Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

If the teachings of Jesus are so great, how come it is your side that shits itself every time a reference or symbol of Jesus is brought up in a publicly-funded forum like a town hall, courthouse, or classroom? Can you at least permit the teachings of Jesus in taxpayer-funded environments since you are going to use Him to grab peoples’ money egregiously to pay cronies?
Isn't that what churches are for?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Which would you prefer?

To pay 8% of your wages in tax to a healthcare system which doesn't require you to get health insurance, will treat you when you need treating, doesn't demand you get permission from a leech in order to get treated, or pay 16% of your wages to an insurance company that will keep putting up your rates as you get older, will tell you to fuck off when you actually need healthcare, and will leave you on your own if you can't afford to keep up the payments?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Which would you prefer?

To pay 8% of your wages in tax to a healthcare system which doesn't require you to get health insurance, will treat you when you need treating, doesn't demand you get permission from a leech in order to get treated, or pay 16% of your wages to an insurance company that will keep putting up your rates as you get older, will tell you to fuck off when you actually need healthcare, and will leave you on your own if you can't afford to keep up the payments?
I think we all know what her answer will be
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

If the teachings of Jesus are so great, how come it is your side that shits itself every time a reference or symbol of Jesus is brought up in a publicly-funded forum like a town hall, courthouse, or classroom? Can you at least permit the teachings of Jesus in taxpayer-funded environments since you are going to use Him to grab peoples’ money egregiously to pay cronies?
Isn't that what churches are for?

Jesus tells us in the Bible to give money and help directly to the poor and to give what is Caeser’s to Caeser (the Government). Where does Jesus say to render to the Government to take care of the poor? You people want separation of Church and State. If you are not going to permit or otherwise limit Jesus in the State, don’t insult Him further by cherry picking his rules and teachings to grow Government in the name of the poor.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

If the teachings of Jesus are so great, how come it is your side that shits itself every time a reference or symbol of Jesus is brought up in a publicly-funded forum like a town hall, courthouse, or classroom? Can you at least permit the teachings of Jesus in taxpayer-funded environments since you are going to use Him to grab peoples’ money egregiously to pay cronies?
Isn't that what churches are for?

Jesus tells us in the Bible to give money and help directly to the poor and to give what is Caeser’s to Caeser (the Government). Where does Jesus say to render to the Government to take care of the poor? You people want separation of Church and State. If you are not going to permit or otherwise limit Jesus in the State, don’t insult Him further by cherry picking his rules and teachings to grow Government in the name of the poor.
First off...my bible quotes were in answer to a question.
Second...why isn't it legitimate to use a third party to distribute alms to the poor...why do I have to go out in the cold and talk to those smelly homeless people when I can just get someone else to do that bit...where does Jesus say that I have to go out my door to distribute my largesse?

You'll be happy with Mohammed being involved in The State as well I assume..you know...since you don't like the separation of church and state.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….
He said to give unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's.
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Yet you're fine with paying corporate welfare to the top 2%.

You got conned by a con & still won't admit it. You cons are still stuck on Hilary. It's time you admit your crush.

Remember - those big beautiful tax gifts to the uber wealthy were made permanent while your peanuts are temporary.
Throw in the cost of living increases, pathetic wage increases & remind us again which party was duped into paying more in taxes.

How are your property taxes doing - or are trailer parks exempt for you right wing red states that suck off your welfare funds from the blue states?

You should be on your knees thanking the liberal states who pick up most of the tab.

Keep believing all those "alternative facts". Chump & his Rooski buddies know exactly how easily you RWNJ's can be manipulated.

He LOVES the uneducated!
(I wonder why?)

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Socialism does not work, it has a 100% fail rate long term.
Most of the corporations aint even paying 10% right now. Fact

Most rich people don't pay half of what they should be because of the loopholes!
Punishment of success makes no sense... That is why socialism has a 100% fail rate long-term
Not only were loopholes not closed (which was a campaign promise) there were 3 or 4 hundred extra pages of loopholes added for the uber rich, yet I'm told I can't itemize. (Fuck that.)

I especially liked the newest tax break for golf course owners & jet owners. I'm going to turn my land into a golf course & build a runway along side.
(face palm to all of you illiterates who still haven't caught on)

The fake prez hasn't paid taxes in decades - at least not what he should be paying. Most corporations haven't paid their share since "Reagonomics" & both Bushs' gave tax breaks to those who least needed them.

Wake up & smell the Columbian. Hurry! You won't be able to afford it after the idiot starts a trade war as a form of his worldwide toddler temper tantrum.

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Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I can't get people to act the way I want them to act without force. I can't force them myself, I'm too weak. Only a strong government can force the backwards people to believe what I believe.

The more powerful the government, the more people who can be 'persuaded' to see the light.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?

If the teachings of Jesus are so great, how come it is your side that shits itself every time a reference or symbol of Jesus is brought up in a publicly-funded forum like a town hall, courthouse, or classroom? Can you at least permit the teachings of Jesus in taxpayer-funded environments since you are going to use Him to grab peoples’ money egregiously to pay cronies?
Isn't that what churches are for?

Jesus tells us in the Bible to give money and help directly to the poor and to give what is Caeser’s to Caeser (the Government). Where does Jesus say to render to the Government to take care of the poor? You people want separation of Church and State. If you are not going to permit or otherwise limit Jesus in the State, don’t insult Him further by cherry picking his rules and teachings to grow Government in the name of the poor.
First off...my bible quotes were in answer to a question.
Second...why isn't it legitimate to use a third party to distribute alms to the poor...why do I have to go out in the cold and talk to those smelly homeless people when I can just get someone else to do that bit...where does Jesus say that I have to go out my door to distribute my largesse?

You'll be happy with Mohammed being involved in The State as well I assume..you know...since you don't like the separation of church and state.

You can use any aims you want to help the poor. However, pointing to Jesus as the sole reason and justification for taking more of people’s money is bullshit when the same voices don’t want Jesus otherwise in the State.
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Can you point to the bible verse where Jesus commanded that we pay taxes to the government?

I recall him overturning the taxmans tables in the temple...……….
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Public schools.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Okay, it's not that we want to pay more taxes. We think the rich should pay their fair share of theirs. But let's leave the argument off to the side.

The alternatives to paying taxes are 1) Not spending on key things we need and 2) borrowing to pay for those things.

Neither of those are preferable options.

Fact is, most of what the government spends, isn't discretionary. We've already cut public spending to the bone, and the fact is, with a retiring population, we still have more obligations than revenues.

As for borrowing, we've been doing that for 30 years, the economy is not going to grow its way out of the deficit.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I did not vote for Hillary but I think that we should pay for what we spend and not keep passing it off to our children and grandchildren.

Why do you want to be a free loader and live off the backs of future generations?

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