Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Nice but uncalled for cheapshot at the military, you can probably guess my response. Which is 2 words, 7 letters, 1st word starts with an "F" and the 2nd one starts with a "Y".. There's a website called Grammarly.com that checks your spelling and grammar; dude, you really need it.

As for willing to be educated, I highly doubt that. I really don't understand much of whatever your point is that you're trying to make.
Ah the truth hurts.
Again, someone whined 47 % don't pay taxes.
I asked how many are trumpies?
That's all.
And btw I spent my childhood in air raid shelters getting the crap bombed out of me and seeing dead everywhere
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about?
Last edited:
Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself

That's society, not government. Society would do better without government than with it.
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.
what are the rich robbing me of? please be specific.
What's going on with your your property taxes and DMV fees Etc? Getting ridiculous for 30 years? All your friends and family on average are going slowly to hell...
Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview

Look at the savings of the average American... Everyone is borrowing to try and have the dream... The middle class needs help, and you obsess about poor black s. Brainwashed functional moron, change the channel.


This is the most stupidest thing I ever heard, so in your PEA brain you think workers today work harder then they did a 100 years ago?
Ah the truth hurts.
Again, someone whined 47 % don't pay taxes.
I asked how many are trumpies?
That's all.
And btw I spent my childhood in air raid shelters getting the crap bombed out of me and seeing dead everywhere
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.

You voted for them
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?


You should not be posting about economics or taxes. Everything you think you know is either a rightwing lie, or it’s simply WRONG.

MOST federal taxes do NOT go to the “bottom feeders”. 24% of your federal taxes go to the military. 38% goes for Social Security and Medicare - things that retired taxpayers have paid for all their working lives. That’s 62% of your budget right there.

Another big chunk of money goes to pay for government: for the Patent Office which protects corporation intellectual property, for the Commerce Department which protects federal corporations, for the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, for Congress, the CIA, FBI, and federal courts throughout the country. Then there’s farm subsidies, and lots of pork barrel programs.

6% goes for interest in the National Debt. That’s based on 2014 figures when interest was low. Interest rates are now rising just as Trump’s budget explodes the deficit and the national debt is rising faster than at any time in recent history.

The total amount going for social spending is less than 25% of the budget.

Understanding Taxes - Activity 3: Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget

I did not use the term "bottom feeders." Only about 18% of the budget goes to the military. Social Security and Medicare are Ponzi schemes. The money seniors paid in was spent the minute the government collected it. The money they recieve now is collected from current payees. It's not money that seniors earned. Therefore it's welfare. The Patent Office, Commerce Department, Department of Homeland Security, ICE, Congress, CIA, FBI, and federal courts are chicken feed. They probably come to 2%-3% of the budget.

Social Security and Medicare are social spending, so your claim is pure horseshit.
Nice but uncalled for cheapshot at the military, you can probably guess my response. Which is 2 words, 7 letters, 1st word starts with an "F" and the 2nd one starts with a "Y".. There's a website called Grammarly.com that checks your spelling and grammar; dude, you really need it.

As for willing to be educated, I highly doubt that. I really don't understand much of whatever your point is that you're trying to make.
Ah the truth hurts.
Again, someone whined 47 % don't pay taxes.
I asked how many are trumpies?
That's all.
And btw I spent my childhood in air raid shelters getting the crap bombed out of me and seeing dead everywhere
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You want a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
dude, you're a looney toon
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
Yes, I would like to see a diagram that shows when federal taxes go down that state and local taxes have to go up. That's taxes, mind you, not federal spending. The later never goes down.
Ah the truth hurts.
Again, someone whined 47 % don't pay taxes.
I asked how many are trumpies?
That's all.
And btw I spent my childhood in air raid shelters getting the crap bombed out of me and seeing dead everywhere
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You want a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
dude, you're a looney toon
You just noticed that?
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
you're just messed up. it's ok, you've been brainwashed. Holy fk.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
Yes, I would like to see a diagram that shows when federal taxes go down that state and local taxes have to go up. That's taxes, mind you, not federal spending. The later never goes down.
the dude is a looney toon.
so how does cutting taxes on the 1%ers hurt the 47% who don't pay taxes. you still haven't answered.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
but you don't seem to understand, federal dollars to states is an output. that never went down. show me where it went down?
Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens uses the despicable government to steal from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.
Last edited:
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.

You voted for them
he doesn't get that the money the states receive didn't go down. so he's just been blaming rich people rather than the people he elects. he is a true parrot.
When you cut taxes on the rich federally, state and local taxes and fees go up to makeup for lower federal Aid, and that kills the non rich, along with all the cuts in services like cheap education and Training and all the other things all other modern countries have... Healthcare daycare infrastructure vacations and on and on, stupid. We now have a flat tax system, and are becoming a GOP Banana Republic. Great job scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Read it Chump.
one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196076
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
how does the federal taxes change the local taxes? that's local politicians who need to adjust. it's not my job to take care of every school district in the country. I pay my property taxes locally so do all the land owners. that pays for local services, not federal dollars. what the fk is wrong with you. you didn't answer the question. how does cutting the taxes on the 1% hurt the 47%. you told my how local officials don't care about their people. now answer my question.
When federal aid goes down, local and State taxes and fees go up. You wawa a diagram, brainwashed functional moron?
where? didn't happen in Illinois. my property taxes went up last year and there was no tax cut? what the fk are you talking about.
It just keeps going on, dimwit, it is not a Direct connection. Higher state and local taxes and cuts and services to the non rich. Enjoy, super duper.
you're just messed up. it's ok, you've been brainwashed. Holy fk.

Actually, he has been informed about the facts WHILE YOU have been brainwashed. In fact the correlation is EXACTLY opposite to the one you claim. As is everything in your stupid ideology you have been brainwashed into.

Here the facts:


Notice how the taxes move almost in lockstep to the same direction.

Now make America great again and get back to the 1900s level when we actually had progress and the economy grew. Those state taxes need big cuts too. Vote well in the coming election and maybe we can become great again.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
Last edited:
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
I said the are calling for bigger spending. I didn't say anything about taxes, moron.
Can't resist the insult can we.
I'm still waiting for your PhD.
I keep asking, just get. Moron!!!
Our baby boy obviously isn't a millionaire.
My dad (and I) are
Dad "I love paying more taxes this year, means I screwed the uneducated out of more than last year."
The rich don't mind paying, don't miss it.
On the other hand the Vegas friend of. Don got a $600000000 tax refund
How much you pay in taxes is an indicator of your wealth, not the cause of your wealth. Anyone who enjoys paying taxes is a certifiable idiot.

By "friend of Don," I assume you mean Steve Wynn. I couldn't find anything about him getting a $600 million refund. Can you post a link to something on it?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.

It is always hard to figure out the immorality of the Left. Most of the time it is simple greed. Thinking they are entitled to other people's hard earned money simply because they are alive. Other times it is simple stupidity not understanding simple economics and how destructive forced redistribution of wealth can be to an economy.
Who exactly are you in your mind, that you believe that others must prove things to you to gave a great stock portfolio?
If you can't prove your argument, then you're full of shit.

I do not argue, I just pass the time here mocking the retards that voted for Hillary

You qualify
Great, except I didn't vote for Hillary.

Do you ever make posts that aren't 100% bullshit?

Ya know, the fact is that not one person here owns up to voting for Hillary...……….

It's funny as shit because this is mathematically impossible

I voted for Hilary, you fucking idiot.

At least I wasn't stupid enough to get conned by a con & keep swallowing every bogus lie he tells you.

You're a good little comrade!

Remember - chump loves the uneducated!
I bet you're on his Christmas card list!!!

MAGA! (Mueller Ain't Going Away!!!)

Maybe he's waiting for that big beautiful military parade to remove that orange sack of shit in handcuffs. The dude does crave attention. Handcuffs will get him the attention he deserves.

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It's utterly hilarious that you believe voting for Hillary makes you look smart.

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