Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

No, you haven't, you idiot.

Dr. Collins laughs at you:

"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief is a bestselling book by Francis Collins in which he advocates theistic evolution. Francis Collins is an American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He currently serves as the Director of the US National Institutes of Health. "

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, incidentally, so do I, and anyone else with any inkling about genetics and biology.

Your arguments are laughable and outright nonsensical.

The evolutionary part is perfectly reasonable, IMO. The proof of God, however, is purely philosophical, not scientific. Just because something appears to be tuned, doesn't mean it was OR wasn't.
Er..I never said there was proof of the existence of God.

In fact, I have said repeatedly, there is no proof and none is warranted.
Er..I never said there was proof of the existence of God.

In fact, I have said repeatedly, there is no proof and none is warranted.

So you believe in something even though you agree that there's no proof? Sheesh, no wonder the US is in so much trouble these days.
No, you haven't, you idiot.

Dr. Collins laughs at you:

"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief is a bestselling book by Francis Collins in which he advocates theistic evolution. Francis Collins is an American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He currently serves as the Director of the US National Institutes of Health. "

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, incidentally, so do I, and anyone else with any inkling about genetics and biology.

Your arguments are laughable and outright nonsensical.

From your link

"Theistic evolution is not a scientific theory"

Nothing more to see here, move along.

I never said it was.
Er..I never said there was proof of the existence of God.

In fact, I have said repeatedly, there is no proof and none is warranted.

So you believe in something even though you agree that there's no proof? Sheesh, no wonder the US is in so much trouble these days.

That's what faith is.

Why do you care?

Because people who believe in invisible superbeings from another dimension like you do have their finger on the "Launch Nukes" button. And guess what, they need armageddon for jesus to return. It's pretty scary stuff.
ok, so having a phd makes believing in invisible superbeings allright? Geez, I guess faith includes a total lack of logic as well. If the smartest human on earth believed in invisible superbeings, it wouldn't automatically make them real.
Nope, just saying that if you want to equate an understanding of science with lack of faith, you are a sadly misguided and ignorant soul.
Well positive mutations don't result in new species, either.

Why aren't the children of Einstein a new species?

Or Michael Jordan?

I know why...because such mutations don't lead to new species.

It's simple, really.

Why is a Great Dane the same species as a toy poodle?

Cuz mutations don't lead to new species.

I could do this all day.

Why are families of red heads still the same species as blacks?

Mutation doesn't lead to new species.

I've already provided proof of the exact opposite, as did CB with our examples of the tortoise and the fish.

I'm not going to link the exact same, scientific facts from a website when you don't take them seriously the first time.

And i presented why it could never happen.

It is scientifically,and mathematically impossible.

No matter what you read on wiki.
Yes... I know this is about why. But what I am trying to explain is that while I understand the why, you also have to realize that even Christians are ever learning, ever evolving in their faith.

Let's take a look at the word "Faith" for a second. Let me ask... would a person of "faith" demand punishment or persecution of people that they consider "sinners" in this lifetime, when there is a God that is very capable of meting out that punishment in the next?

I have to ask.... where is their faith?

Most christians I have met do not have an open mind about anything. Their focus is on what a BOOK says. A book written by man, for man. A book translated so many times no telling how many were warped to suit the political agendas of that day and time. A book missing many chapters and gospels because of the same political agendas. A book. Ignore the kindness and love Jesus came to preach. Ignore what he said. Stay with THE BOOK. Y'all worship that thing like the hebrews worshipped the golden calf while moses was getting some laws. But that story is from THE BOOK as well so how do we know the real facts? FAITH. And mine is very very different from most christians. Unless they are as open as I am to think 'what if" and question God and Jesus both but never act opposite of what Jesus taught.

Why would i have an open mind to things i find offensive ?

What is the difference in having faith in the bible and faith in mans philosophy ? The bible is much more reliable.

Why should you have an open mind to things YOU find offensive? Read that question 2 or 3 more times and give me a straight answer. You should very MUCH have an open mind because YOU are not the decider of such things.
"I'm not attacking you when I say the Bible is full of lies and you are an idiot for reading it!

But you are attacking me when you dare to say "I am a Christian""

That sums up the long and short of why dumbfucks attack the bible and Christians.
Sigh. The bible says this. The bible says that. God fearing. Lake of eternal fire. Damnation. Where is the love Jesus taught? Oh. wait. I know. Forgotten. Dismissed.

Yeah and when Jesus returns he will be leading an army of war?
Hardly a loving help the sick and children forgive his tresspassers kind of guy?
Heaven must do horrible things to you?

He needs an army to destroy all the wicked that is on the earth.

An all powerful being with the ability to create and destroy does not need an army to destroy the wicked. Not that I am judging you, my brother... but how weak is your faith?
No, you haven't, you idiot.

Dr. Collins laughs at you:

"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief is a bestselling book by Francis Collins in which he advocates theistic evolution. Francis Collins is an American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He currently serves as the Director of the US National Institutes of Health. "

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, incidentally, so do I, and anyone else with any inkling about genetics and biology.

Your arguments are laughable and outright nonsensical.

From your link

"Theistic evolution is not a scientific theory"

Nothing more to see here, move along.

Neither is Macro-evolution or Neo Darwinism, no matter what you've been taught. It's built on assumptions through the imagination and unseen so called facts.

What they do is take evidence of Mircro-adaptations and variations within a group and use that as their evidence.

Dog's are still dog's,horse's are still horse's,bacteria are still bacteria,monkey's are still monkey's.

It'is rediculous,millions of years ago it rained down on this rock and poof here we are.:lol:

Is anyone gonna address what evolutionist Dr.Spetner said concerning Neo Darwinism ?

You people are so busy trying to defend this theory, you don't even stop to ponder if it's even possible ,even though someone that use to believe the same crud presents you with the reason why it can never work.

How many of you here would like to make simple wager that some day science will try to come up with another theory because they already know this one is not viable. ?
No, everyone doesn’t have a ‘personal relationship’ with god; one can’t make a decision to have a ‘personal relationship’ or not with something that doesn’t exist. This is an example of the presumptive arrogance typical of many Christians.

A "personal Relationship" is Really just a nice way of saying that we all believe a little differently than another. Presumed Arrogance? Not at all..

You have a personal relationship with the "nothingness" you embrace... unless are you telling me that all agnostics and atheists have the same philosophies. Which I highly doubt.

No, I'm telling you Christians think faith is a personal decision, which it is.

You are the one who thinks it is your business what others believe. As is evidenced by this post.

Really? You think it is my business? How about calling me a Communist while your at it? None of us really knows who is right, do we? I don't give a crap how you worship or believe. All I ask is that you let others find their own way without you... and/or people like you condemning them to hell before you know the least bit about them.

No offense... and I hate to say this.. because it goes against my own philosophy of not judging people... but some people have such a limited mindset when it comes to God and their faith. Seriously... do you think that God really cares about things such as evolution vs. Creation nearly as much as he does about Salvation and loving your fellow man? Do you really think God cares as much about Homosexuality or abortion, or other sins... as much as he does about people coming to him in times of regret, despair and need?

In short, I am of the OPINION that your limited faith has painted you and people like you into a very small corner of what God stands for. I really hope that someday you will come to understand the real power of the Lord. The power to not only read off the sins and virtues of a person... but to also understand the circumstances and the compulsions that lead a person to their own personal sins and struggles.

You can hate... you can judge, you can condemn.... but none of that means nothing to God. God is the decider.... not you, nor people like you. In fact... I believe that you are going against God's word every bit as much as a non-believer is. But that is your choice.... just as it is for one not to believe at all.
Well positive mutations don't result in new species, either.

Why aren't the children of Einstein a new species?

Or Michael Jordan?

I know why...because such mutations don't lead to new species.

It's simple, really.

Why is a Great Dane the same species as a toy poodle?

Cuz mutations don't lead to new species.

I could do this all day.

Why are families of red heads still the same species as blacks?

Mutation doesn't lead to new species.

I've already provided proof of the exact opposite, as did CB with our examples of the tortoise and the fish.

I'm not going to link the exact same, scientific facts from a website when you don't take them seriously the first time.

And i presented why it could never happen.

It is scientifically,and mathematically impossible.

No matter what you read on wiki.

Those idiots act as though they proved something with the tortoise and fish links...

They didn't prove anything except that animals can quickly change appearance (which those of us who have ever had any interest in horses, dogs or fish already know) and the scientists that initially identified different species made humongous mistakes.


That proves that evolution is tied into the creation of new species...HOW???
No, you haven't, you idiot.

Dr. Collins laughs at you:

"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief is a bestselling book by Francis Collins in which he advocates theistic evolution. Francis Collins is an American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He currently serves as the Director of the US National Institutes of Health. "

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, incidentally, so do I, and anyone else with any inkling about genetics and biology.

Your arguments are laughable and outright nonsensical.

From your link

"Theistic evolution is not a scientific theory"

Nothing more to see here, move along.

It's one of the three main belief systems .way to insult the only holy people that placate to your absurd theory.
No, you haven't, you idiot.

Dr. Collins laughs at you:

"The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief is a bestselling book by Francis Collins in which he advocates theistic evolution. Francis Collins is an American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He currently serves as the Director of the US National Institutes of Health. "

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, incidentally, so do I, and anyone else with any inkling about genetics and biology.

Your arguments are laughable and outright nonsensical.

The evolutionary part is perfectly reasonable, IMO. The proof of God, however, is purely philosophical, not scientific. Just because something appears to be tuned, doesn't mean it was OR wasn't.

Am i gonna have to whip out all my ID evidence :eusa_angel:
A "personal Relationship" is Really just a nice way of saying that we all believe a little differently than another. Presumed Arrogance? Not at all..

You have a personal relationship with the "nothingness" you embrace... unless are you telling me that all agnostics and atheists have the same philosophies. Which I highly doubt.

No, I'm telling you Christians think faith is a personal decision, which it is.

You are the one who thinks it is your business what others believe. As is evidenced by this post.

Really? You think it is my business? How about calling me a Communist while your at it? None of us really knows who is right, do we? I don't give a crap how you worship or believe. All I ask is that you let others find their own way without you... and/or people like you condemning them to hell before you know the least bit about them.

No offense... and I hate to say this.. because it goes against my own philosophy of not judging people... but some people have such a limited mindset when it comes to God and their faith. Seriously... do you think that God really cares about things such as evolution vs. Creation nearly as much as he does about Salvation and loving your fellow man? Do you really think God cares as much about Homosexuality or abortion, or other sins... as much as he does about people coming to him in times of regret, despair and need?

In short, I am of the OPINION that your limited faith has painted you and people like you into a very small corner of what God stands for. I really hope that someday you will come to understand the real power of the Lord. The power to not only read off the sins and virtues of a person... but to also understand the circumstances and the compulsions that lead a person to their own personal sins and struggles.

You can hate... you can judge, you can condemn.... but none of that means nothing to God. God is the decider.... not you, nor people like you. In fact... I believe that you are going against God's word every bit as much as a non-believer is. But that is your choice.... just as it is for one not to believe at all.

Uh...I think I was agreeing with you.

But insane rant noted.

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