACKING the Bible.

He uses the Bible to attack non-christians calling us the anti-christ.


And the moderates sit back and snooze.

OP has no idea about astronomy, genetics, evolution, biology, nuclear physics, or radiometric dating. He has nothing but vague notions of all of them. He only knows the generic talking points of creationist tards.

Lol atoms decayed at different rates in the past....no 8th grader with a general understanding of how atoms work would claim such things.

You really are brainwashed believing what you spew.

Let me show you why you believe lies. Most everything you believe is built on imagination.

Natural selection is what keeps the gene pool strong and helps keeping the group alive and removing the weaker genes and defective genes and of course mutations.

If there was no natural selection we and all organisms would die off.

Natural selection is what would work against evolution because it would remove mutations that are not solidified in the gene pool.

How could a non-thinking and non-intelligent natural process think and create all the vital organs it would take for an organism to live ?


Fact #1 produce the same kind of plant or animal because of the DNA code barrier. Never will a cow produce a non-cow.

Micro-adaptations ;

Fact #2 result from the sorting or the loss of genetic information.

Fact # 3 scientist know of no way for nature to add appreciable amounts of new & beneficial genetic information to a gene pool.

Neo-darwinism is based on three false assumptions.

1. Mutations create new & beneficial genetic data.
2. Natural selection lets the mutant gene take over the population.
3. Needs long ages for this to happen millions of years ,given enough time they claim a bacteria cell overcame the law of abiogenesis and all mathematical possibility and came to life and then mutated its way to everything alive now,whew talk about faith. and they say it ended up the thing they call the ultimate mutation,you and I.

Here is a problem for you darwinist.

All observed mutations after millions of observations,mutations are caused by the sorting or loss of pre-existing genetic data. This is Gene Depletion. Gene depletion applies to Micro-adaptations and mutations,so they get weaker and weaker until they're removed by Natural Selection.


So you're being taught mutations + Natural Selection leads to Neo-darwinian Evolution.

But real science reveals based on millions of observations; DNA code barrier + Gene depletion + Natural Selection is what prevents Macro-evolution. Macro-evolution is an impossibility.

Example; You see , when breeding you breed out information you're not breeding in new information.

Let's say you're breeding boxers two purebreds.well it took several different breeds to create the boxer to begin with, what happens is through natural selection every generation after the first two boxers they would breed out information and the gene pool gets smaller and smaller and than Natural Selection weeds out the information of the other dogs it took to create the boxer in the first place. So unless another breed is introduced to the gene pool those boxers will only have genetic information to produce boxers and this is factual evidence.

Since you probably subscribe to this Neo Darwinism and believe that Natural selection allows a mutant gene to take over a gene pool.

Since most mutations are neutral or harmful to the organism how come humans are not crippled ,deformed,or dead since Nathral selection would allow harmful mutations to take over a population according to your faulty belief ?
You'll notice the OP is ALWAYS pushing the Bible, and telling EVERYBODY to read it. When we don't, he considers us ATTACKING the Bible.

He uses the Bible to attack non-christians calling us the anti-christ.


And the moderates sit back and snooze.

A lie.

And ad hominem.

Lol like your capable of producing actual responses...

You keep avoiding my questions with your rhetoric. Let's find out what you know.
Rhetoric? Is that what we're calling it?

Honestly, I can't make heads or tails of what he's trying to say. He says one thing, which is usually wrong, then he'll jump to something else..also wrong, then he'll interrupt himself with another wrong spasming....it gives me a headache.
I just wish we were all the same in that we were all full of love and desire to obey the commandments of God.

Since there is no god these ‘commandments’ were written by men in an effort to control other men. And since we know men can not rule other men justly, such a position is as flawed as any other religion, or those not subject to the delusion of faith at all.

As an aside, it’s telling Christians consider dissent and sincere criticism of faith ‘attacking.’
I just wish we were all the same in that we were all full of love and desire to obey the commandments of God.

Since there is no god these ‘commandments’ were written by men in an effort to control other men. And since we know men can not rule other men justly, such a position is as flawed as any other religion, or those not subject to the delusion of faith at all.

As an aside, it’s telling Christians consider dissent and sincere criticism of faith ‘attacking.’

If you think everybody has the right to believe as they please, why criticize people for their faith?

And it is generally done in the form of attack.

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