Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself
By who's accounting? Who decides what is "better" for you?
Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military.

So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
sure, just post a link.
Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military.

So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
still not clear what the tax cuts to the rich have to do with the 47% who don't pay taxes. Still waiting.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund
I'm still waiting for your PhD.

not allowed on the board, you should retrack this line.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund

1. Your writing sucks.
2. Use commas.
3. Who was it that got a $600 mil tax refund? Gonna need a link to that one.
Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military.

So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
still not clear what the tax cuts to the rich have to do with the 47% who don't pay taxes. Still waiting.
Hey all we rich have to do is chant America first.
It's like "would you rather be black or white"
Would you rather Be rich or poor?
Highly amusing . How many of the 47%are white and voted for trump?
Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military.

So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
still not clear what the tax cuts to the rich have to do with the 47% who don't pay taxes. Still waiting.
Hey all we rich have to do is chant America first.
It's like "would you rather be black or white"
Would you rather Be rich or poor?
Highly amusing . How many of the 47%are white and voted for trump?

How many are black and voted for Hillary? LOL, I have no idea what your point is. And your writing still sucks.
Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund
I'm still waiting for your PhD.

not allowed on the board, you should retrack this line.
Will do, just a figure of speech.
Actually, why is it a no no to ask about education when 4 letter filthy insults are spewed every day?
I just assume that the spewers don't have much Ed
Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military.

So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
still not clear what the tax cuts to the rich have to do with the 47% who don't pay taxes. Still waiting.
Hey all we rich have to do is chant America first.
It's like "would you rather be black or white"
Would you rather Be rich or poor?
Highly amusing . How many of the 47%are white and voted for trump?
why don't you answer the question rather than visit rabbit holes?
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss tax structure is different than ours, their minimum tax is zero percent other countries with no income taxes at all are
What does "no personal tax" mean? Quick google search reveals:

All people resident in Switzerland are liable for the taxation of their worldwide income and assets, except on the income and wealth from foreign business or real estate, or where tax treaties limit double taxation.

It means that there is no income tax in Switzerland...……….Just corporate taxes
Where are you getting this from?

Switzerland - Income Tax

Lists tax rates for residents.

Switzerland - Taxes on personal income


The Swiss minimum tax rate is zero percent, other countries with no taxes are Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, Andorra and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Our tax structure can easily be amended to not depend upon the individual.

But asswipes want to give their money away
Just what the fuck are you talking about? You said "there is no income tax in Switzerland." This is obviously false as you admit. Now you are talking about the minimum tax rate being zero percent, but that's the same as in the USA. In the USA, people with income under a certain dollar amount pay $0 tax, which effectively places them into a 0% effective tax rate.

Different governments get money in different ways, whether it's through some other tax or outright ownership of natural resources.

I make 88,000 a year and haven't paid any Federal income tax in over a year. I showed another guy I work with and he flipped...………….

So as has been said, only stupid people pay taxes

and democrats which means the same thing as stupid

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund
I'm still waiting for your PhD.

not allowed on the board, you should retrack this line.
Will do, just a figure of speech.
Actually, why is it a no no to ask about education when 4 letter filthy insults are spewed every day?
I just assume that the spewers don't have much Ed
I was merely pointing out you'll never see it, so it's a wasted line item.

any left on here that complains about insults, is only reaping the rewards of their own insults. comme ci comme ca
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Actually, liberal shitheads cry like little bitches when they have to pay their fair share. The meltdown the liberal loons suffered after the SALT changes was predictable. Liberals are lying pieces of shit that refuse to pay their fair share. Complete fakes. Zero principles. Absolute scum and they know it.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
So, only bad, unproductive Americans disagree with our military spending, eh?

Oh.. almost forgot. Fuckoffanddie. Thanks in advance!

You act surprised.
You didn’t know that filthy unAmerican, lowlife pieces of shits like you prefer to funnel all taxpayer cash toward the nations bottom feeding beggars?

He didn’t know that because it’s not true.

As the transfer of wealth figures clearly show, since 1980, the wealth of the nation is being funnelled steadily to the top 5% most wealthy.

In 1980, before Republicans went on their campaign of “tax reform”, the working class had savings and equity. Now that’s gone, and the middle class are losing ground.

Trump’s recent round of tax cuts are accelerating that transfer. America’s working class who voted for Trump are literally picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
still not clear what the tax cuts to the rich have to do with the 47% who don't pay taxes. Still waiting.
Hey all we rich have to do is chant America first.
It's like "would you rather be black or white"
Would you rather Be rich or poor?
Highly amusing . How many of the 47%are white and voted for trump?

How many are black and voted for Hillary? LOL, I have no idea what your point is. And your writing still sucks.
Gawd do have to repeat?
Moaning about the 47 %
How many voted for trump. And hill if you want
Why am I reminded
"If you are too dumb to get a real job, join the military"
Great socialist benefits
Please list my bad writing. Always willing to be educated
Christian charity maybe?
You know...wanting to take care of their fellow citizens like Jesus commanded?
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Why in the world would you think that references to God are appropriate in public and government buildings?

Many people - including religious people - think that references to God are absolutely inappropriate in public and government buildings. Refusing to allow it does not mean Christians are hated nor is it a rebuke of religious beliefs.

The days of theocracy are over. Religion and government should be absolutely separated. That does not constitute persecution of Religion or religious people.

How would you like it if the government pushed someone else's religion on you? Would you like it if symbols of Islam or Satanism were displayed in government buildings?

Would you feel comfortable if a judge displayed Sharia law in his court room while you were on trial?

Not allowing Christian or other religious symbols in government buildings doesn't mean Christians are persecuted, it means that we are free from persecution by Christians.

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Even Jesus believed in separation of church and state!
As I said to bulldog earlier, I will concede that if believers keep their religion out of government, then government should stay out of religion. Does that sound fair?

Tit-for-tat huh? Seems childish.

Should government stay out of cases of human sacrifice?

Religions must obey the law of the land. Governments do not obey the law of Religion.

If they did which Religion would they obey?

You seem to imply that governments enforcing Sharia law is acceptable.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Actually, liberal shitheads cry like little bitches when they have to pay their fair share. The meltdown the liberal loons suffered after the SALT changes was predictable. Liberals are lying pieces of shit that refuse to pay their fair share. Complete fakes. Zero principles. Absolute scum and they know it.

Nice foul mouth.
Where did you learn that again?Because I have more than I ever need anyway
Might help if you knew the def of liberal
For the individual and small gov.
No Latin?
Thought you would be proud to be one

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

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