Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Somebody's gotta pay for that huge budget you guys just passed. If you don't want it to be your grandkids it's time to step up.
You know how you teach those other countries a lesson in their unfair trade practices that leave our trade policy in importing more than we export. Of moving companies into cheaper countries and then importing those good to the US. By making our grandkids choose to go bankrupt on our debts and not pay them a fucking dime of the disparity.
He didn't interfere with their tax collection.
Yea he did, by turning Matthew a tax collector into an apostle.....

Next dumb statement

Yes. Matthew was the only tax collector, and his conversion completely shut down all tax collection. Idiot.

Actually Matthew was educated, and was able to write down the Gospel, this is why Jesus accepted him

Not what the Bible says, but you don't let that stop you.

BULLDOG how about
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
And unto God's that which is God's

Yes. That's in there. Not sure what it has to do with all the odd miquotes I've read here lately though. I never knew Jesus was opposing taxes by converting Matthew, or that the only reason he chose Matthew was because he could write. I'm certainly getting a unique education tonight.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.

Basic services don't require the force and waste of the government. You don't need 85% taxation and penalizing people for saving to have police and education. Your 'safetynet' is just a scam to fleece people who work for everything they are worth. If your perks can't be paid for at a rate where people can save for their future and not live check to check, then you need to reevaluate your perks.
Yet you're fine with paying corporate welfare to the top 2%.

You got conned by a con & still won't admit it. You cons are still stuck on Hilary. It's time you admit your crush.

Remember - those big beautiful tax gifts to the uber wealthy were made permanent while your peanuts are temporary.
Throw in the cost of living increases, pathetic wage increases & remind us again which party was duped into paying more in taxes.

How are your property taxes doing - or are trailer parks exempt for you right wing red states that suck off your welfare funds from the blue states?

You should be on your knees thanking the liberal states who pick up most of the tab.

Keep believing all those "alternative facts". Chump & his Rooski buddies know exactly how easily you RWNJ's can be manipulated.

He LOVES the uneducated!
(I wonder why?)

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.

Basic services don't require the force and waste of the government. You don't need 85% taxation and penalizing people for saving to have police and education. Your 'safetynet' is just a scam to fleece people who work for everything they are worth. If your perks can't be paid for at a rate where people can save for their future and not live check to check, then you need to reevaluate your perks.

Who's paying 85%?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
Did you support Obama? If you did, you know he was the biggest hater of our guys in blue?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.

Basic services don't require the force and waste of the government.
Can you show me one long-lasting, successful government run strictly by voluntary contributions?
Most of the corporations aint even paying 10% right now. Fact

Most rich people don't pay half of what they should be because of the loopholes!
Hey guys, let's cut taxes (especially for the very wealthiest who clearly need it the most, amirite?) and not cut spending! What could go wrong? Ha ha!!
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.


Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.

Basic services don't require the force and waste of the government.
Can you show me one long-lasting, successful government run strictly by voluntary contributions?

Dear bgrouse
The federal reserve and IRS are only in operation because the people consent to use them and respect their authority.
If you look into the laws creating them, these are arguably outside constitutional authority.

If you don't want to pay any money into them, there are ways to do that.
Many people I know deduct so many expenses, they don't pay taxes.
So it becomes voluntary to pay anything in if you know how to work the system.

Now, if you want to see good sustainable models run by voluntary donations,
look at nonprofits such as Doctors Without Borders, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, AmeriCares.

If we were to replicate medical programs after successful nonprofits like these,
maybe govt should be modeled after those, not the other way around.

Habitat for Humanity is another nonprofit that is set up for previous recipients to invest sustainably into the next project.
Grameen Foundation is a Nobel winning microlending nonprofit where investments are made in growing sustainable community businesses
to end poverty without handouts.

Any of these models could serve as better replacements for welfare that otherwise keeps people dependent on govt handouts.
All of these are nonprofits run by voluntary donations of time, labor and money.

If govt adopted these models, could we end poverty and dependence on handouts that are not sustainable?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.



The Swiss tax structure is different than ours, their minimum tax is zero percent other countries with no income taxes at all are
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss minimum tax rate is zero percent, other countries with no taxes are Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, Andorra and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Our tax structure can easily be amended to not depend upon the individual.

But asswipes want to give their money away
Last edited:
Not only were loopholes not closed (which was a campaign promise) there were 3 or 4 hundred extra pages of loopholes added for the uber rich, yet I'm told I can't itemize. (Fuck that.)

I especially liked the newest tax break for golf course owners & jet owners. I'm going to turn my land into a golf course & build a runway along side.
(face palm to all of you illiterates who still haven't caught on)

The fake prez hasn't paid taxes in decades - at least not what he should be paying. Most corporations haven't paid their share since "Reagonomics" & both Bushs' gave tax breaks to those who least needed them.

Wake up & smell the Columbian. Hurry! You won't be able to afford it after the idiot starts a trade war as a form of his worldwide toddler temper tantrum.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss tax structure is different than ours, their minimum tax is zero percent other countries with no income taxes at all are
Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss minimum tax rate is zero percent, other countries with no taxes are Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, Andorra and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Our tax structure can easily be amended to not depend upon the individual.

But asswipes want to give their money away
Just what the fuck are you talking about? You said "there is no income tax in Switzerland." This is obviously false as you admit. Now you are talking about the minimum tax rate being zero percent, but that's the same as in the USA. In the USA, people with income under a certain dollar amount pay $0 tax, which effectively places them into a 0% effective tax rate.

Different governments get money in different ways, whether it's through some other tax or outright ownership of natural resources.
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss tax structure is different than ours, their minimum tax is zero percent other countries with no income taxes at all are
And how much of your income should pay for this? And why does Switzerland charge no personal tax?

Answer both in detail
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss minimum tax rate is zero percent, other countries with no taxes are Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, Andorra and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Our tax structure can easily be amended to not depend upon the individual.

But asswipes want to give their money away
Just what the fuck are you talking about? You said "there is no income tax in Switzerland." This is obviously false as you admit. Now you are talking about the minimum tax rate being zero percent, but that's the same as in the USA. In the USA, people with income under a certain dollar amount pay $0 tax, which effectively places them into a 0% effective tax rate.

Different governments get money in different ways, whether it's through some other tax or outright ownership of natural resources.

I make 88,000 a year and haven't paid any Federal income tax in over a year. I showed another guy I work with and he flipped...………….

So as has been said, only stupid people pay taxes

and democrats which means the same thing as stupid

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