Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Someone has to pay taxes to keep the government functioning. Deficits? National debt?

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?

On the first question. I don't know but I'm very sure they are smaller on average than the US due to our population density. On the other hand since your graph didn't show it our home ownership rate is 71.3 compared to the 64.5 in the US.List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia
Second question. Gas is more expensive, on the other hand the need for gas is less, since we are more condensed we use our bike more, this coupled with an extensive public transportation system makes getting around,easy and economical if you choose to be concious of the alternatives. Third question, I pay 0.05 cent more per kwh. Electricity prices around the world 2017 | Statista
more expensive but marginally so. Fourth I don't have the foggiest, golf isn't all that popular here. I know of 2 golf courses within half an hour driving time. On the other hand I've been able to play competitive soccer for near my entire life. Atm I'm playing in a Sunday league, my oldest team mate is 47. Most Americans aren't provided the chance to play competitive league sports after college if I'm not mistaking.
I have questions of my own. What percentage of people have health insurance? What's your average lifespan? How many people attend college and what is it's average price? How many days leave do you get if you get pregnant? Is that leave payed? What are the services provided for people who get sick or disabled and what is the cost of those services? What is the price of internet service etc? The examples you gave lead me to believe you did at least some research, on the other hand as I said I have actual first hand knowledge of both countries and that knowledge led me and my wife to choose to live in Belgium, this should tell you something about how the quality of live compares.
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Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself
I'd be better off if I wasn't forced to pay for things I neither want nor need.
Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Someone has to pay taxes to keep the government functioning. Deficits? National debt?


Nobody has to pay for welfare or to educate illegals or subsidies or bailouts or entitlements. Those are things you stupid Libtards mistakenly think are necessities and you are wrong.

When the money is taken from one person and given to another then that is nothing more than state sponsored thievery.

Something you assholes Libtards love.
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.
Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available

ROFL! I pay for them whether I use them or not. That's the leftwing conception of a "free choice."
That is the way society works
As a whole you make out better than you would by yourself

That's the way government works, and that's the main reason it sucks.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
Wrong again super duper's. I was a private school teacher.
I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
And there are plenty GOP White welfare recipients.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?

On the first question. I don't know but I'm very sure they are smaller on average than the US due to our population density. On the other hand since your graph didn't show it our home ownership rate is 71.3 compared to the 64.5 in the US.List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia
Second question. Gas is more expensive, on the other hand the need for gas is less, since we are more condensed we use our bike more, this coupled with an extensive public transportation system makes getting around,easy and economical if you choose to be concious of the alternatives. Third question, I pay 0.05 cent more per kwh. Electricity prices around the world 2017 | Statista
more expensive but marginally so. Fourth I don't have the foggiest, golf isn't all that popular here. I know of 2 golf courses within half an hour driving time. On the other hand I've been able to play competitive soccer for near my entire life. Atm I'm playing in a Sunday league, my oldest team mate is 47. Most Americans aren't provided the chance to play competitive league sports after college if I'm not mistaking.
I have questions of my own. What percentage of people have health insurance? What's your average lifespan? How many people attend college and what is it's average price? How many days leave do you get if you get pregnant? Is that leave payed? What are the services provided for people who get sick or disabled and what is the cost of those services? What is the price of internet service etc? The examples you gave lead me to believe you did at least some research, on the other hand as I said I have actual first hand knowledge of both countries and that knowledge led me and my wife to choose to live in Belgium, this should tell you something about how the quality of live compares.

Your chart shows that Germany pays only 50% more than the USA for power, but the following chart shows that it pays three times more:

I don't think your chart is accurate.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...
Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?

On the first question. I don't know but I'm very sure they are smaller on average than the US due to our population density. On the other hand since your graph didn't show it our home ownership rate is 71.3 compared to the 64.5 in the US.List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia
Second question. Gas is more expensive, on the other hand the need for gas is less, since we are more condensed we use our bike more, this coupled with an extensive public transportation system makes getting around,easy and economical if you choose to be concious of the alternatives. Third question, I pay 0.05 cent more per kwh. Electricity prices around the world 2017 | Statista
more expensive but marginally so. Fourth I don't have the foggiest, golf isn't all that popular here. I know of 2 golf courses within half an hour driving time. On the other hand I've been able to play competitive soccer for near my entire life. Atm I'm playing in a Sunday league, my oldest team mate is 47. Most Americans aren't provided the chance to play competitive league sports after college if I'm not mistaking.
I have questions of my own. What percentage of people have health insurance? What's your average lifespan? How many people attend college and what is it's average price? How many days leave do you get if you get pregnant? Is that leave payed? What are the services provided for people who get sick or disabled and what is the cost of those services? What is the price of internet service etc? The examples you gave lead me to believe you did at least some research, on the other hand as I said I have actual first hand knowledge of both countries and that knowledge led me and my wife to choose to live in Belgium, this should tell you something about how the quality of live compares.

Your chart shows that Germany pays only 50% more than the USA for power, but the following chart shows that it pays three times more:

I don't think your chart is accurate.
European countries don't have our amazing natural resources but do just great until the GOP Rex the world economy again super dupe. Their houses are smaller but last forever lol. Americans are famous for being obsessed with bigness...
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
Single mothers are a problem caused by the GOP. Thank God Obamacare gives them free birth control, actually better than free, and cuts the the number by 40% immediately and more later no doubt... You idiots obsess about the poor and minorities while your lying thieving Heroes Rob you and the country blind, 4 35 years now. All they have is the Giant GOP BS character assassination propaganda machine.
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
Wrong again super duper's. I was a private school teacher.
While the GOP brainwashes you based on your ignorant racism, their greedy idiot rich are Robbing you and the country blind, super duper. Reagan started the giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest, and as Mario Cuomo said he Made blaming the poor acceptable. And you believe the rich pay too much in taxes and Democrats are corrupt and Evil. Total BS BS propaganda. None of it reaches the real world.

I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
And there are plenty GOP White welfare recipients.
Only the number of horribly discriminated against blacks and minorities skew the numbers. My area in Western New York voted 73% for Trump and is full of GOP welfare recipients. You are totally fos.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
They probably believe GOP propaganda that welfare is fun LOL. There are tons of white girls doing the same thing by the way duh...
I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
Wrong again super duper's. I was a private school teacher.
I am sorry to tell you this you stupid Moon Bat but a rich man has never stole anything from me. However, those filthy ass Democrat welfare queens uses the despicable government to steel from me every year. I am forced to pay taxes and the asshole welfare queens and illegals get to spend the money.

Unless you are one of the welfare queens yourself (which you probably are) then they are stealing from you also but you re too damn stupid to know and to too immoral to care.

American families lost income and poverty increased when that piece of shit Obama was President so you can take your silly ass partisan bullshit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

Those strong beliefs are from someone way more talented in theft than a welfare queen. He's probably getting paid an outlandish salary by the state for doing work that is not even productive, but in fact a hurdle to everyone else.
He's a retired public school teacher. That explains everything.

Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.
And there are plenty GOP White welfare recipients.
Only the number of horribly discriminated against blacks and minorities skew the numbers. My area in Western New York voted 73% for Trump and is full of GOP welfare recipients. You are totally fos.

Discriminated against?

They are not discriminated against, they just aren't as good employees on average. The differences in IQ explains it all. It's not our fault that democrats are dumb as bricks.
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
They probably believe GOP propaganda that welfare is fun LOL. There are tons of white girls doing the same thing by the way duh...

98% of welfare is for people that need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take it away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.
Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...
As well as the GOP blocking Solutions 4 illegal immigration, single mothers, poverty. Which you dupes no nothing about aaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh
If they don't want bigger government, then why do they always call for spending increases?
Only on the rich, dupe, because they are getting away with murder and the middle class and the country are going to hell. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...
As well as the GOP blocking Solutions 4 illegal immigration, single mothers, poverty. Which you dupes no nothing about aaarrrrggggghhhhhhhhh

Blocking solutions... like that wall? Like giving single motherhoods nothing so that they simply can't happen.

Those are some real and permanent solutions. Your solution of giving them free stuff will only produce more single mothers, poor people, and garbage.

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