Why do the God-haters persist?

translation: "there will never be any evidence that i will accept that shows that man is an anthropoid ape because it doesn't say so in the bible."

except that, whether or not you believe there is evidence , there, in fact, is evidence:


no dummy there will never be proof because we didn't come from monkeys ....

if you have red hair your great great great great great x 10 granddaddy fucked a neanderdal

red hair a legacy of neanderthal man

ewwww !!!

I'm sure THAT experience led to the invention of the jizz rag. :lol:
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If religious people were so fucking good, we wouldn't have all the poverty and death that we have.

If atheists did something besides bitch about us it would help, too. But if it comes down to whining about Christians and doing something, you know what their priority is.
Our ancestors being afraid of the unknown is why they invented God.

I already used science to demonstrate this is not true.

Wait, what? You used science to demonstrate it isn't true? I think I must have missed that....

Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.
no dummy there will never be proof because we didn't come from monkeys ....
if you have red hair your great great great great great x 10 granddaddy fucked a neanderdal

Sorry, but homo neanderthalis was part of the hominid genus.

Not a monkey.
We don't know everything dolfins or whales know.

That is not intelligent rational logical thought.

there is nothing living that does not have Spirituality ....


logical thought is not physiological nor absolute - the cherry tree does not have a central nervous center (brain) and though bossy & compy etc. disclaims the hierarchical intelligence - as fools, this example with no exception is appealing to something other than self. visualization is a proof where thought is the impediment.


Nature evolved mechanisms to cast seeds in some plants by attracting the interest visually, by smell and providing food to insects, birds and other animals long before humans came onto the landscape. Suggesting that the configuration of plant reproduction is for the purpose of entertaining human beings and their gods is childish.
Where to start. First off, yes our brains as primitive as they were WERE also intelligent enough to be creative and have imaginations and come up with religion. They didn't know what a comit or thunder was so their primitive but somewhat intelligent minds came up with the concept. We were also smart enough to figure out how to rub sticks together and make fire. But today that doesn't make you smart, right??? You do get that right???

Yet new religions keep getting invented every day! You said yourself, even the Atheists are creating churches. Now I think we all know what causes thunder, some of us even know what "comets" are and how to spell it! lol

Uh oh.... looks like your point was just totally demolished! Humans imagine and create religion to address their intrinsic awareness of something greater than self.

No. Nothing demolished at all.
They had a brain that allowed the creativity to find a rationalization for their fears. The development of "spiritual" memes was the need to cope with what was not understood.
Nothing has changed.
Where to start. First off, yes our brains as primitive as they were WERE also intelligent enough to be creative and have imaginations and come up with religion. They didn't know what a comit or thunder was so their primitive but somewhat intelligent minds came up with the concept. We were also smart enough to figure out how to rub sticks together and make fire. But today that doesn't make you smart, right??? You do get that right???

Yet new religions keep getting invented every day! You said yourself, even the Atheists are creating churches. Now I think we all know what causes thunder, some of us even know what "comets" are and how to spell it! lol

Uh oh.... looks like your point was just totally demolished! Humans imagine and create religion to address their intrinsic awareness of something greater than self.

No. Nothing demolished at all.
They had a brain that allowed the creativity to find a rationalization for their fears. The development of "spiritual" memes was the need to cope with what was not understood.
Nothing has changed.

See post #2383 above. False.
I already used science to demonstrate this is not true.

Wait, what? You used science to demonstrate it isn't true? I think I must have missed that....

Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.

Ah! So you actually did nothing of the sort, got it. ;)

Sorry, saying that a trait is unique to humanity does not make it untrue, or unnatural for that matter. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species using written language. Does that mean it is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science?

I imagine you'll now revert to the kind of excuses you've used before. 'Language isn't a behavioral trait, so it doesn't count' or something like that. First of all, belief in god is not a universal human trait. Beyond that, how can you know that no other animal has a belief in god? Unless the human mind is the only one capable of understanding such a concept......in which case, of course, it would make perfect sense that humans would be the only animals to believe in gods as we'd be the only ones capable of it.

Thank you for not actually using science at all to do nothing but provide your counter opinion on the subject of why humans believe.
I already used science to demonstrate this is not true.

Wait, what? You used science to demonstrate it isn't true? I think I must have missed that....

Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.

Yet new religions keep getting invented every day! You said yourself, even the Atheists are creating churches. Now I think we all know what causes thunder, some of us even know what "comets" are and how to spell it! lol

Uh oh.... looks like your point was just totally demolished! Humans imagine and create religion to address their intrinsic awareness of something greater than self.

No. Nothing demolished at all.
They had a brain that allowed the creativity to find a rationalization for their fears. The development of "spiritual" memes was the need to cope with what was not understood.
Nothing has changed.

See post #2383 above. False.

You can't identify differences between man's cognitive abilities and that of the star nosed mole?
Rationalizations are one of those particularities found in man.
You actually think you proved something in #2383?
Wait, what? You used science to demonstrate it isn't true? I think I must have missed that....

Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.

Ah! So you actually did nothing of the sort, got it. ;)

Sorry, saying that a trait is unique to humanity does not make it untrue, or unnatural for that matter. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species using written language. Does that mean it is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science?

I imagine you'll now revert to the kind of excuses you've used before. 'Language isn't a behavioral trait, so it doesn't count' or something like that. First of all, belief in god is not a universal human trait. Beyond that, how can you know that no other animal has a belief in god? Unless the human mind is the only one capable of understanding such a concept......in which case, of course, it would make perfect sense that humans would be the only animals to believe in gods as we'd be the only ones capable of it.

Thank you for not actually using science at all to do nothing but provide your counter opinion on the subject of why humans believe.

Either way you want to take it, this destroys the argument that man invented a superfluous attribute to explain the unknown. If it's not an exclusively human trait, then it's not the creation of man's imagination. If it's not found anywhere else in nature then it's not something created to explain the unknown.

Language is a beneficial and fundamental attribute. It isn't something fake, created or invented out of fear of the unknown. There are billions of examples of unique attributes across a wide range of species, all of which have a fundamental and beneficial element, or they wouldn't exist. There is no behavior of any living thing that is without reason and purpose to the species, nor is there any behavior the species falsely believes is beneficial and with purpose but actually isn't.

Let's go through this again slowly... Humans did not invent spirituality, they are intrinsically connected spiritually. It is through that spiritual connection they were inspired to create written language, science and religion. Science was created by man to explain the unknown, religions were created to attempt comprehension of the intrinsic spiritual connection. Fear of mortality comes from the understanding of immortality through the comprehending of spiritual nature.

If humans invented spirituality, we'd be able to see that in archeological discovery. We'd find civilizations which existed for so many years without any trace of human spirituality, then see where humans began to practice this "invention" they came up with. Instead, we find that every civilization dating back to the very first ones discovered, show that humans were practicing some form of spiritual belief. The attribute has been part of the species since our inception. To this day, with all the modern science explaining the great mysteries, 90% of the species retains this attribute. Darwinian theories of natural selection negate any possibility this is a superficial attribute. It completely contradicts science to draw such a conclusion.
We don't know everything dolfins or whales know.

That is not intelligent rational logical thought.

there is nothing living that does not have Spirituality ....


logical thought is not physiological nor absolute - the cherry tree does not have a central nervous center (brain) and though bossy & compy etc. disclaims the hierarchical intelligence - as fools, this example with no exception is appealing to something other than self. visualization is a proof where thought is the impediment.


Nature evolved mechanisms to cast seeds in some plants by attracting the interest visually, by smell and providing food to insects, birds and other animals long before humans came onto the landscape. Suggesting that the configuration of plant reproduction is for the purpose of entertaining human beings and their gods is childish.

boss: Breezy's interesting theory that all life is spiritual. I can't argue with this, but doesn't it kind of shoot in the foot the idea that God doesn't exist? That it's all in our heads? That man invented God? I mean, if cherry blossoms are aware of God, what is their excuse? Are they afraid of the dark too?

if cherry blossoms are aware of God ...

I just wonder if either of the above understand their is not a contrast in symmetry between Flora and Fauna and their awareness, not withstanding the stark distinctions of physiological evolution ... anotherwords to imply humanity is unique to a Deity is a baseless allegation. -

and should be resolved, such as the rewrite of the Bible in hopes to advance to further understanding the process that may lead to our Spiritual imortality.

- - > eagles, cherry trees and lions are also a part of the Everlasting, only idiots would attempt to exclude them as Bossy.

* for the racist, monkeys are probably there too.

Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.

Ah! So you actually did nothing of the sort, got it. ;)

Sorry, saying that a trait is unique to humanity does not make it untrue, or unnatural for that matter. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species using written language. Does that mean it is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science?

I imagine you'll now revert to the kind of excuses you've used before. 'Language isn't a behavioral trait, so it doesn't count' or something like that. First of all, belief in god is not a universal human trait. Beyond that, how can you know that no other animal has a belief in god? Unless the human mind is the only one capable of understanding such a concept......in which case, of course, it would make perfect sense that humans would be the only animals to believe in gods as we'd be the only ones capable of it.

Thank you for not actually using science at all to do nothing but provide your counter opinion on the subject of why humans believe.

Either way you want to take it, this destroys the argument that man invented a superfluous attribute to explain the unknown. If it's not an exclusively human trait, then it's not the creation of man's imagination. If it's not found anywhere else in nature then it's not something created to explain the unknown.

Language is a beneficial and fundamental attribute. It isn't something fake, created or invented out of fear of the unknown. There are billions of examples of unique attributes across a wide range of species, all of which have a fundamental and beneficial element, or they wouldn't exist. There is no behavior of any living thing that is without reason and purpose to the species, nor is there any behavior the species falsely believes is beneficial and with purpose but actually isn't.

Let's go through this again slowly... Humans did not invent spirituality, they are intrinsically connected spiritually. It is through that spiritual connection they were inspired to create written language, science and religion. Science was created by man to explain the unknown, religions were created to attempt comprehension of the intrinsic spiritual connection. Fear of mortality comes from the understanding of immortality through the comprehending of spiritual nature.

If humans invented spirituality, we'd be able to see that in archeological discovery. We'd find civilizations which existed for so many years without any trace of human spirituality, then see where humans began to practice this "invention" they came up with. Instead, we find that every civilization dating back to the very first ones discovered, show that humans were practicing some form of spiritual belief. The attribute has been part of the species since our inception. To this day, with all the modern science explaining the great mysteries, 90% of the species retains this attribute. Darwinian theories of natural selection negate any possibility this is a superficial attribute. It completely contradicts science to draw such a conclusion.

Darwin's theory actually supports this idea. I have shown that to you before and you completely ignored it.
Not surprising.
Anterior insular cortex associated with human empathy
This is an area of the brain more highly developed than in lower animals, and that evolutionary advancement would be selected because it would allow people to see value in working together for a common goal. Tribalism.
It also would make people aware of the death of others and the loss of them, and thus the risk to themselves.
The birth of fear.
Doesn't surprise me Moonbat, you miss a lot.

Yep. Science. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species inventing a false fundamental behavioral attribute out of fear of the unknown, or for any other reason, for that matter. Therefore, this is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science.

Ah! So you actually did nothing of the sort, got it. ;)

Sorry, saying that a trait is unique to humanity does not make it untrue, or unnatural for that matter. There is no indication found anywhere else in nature of any living species using written language. Does that mean it is not a natural phenomenon and not supported by science?

I imagine you'll now revert to the kind of excuses you've used before. 'Language isn't a behavioral trait, so it doesn't count' or something like that. First of all, belief in god is not a universal human trait. Beyond that, how can you know that no other animal has a belief in god? Unless the human mind is the only one capable of understanding such a concept......in which case, of course, it would make perfect sense that humans would be the only animals to believe in gods as we'd be the only ones capable of it.

Thank you for not actually using science at all to do nothing but provide your counter opinion on the subject of why humans believe.

Either way you want to take it, this destroys the argument that man invented a superfluous attribute to explain the unknown. If it's not an exclusively human trait, then it's not the creation of man's imagination. If it's not found anywhere else in nature then it's not something created to explain the unknown.

Language is a beneficial and fundamental attribute. It isn't something fake, created or invented out of fear of the unknown. There are billions of examples of unique attributes across a wide range of species, all of which have a fundamental and beneficial element, or they wouldn't exist. There is no behavior of any living thing that is without reason and purpose to the species, nor is there any behavior the species falsely believes is beneficial and with purpose but actually isn't.

Let's go through this again slowly... Humans did not invent spirituality, they are intrinsically connected spiritually. It is through that spiritual connection they were inspired to create written language, science and religion. Science was created by man to explain the unknown, religions were created to attempt comprehension of the intrinsic spiritual connection. Fear of mortality comes from the understanding of immortality through the comprehending of spiritual nature.

If humans invented spirituality, we'd be able to see that in archeological discovery. We'd find civilizations which existed for so many years without any trace of human spirituality, then see where humans began to practice this "invention" they came up with. Instead, we find that every civilization dating back to the very first ones discovered, show that humans were practicing some form of spiritual belief. The attribute has been part of the species since our inception. To this day, with all the modern science explaining the great mysteries, 90% of the species retains this attribute. Darwinian theories of natural selection negate any possibility this is a superficial attribute. It completely contradicts science to draw such a conclusion.

How would anyone find "spirituality" in the archeological discovery?

You do have a habit of making the most outrageous claims and not proving any support for those claims.

You falsely and dishonestly label "spiritual belief" in the hope of making some connection to your invented "spirit realms". Early people invented icons, representations of animals, objects found in nature, etc. to explain phenomenon they didn't understand.

Constellations: Frequently Asked Questions

Astronomers officially recognize 88 constellations covering the entire sky in the northern and southern hemispheres. Currently, 14 men and women, 9 birds, two insects, 19 land animals, 10 water creatures, two centaurs, one head of hair, a serpent, a dragon, a flying horse, a river and 29 inanimate objects are represented in the night sky (the total comes to more than 88 because some constellations include more than one creature.)

More science and less Disney would make bossie a happy boy.
Darwin's theory actually supports this idea. I have shown that to you before and you completely ignored it.
Not surprising.
Anterior insular cortex associated with human empathy
This is an area of the brain more highly developed than in lower animals, and that evolutionary advancement would be selected because it would allow people to see value in working together for a common goal. Tribalism.
It also would make people aware of the death of others and the loss of them, and thus the risk to themselves.
The birth of fear.

Except that "working together/tribalism" is not spirituality. In fact, some have argued that spirituality has caused more deaths than anything ever known to man.... so much for that theory. Yet still, other species work in packs together and don't show any indication of spiritual awareness or need to worship.

Other animals also mourn their dead... that's not spirituality. Other animals are also aware of risk to their life, again... not spirituality. So you keep coming up with examples of things we find all in nature, but not intrinsic spiritual connection. If you could explain away spiritual connection with ANY of these things, we'd see evidence of it elsewhere in nature, but we don't. (Breezy's examples not withstanding.)
Darwin's theory actually supports this idea. I have shown that to you before and you completely ignored it.
Not surprising.
Anterior insular cortex associated with human empathy
This is an area of the brain more highly developed than in lower animals, and that evolutionary advancement would be selected because it would allow people to see value in working together for a common goal. Tribalism.
It also would make people aware of the death of others and the loss of them, and thus the risk to themselves.
The birth of fear.

Except that "working together/tribalism" is not spirituality. In fact, some have argued that spirituality has caused more deaths than anything ever known to man.... so much for that theory. Yet still, other species work in packs together and don't show any indication of spiritual awareness or need to worship.

Other animals also mourn their dead... that's not spirituality. Other animals are also aware of risk to their life, again... not spirituality. So you keep coming up with examples of things we find all in nature, but not intrinsic spiritual connection. If you could explain away spiritual connection with ANY of these things, we'd see evidence of it elsewhere in nature, but we don't. (Breezy's examples not withstanding.)

Because there is no such thing as your invented "intrinsic spiritual connection", we can dismiss your argument as silly.
Darwin's theory actually supports this idea. I have shown that to you before and you completely ignored it.
Not surprising.
Anterior insular cortex associated with human empathy
This is an area of the brain more highly developed than in lower animals, and that evolutionary advancement would be selected because it would allow people to see value in working together for a common goal. Tribalism.
It also would make people aware of the death of others and the loss of them, and thus the risk to themselves.
The birth of fear.

Except that "working together/tribalism" is not spirituality. In fact, some have argued that spirituality has caused more deaths than anything ever known to man.... so much for that theory. Yet still, other species work in packs together and don't show any indication of spiritual awareness or need to worship.

Other animals also mourn their dead... that's not spirituality. Other animals are also aware of risk to their life, again... not spirituality. So you keep coming up with examples of things we find all in nature, but not intrinsic spiritual connection. If you could explain away spiritual connection with ANY of these things, we'd see evidence of it elsewhere in nature, but we don't. (Breezy's examples not withstanding.)

Rationalizations are what we don't see anywhere else. The empathy leads to the rationalizations that are a function of language.

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