Why do the God-haters persist?

God has spoken!!! OBEY you peons!

Again, because you are such a fucking idiot... IF God wanted you to worship and revere Him... your ass would drop to your knees right now and be worshiping and revering Him, and there wouldn't be one fucking thing you'd be able to do about that. End of Argument!
That only proves God's lack of power to make me worship, and nothing else!
End of argument!

Would you want a wife that was forced to marry you or one that freely chose to marry you ? oops or Husband.
No, it proves that it doesn't matter to God if you worship Him.

No, it doesn't prove anything about your invisible friend, since he's invisible and all, how do you presume to know what matters to someone you can't see, hear or touch? What a fucking noob you are.

What matters to someone? You sound like some idiot who thinks God is an invisible person. I've already explained to you that God is a spiritual force of energy, not a physical being. This could explain why god-haters think they can affect a difference with their hate. If God were a physical entity, you might hurt his feelings with all this mockery and ridicule.
Energy is a physical entity and as such can be measured. God cannot be measured and therefore is no form of energy.
Geez...how can anyone be a burden to One who is omnipotent?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
No, it doesn't prove anything about your invisible friend, since he's invisible and all, how do you presume to know what matters to someone you can't see, hear or touch? What a fucking noob you are.

What matters to someone? You sound like some idiot who thinks God is an invisible person. I've already explained to you that God is a spiritual force of energy, not a physical being. This could explain why god-haters think they can affect a difference with their hate. If God were a physical entity, you might hurt his feelings with all this mockery and ridicule.
Energy is a physical entity and as such can be measured. God cannot be measured and therefore is no form of energy.

This is false. In some cases and in certain conditions, some forms of energy can be measured. 96% of our universe is comprised of dark energy and dark matter. They defy our modern physics. Dark matter has gravity but occupies no space. No one currently knows how to measure dark energy or even what it is. It appears to be so powerful that light cannot escape in some cases, which completely defies Laws of Thermodynamics and everything else. So when it comes to energy in 96% of the universe, you simply do not know and cannot measure it.

God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically, if it could be, it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. It is omnipresent, and humans have the capacity to connect to it, and billions upon billions have attested to this through history of man. It doesn't matter if physical science can't explain it because physical science can't even explain most of the physical universe.
Most laws in the US are based upon simple common sense, rather than religion. Yes the bible states that thou shalt not kill (while Moses went about killing right and left) and thou shalt not steal and those are laws that are on our books, but in general, the laws made in the US are inter-commerce laws, traffic laws, noise laws, property laws, tax laws, et cetera.
What matters to someone? You sound like some idiot who thinks God is an invisible person. I've already explained to you that God is a spiritual force of energy, not a physical being. This could explain why god-haters think they can affect a difference with their hate. If God were a physical entity, you might hurt his feelings with all this mockery and ridicule.
Energy is a physical entity and as such can be measured. God cannot be measured and therefore is no form of energy.

This is false. In some cases and in certain conditions, some forms of energy can be measured. 96% of our universe is comprised of dark energy and dark matter. They defy our modern physics. Dark matter has gravity but occupies no space. No one currently knows how to measure dark energy or even what it is. It appears to be so powerful that light cannot escape in some cases, which completely defies Laws of Thermodynamics and everything else. So when it comes to energy in 96% of the universe, you simply do not know and cannot measure it.

God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically, if it could be, it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. It is omnipresent, and humans have the capacity to connect to it, and billions upon billions have attested to this through history of man. It doesn't matter if physical science can't explain it because physical science can't even explain most of the physical universe.
Idiot! If dark energy can't be measured, how can dark matter and energy total 96% of the universe? Dark energy is MEASURED by the expansion of the universe.
Idiot! If dark energy can't be measured, how can dark matter and energy total 96% of the universe? Dark energy is MEASURED by the expansion of the universe.

Well because we can measure things that aren't dark energy and dark matter and do math. 100% minus 4%, which represent the stars, planets, carbon based life forms, periodic elements, etc. leaves 96%.... give or take.

When I say we can't measure dark matter... how do you measure something that occupies no space, yet is there? Our physics don't know how to handle it. That's why scientists have invented Quantum Physics. They are trying to explain it, but at this point, everything is a theory. Dark matter and dark energy defy everything we thought we knew about our universe.

We've not even touched on subatomic particles and what we've discovered there in the last decade, which completely rewrites all we thought we knew about atoms and the makeup of the universe. So to sit here and ignorantly claim that science can empirically measure energy and verify physical existence, is just plain dumb. It shows a complete lack of understanding when it comes to science and physics.

If we were talking about a human's mental capacity in relation to science and understanding the universe, we'd be talking about someone who is severely and profoundly mentally retarded. What we factually know for certain about our universe compared to what there is to learn, wouldn't even register as a number. Yet you seem to be defiantly confident that science knows all, and this is the basis for you knowing it all too.
What matters to someone? You sound like some idiot who thinks God is an invisible person. I've already explained to you that God is a spiritual force of energy, not a physical being. This could explain why god-haters think they can affect a difference with their hate. If God were a physical entity, you might hurt his feelings with all this mockery and ridicule.
Energy is a physical entity and as such can be measured. God cannot be measured and therefore is no form of energy.

This is false. In some cases and in certain conditions, some forms of energy can be measured. 96% of our universe is comprised of dark energy and dark matter. They defy our modern physics. Dark matter has gravity but occupies no space. No one currently knows how to measure dark energy or even what it is. It appears to be so powerful that light cannot escape in some cases, which completely defies Laws of Thermodynamics and everything else. So when it comes to energy in 96% of the universe, you simply do not know and cannot measure it.

God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically, if it could be, it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. It is omnipresent, and humans have the capacity to connect to it, and billions upon billions have attested to this through history of man. It doesn't matter if physical science can't explain it because physical science can't even explain most of the physical universe.

Once again boss is spouting the mental equivalent of fruit salad. If humans who are physical beings can "connect to it" then it must be possible to measure it. We experience spirituality, AKA meditation, via our brains and those brain waves can be measured scientifically.


Your mumbo-jumbo pseudo intellect fails when the facts are provided.
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Most laws in the US are based upon simple common sense, rather than religion. Yes the bible states that thou shalt not kill (while Moses went about killing right and left) and thou shalt not steal and those are laws that are on our books, but in general, the laws made in the US are inter-commerce laws, traffic laws, noise laws, property laws, tax laws, et cetera.

You are free to believe whatever you wish to believe. But virtually every law in every culture and society, is based to some degree on a religious tenet. In our country, the specific foundational principle on which we base our Constitution and everything else, including all our laws, is the Judeo-Christian concept of all men being created equally and endowed rights by God.

Now I am not here to defend the Bible or Christians, or what Moses did or didn't do, or whether Christians are bad... you can have your own opinions on that. You said you didn't think we should have laws based on religious doctrine, and that basically means you believe we shouldn't have laws. We should all be able to just do as we damn well please and let the chips fall where they may. No moral judgement, no accountability, no ethics or responsibility... just let's be a bunch of shit-flinging monkeys doing whatever feels good!

If that's what you believe, that's fine. But I strongly suspect you don't believe that, and what you DO believe, is YOU should get to decide what morals and standards society gets to uphold, and then force the rest of us to live by your standards. Problem is, I don't agree with your standards, I have my own opinion and the political power of self-determination in a free society. So.... tough shit, Sherlock!
Once again boss is spouting the mental equivalent of fruit salad. If humans who are physical beings can "connect to it" then it must be possible to measure it. We experience spirituality, AKA meditation, via our brains and those brain waves can be measured scientifically.

Man, you just don't give up, do you? They probably don't have instruments powerful enough to detect YOUR brain waves. If they did, they may have to invent a new type of physics to explain the results. If they ever cracked your noggin open, the vacuum might suck up the entire universe!

When humans experience things, the brain emits electrical impulses. That simply does not "measure" anything other than activity of the brain. I hereby nominate you for the Nomad Award-- for going further out of the way to avoid the point than any other poster. Congrats!
Once again boss is spouting the mental equivalent of fruit salad. If humans who are physical beings can "connect to it" then it must be possible to measure it. We experience spirituality, AKA meditation, via our brains and those brain waves can be measured scientifically.

Man, you just don't give up, do you? They probably don't have instruments powerful enough to detect YOUR brain waves. If they did, they may have to invent a new type of physics to explain the results. If they ever cracked your noggin open, the vacuum might suck up the entire universe!

When humans experience things, the brain emits electrical impulses. That simply does not "measure" anything other than activity of the brain. I hereby nominate you for the Nomad Award-- for going further out of the way to avoid the point than any other poster. Congrats!

Typical dishonesty on your part. You edit out your own inane allegation because it exposes your stupidity. But here it is again!

God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically, if it could be, it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. It is omnipresent, and humans have the capacity to connect to it,

According to you this alleged "spiritual form of energy" is "omnipresent" therefore it must be detectable if "humans have the capacity to connect to it".

When humans are in a state of "spiritual awareness" that is reflected through the scientifically measurable state of the brainwaves which are the electrical energy generated by the brain. Since that electrical energy has a physical source that is producing this "spiritual form of energy" your entire premise that "God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically" is utterly bogus.
When I say we can't measure dark matter... how do you measure something that occupies no space, yet is there? Our physics don't know how to handle it. That's why scientists have invented Quantum Physics. They are trying to explain it, but at this point, everything is a theory. Dark matter and dark energy defy everything we thought we knew about our universe.

Not for nothing, but Quantum Physics (aka Quantum Mechanics) has been a field since about 1900 beginning with Max Planck. Ideas about what we now call Dark Matter first hit the scene in the mid-1930s and Perlmutter et al didn't publish their supernova observations that lead to the ideas behind Dark Energy until 1999. Even beyond that, the problem in physics isn't that Quantum Mechanics and the unknown 96% exist, it's that the physics that allow for the Quantum world don't work in the classic universe and vice versa. We seem to have two completely opposing sets of physics but only one universe.

This material is first introduced to physics students in Physics III (or Modern Physics or Physics 103 or so). It's a sophomore course, so anyone who has Calc I and the two classical mechanics courses under their belts can sign up.
No, it proves that it doesn't matter to God if you worship Him.

No, it doesn't prove anything about your invisible friend, since he's invisible and all, how do you presume to know what matters to someone you can't see, hear or touch? What a fucking noob you are.

What matters to someone? You sound like some idiot who thinks God is an invisible person. I've already explained to you that God is a spiritual force of energy, not a physical being. This could explain why god-haters think they can affect a difference with their hate. If God were a physical entity, you might hurt his feelings with all this mockery and ridicule.

Please provide proof, you fucking noob. :lol:
Again, because you are such a fucking idiot... IF God wanted you to worship and revere Him... your ass would drop to your knees right now and be worshiping and revering Him, and there wouldn't be one fucking thing you'd be able to do about that. End of Argument!
That only proves God's lack of power to make me worship, and nothing else!
End of argument!

Would you want a wife that was forced to marry you or one that freely chose to marry you ? oops or Husband.

That's called islam. :D
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Idiot! If dark energy can't be measured, how can dark matter and energy total 96% of the universe? Dark energy is MEASURED by the expansion of the universe.
Well because we can measure things that aren't dark energy and dark matter and do math. 100% minus 4%, which represent the stars, planets, carbon based life forms, periodic elements, etc. leaves 96%.... give or take.

When I say we can't measure dark matter... how do you measure something that occupies no space, yet is there? Our physics don't know how to handle it. That's why scientists have invented Quantum Physics. They are trying to explain it, but at this point, everything is a theory. Dark matter and dark energy defy everything we thought we knew about our universe.

We've not even touched on subatomic particles and what we've discovered there in the last decade, which completely rewrites all we thought we knew about atoms and the makeup of the universe. So to sit here and ignorantly claim that science can empirically measure energy and verify physical existence, is just plain dumb. It shows a complete lack of understanding when it comes to science and physics.

If we were talking about a human's mental capacity in relation to science and understanding the universe, we'd be talking about someone who is severely and profoundly mentally retarded. What we factually know for certain about our universe compared to what there is to learn, wouldn't even register as a number. Yet you seem to be defiantly confident that science knows all, and this is the basis for you knowing it all too.
I told you how dark energy is measured, by measuring the expansion of the universe. Scientists are a bit better at figuring out things than you know-it-alls. Dark energy = 68.3%, dark matter = 26.8% and normal matter = 4.6%.
Geez...how can anyone be a burden to One who is omnipotent?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Because I do things that he loathes and despite all my short comings he still loves me. Just think of it this way,you have a child that is rebellious and is always putting himself in harms way and you just can't seem to get the child right. You still love him but he would become a burden because of his decisions continue to put himself in harms way even after all the lessons given and learned.
Most laws in the US are based upon simple common sense, rather than religion. Yes the bible states that thou shalt not kill (while Moses went about killing right and left) and thou shalt not steal and those are laws that are on our books, but in general, the laws made in the US are inter-commerce laws, traffic laws, noise laws, property laws, tax laws, et cetera.

The proper law is thou shall not commit murder not kill,big difference. Thou shall not kill is a poor translation.
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That's called islam. :D

Or pregnancy! :D

Whatever the reason, God does not make man worship him. the final decision is left to the person to decide.

His world is not for everyone for some odd reason.

Religions make man worship whatever god(s) they have created in their own image. Some are more extreme than others but all of them demand obedience and worship. Given how many religions and gods that have come and gone there is no basis for any of them to claim to be the "one true religion" although all of them do so!

On the positive side religions have provided both solace for the distressed and real food and shelter for the needy. They offer hope for those who are seeking answers. They are founded on sound principles but there are always those who will exploit them for their own nefarious ends. In that respect religions lack "checks & balances". But overall they still do a lot of good!

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