Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes

Did you really go there? How many single mothers do you personally know? What's your take on single fathers?

Former President Lyndon Johnson created the single mother problem with his failed War on Poverty along with the Great Society.

I believe that father should be held financially responsible for the child from the date of conception through the age of eighteen. If the mother declines to name the father of the child, a DNA test should be required to determine the father before any benefits are available to her.
If you can't prove your argument, then you're full of shit.

I do not argue, I just pass the time here mocking the retards that voted for Hillary

You qualify
Great, except I didn't vote for Hillary.

Do you ever make posts that aren't 100% bullshit?

Ya know, the fact is that not one person here owns up to voting for Hillary...……….

It's funny as shit because this is mathematically impossible

I voted for Hilary, you fucking idiot.

At least I wasn't stupid enough to get conned by a con & keep swallowing every bogus lie he tells you.

You're a good little comrade!

Remember - chump loves the uneducated!
I bet you're on his Christmas card list!!!

MAGA! (Mueller Ain't Going Away!!!)

Maybe he's waiting for that big beautiful military parade to remove that orange sack of shit in handcuffs. The dude does crave attention. Handcuffs will get him the attention he deserves.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's utterly hilarious that you believe voting for Hillary makes you look smart.

The only thing dumber than voting for Crooked Hillary would be to have voted for that Obama asshole.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?

On the first question. I don't know but I'm very sure they are smaller on average than the US due to our population density. On the other hand since your graph didn't show it our home ownership rate is 71.3 compared to the 64.5 in the US.List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia
Second question. Gas is more expensive, on the other hand the need for gas is less, since we are more condensed we use our bike more, this coupled with an extensive public transportation system makes getting around,easy and economical if you choose to be concious of the alternatives. Third question, I pay 0.05 cent more per kwh. Electricity prices around the world 2017 | Statista
more expensive but marginally so. Fourth I don't have the foggiest, golf isn't all that popular here. I know of 2 golf courses within half an hour driving time. On the other hand I've been able to play competitive soccer for near my entire life. Atm I'm playing in a Sunday league, my oldest team mate is 47. Most Americans aren't provided the chance to play competitive league sports after college if I'm not mistaking.
I have questions of my own. What percentage of people have health insurance? What's your average lifespan? How many people attend college and what is it's average price? How many days leave do you get if you get pregnant? Is that leave payed? What are the services provided for people who get sick or disabled and what is the cost of those services? What is the price of internet service etc? The examples you gave lead me to believe you did at least some research, on the other hand as I said I have actual first hand knowledge of both countries and that knowledge led me and my wife to choose to live in Belgium, this should tell you something about how the quality of live compares.

Your chart shows that Germany pays only 50% more than the USA for power, but the following chart shows that it pays three times more:

I don't think your chart is accurate.
European countries don't have our amazing natural resources but do just great until the GOP Rex the world economy again super dupe. Their houses are smaller but last forever lol. Americans are famous for being obsessed with bigness...

In other words, we live better than they do. We have bigger houses, more and bigger cars, much cheaper gas, much cheaper electricity. Almost every U.S. home has a dishwasher. I've seen on those HGTV shows that many European houses do not have a dishwasher. They do not have an American sized refrigerator. They do not have American sized ranges or ovens. They have tiny bathrooms. About 30 years ago I had a friend who was visiting from Germany. He loved America because he could play tennis for free at his condo recreation center. In Germany it would typically cost you $50 to get on a tennis court, and that was 30 years ago. Now it's probably more like $100.

That's wha socialism gets you, a meager lifestyle.
Hey,don't tell therubes.
Us millionaires love screwingthem

I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
They probably believe GOP propaganda that welfare is fun LOL. There are tons of white girls doing the same thing by the way duh...

98% of welfare is for people that need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take it away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.

Feel free to invite those people to raid your refrigerator.
Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes

Did you really go there? How many single mothers do you personally know? What's your take on single fathers?

I apologize, I apologize.

I deeply insulted cancer. Cancer may be an end to an individual, but only single mothers can take down an entire civilization and family line.

Single fathers? Where are these mythical creatures? Not showing up in my radar of importance, perhaps because they are completely insignificant.

Goes to show how single-minded and uneducated you are.

Even though you wouldn't care, not all single mothers receive welfare, nor do they want it. Many are well educated and run businesses and/or work as professionals. I am one of them.

Perhaps you should start thinking about what it is you want to say BEFORE you go and run your mouth while your foot is stuck in your throat.
Most live in the ghetto and collect a welfare check.
We need to go back to Pre-Reagan taxes on the goddamn Rich and the corporations...We need to use that money to rebuild our infrastructure and invest into the education of our children.

If we don't then China will be eating our lunch by mid-century.

"The goddamn Rich". Who do you work for? The goddamn poor? Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising coming from a Progressive.

I have done this before but from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator
We need to go back to Pre-Reagan taxes on the goddamn Rich and the corporations...We need to use that money to rebuild our infrastructure and invest into the education of our children.

If we don't then China will be eating our lunch by mid-century.

That's the last thing we need. Obama was given $900 billion to spend on infrastructure. So where is it? The "infrastructure" scam is just a way for Dims to get more money for parasites. It's bait and switch.
We need to go back to Pre-Reagan taxes on the goddamn Rich and the corporations...We need to use that money to rebuild our infrastructure and invest into the education of our children.

If we don't then China will be eating our lunch by mid-century.

"The goddamn Rich". Who do you work for? The goddamn poor? Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising coming from a Progressive.

I have done this before but from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator

Interesting what year did employer's start to contribute..
We need to go back to Pre-Reagan taxes on the goddamn Rich and the corporations...We need to use that money to rebuild our infrastructure and invest into the education of our children.

If we don't then China will be eating our lunch by mid-century.

"The goddamn Rich". Who do you work for? The goddamn poor? Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising coming from a Progressive.

I have done this before but from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator

Interesting what year did employer's start to contribute..

1966 the employer contributed 0.335%. Click on the FICA & SECA Tax Rates above for all years. Anything contributed by the employer is really coming out of the pocket of the employee. To ignorant voters, they actually believe they are "sticking" the employer.
Except for the fact that liberals hate Christianity.

That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Why in the world would you think that references to God are appropriate in public and government buildings?

Many people - including religious people - think that references to God are absolutely inappropriate in public and government buildings. Refusing to allow it does not mean Christians are hated nor is it a rebuke of religious beliefs.

The days of theocracy are over. Religion and government should be absolutely separated. That does not constitute persecution of Religion or religious people.

How would you like it if the government pushed someone else's religion on you? Would you like it if symbols of Islam or Satanism were displayed in government buildings?

Would you feel comfortable if a judge displayed Sharia law in his court room while you were on trial?

Not allowing Christian or other religious symbols in government buildings doesn't mean Christians are persecuted, it means that we are free from persecution by Christians.

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Even Jesus believed in separation of church and state!
As I said to bulldog earlier, I will concede that if believers keep their religion out of government, then government should stay out of religion. Does that sound fair?

Tit-for-tat huh? Seems childish.

Should government stay out of cases of human sacrifice?

Religions must obey the law of the land. Governments do not obey the law of Religion.

If they did which Religion would they obey?

You seem to imply that governments enforcing Sharia law is acceptable.
Quite the opposite, I don't want government enforcing any religion. Just because you see religious symbolism on public buildings doesn't mean it's being shoved down your throat, government isn't forcing you to do anything. It's just how things were built by people who believed in Christianity. But, it's been made very clear that, those images offend people, so, they are being removed.

That is fine, I get.it, non believers are offended by those things, so they advocated, and they won. So, because they don't want those kinds of things displayed, because they feel that it is being shoved down their throat, then believers should have just as much right to not be burdened by the wishes of non believers.

In other words, the next time one of those gay wedding cake scenarios pops up, the courts should throw it out, citing that government cannot meddle in the affairs of believers, as doing so would trample on their religious liberties. Also, our constitution already says that government shall not prohibit the free exercise of religion, so all of those cases should have been thrown out anyway.

What some call gate "speech", others would call not being forced to do something that goes against their beliefs.

So, at the end of the day, you want to keep religion out if government, then, except for cases where a felony would be committed, then government needs to stay out of religion.
Did you really go there? How many single mothers do you personally know? What's your take on single fathers?

I apologize, I apologize.

I deeply insulted cancer. Cancer may be an end to an individual, but only single mothers can take down an entire civilization and family line.

Single fathers? Where are these mythical creatures? Not showing up in my radar of importance, perhaps because they are completely insignificant.

Goes to show how single-minded and uneducated you are.

Even though you wouldn't care, not all single mothers receive welfare, nor do they want it. Many are well educated and run businesses and/or work as professionals. I am one of them.

Perhaps you should start thinking about what it is you want to say BEFORE you go and run your mouth while your foot is stuck in your throat.

I say what I say because unlike you, I actually am educated.

The results of single motherhood are DEVASTATING, to the children, and especially to civilization. I don't care if "not all", my argument is not relying upon all of them, but on what they do as a whole. The fact that you would even make such a stupid criticism shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

I have thought about this a lot and stand by my comment 110%. It's the truth, if you can't take it this isn't the board for you. I will be stating many more truths in the future.
So of course you doups keep the problem going like illegal immigration and poverty by blocking birth control. Great idea.

I always laugh at the reasoning behind the government Banning Birth control but they don't want government to do anything that improves society.

They'll kick your door down if you smoke a leaf!
But don't you ask for any welfare or money for college.

Weird fuckers.
You have your idiot Republicans and then you have Democrats, big difference.
Damn, even I didn't suspect things would be that bad. It certainly explains everything.

A service no one wants to pay for, but is forced to because the teacher lobby is one of the strongest in the country.

Here is a former leader of the Teachers Union telling the truth.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?

And thank God they do...
I get screwed by the Democrat voting welfare queens every year when I pay taxes on money that I earned but yet those assholes get it.

Disgusting isn't it?
Welfare is a gigantic pain in the ass, nobody wants to be on it. Most of the things you dupes want welfare to do it already is. Screening and testing for drugs, work 4 benefits, applying for work, Etc. The GOP giveaway to the rich is the problem, dumbass Dupes...

Nobody wants to be on welfare?

Bullshit statement of the year.

Single mothers are a cancer in this country. And despite what you believe, they want all that welfare and want to be on it, as they spread their dumber than stupid genes.
They probably believe GOP propaganda that welfare is fun LOL. There are tons of white girls doing the same thing by the way duh...

98% of welfare is for people that need it and most of those are already working hard to get by. What the republicans want to do is to take it away and force people to fucking take food out of the trash can. Republicans are heartless fuckers.

Feel free to invite those people to raid your refrigerator.

Don't drive on our roads, send your kids to our schools or use anything that the tax payers paid for. Seriously, how can you be against all taxes? It is nearly impossible not to benefit in some way from them.
That is the RWNJ party line. Of course, it's just another lie, but that hasn't mattered so far.
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Why in the world would you think that references to God are appropriate in public and government buildings?

Many people - including religious people - think that references to God are absolutely inappropriate in public and government buildings. Refusing to allow it does not mean Christians are hated nor is it a rebuke of religious beliefs.

The days of theocracy are over. Religion and government should be absolutely separated. That does not constitute persecution of Religion or religious people.

How would you like it if the government pushed someone else's religion on you? Would you like it if symbols of Islam or Satanism were displayed in government buildings?

Would you feel comfortable if a judge displayed Sharia law in his court room while you were on trial?

Not allowing Christian or other religious symbols in government buildings doesn't mean Christians are persecuted, it means that we are free from persecution by Christians.

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Even Jesus believed in separation of church and state!
As I said to bulldog earlier, I will concede that if believers keep their religion out of government, then government should stay out of religion. Does that sound fair?

Tit-for-tat huh? Seems childish.

Should government stay out of cases of human sacrifice?

Religions must obey the law of the land. Governments do not obey the law of Religion.

If they did which Religion would they obey?

You seem to imply that governments enforcing Sharia law is acceptable.
Quite the opposite, I don't want government enforcing any religion. Just because you see religious symbolism on public buildings doesn't mean it's being shoved down your throat, government isn't forcing you to do anything. It's just how things were built by people who believed in Christianity. But, it's been made very clear that, those images offend people, so, they are being removed.

That is fine, I get.it, non believers are offended by those things, so they advocated, and they won. So, because they don't want those kinds of things displayed, because they feel that it is being shoved down their throat, then believers should have just as much right to not be burdened by the wishes of non believers.

In other words, the next time one of those gay wedding cake scenarios pops up, the courts should throw it out, citing that government cannot meddle in the affairs of believers, as doing so would trample on their religious liberties. Also, our constitution already says that government shall not prohibit the free exercise of religion, so all of those cases should have been thrown out anyway.

What some call gate "speech", others would call not being forced to do something that goes against their beliefs.

So, at the end of the day, you want to keep religion out if government, then, except for cases where a felony would be committed, then government needs to stay out of religion.

Not how it works. Why should a business be allowed to ignore public access laws just because of their religion? The laws are for all of us. Quit thinking you are more equal than others.
I do not argue, I just pass the time here mocking the retards that voted for Hillary

You qualify
Great, except I didn't vote for Hillary.

Do you ever make posts that aren't 100% bullshit?

Ya know, the fact is that not one person here owns up to voting for Hillary...……….

It's funny as shit because this is mathematically impossible

I voted for Hilary, you fucking idiot.

At least I wasn't stupid enough to get conned by a con & keep swallowing every bogus lie he tells you.

You're a good little comrade!

Remember - chump loves the uneducated!
I bet you're on his Christmas card list!!!

MAGA! (Mueller Ain't Going Away!!!)

Maybe he's waiting for that big beautiful military parade to remove that orange sack of shit in handcuffs. The dude does crave attention. Handcuffs will get him the attention he deserves.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It's utterly hilarious that you believe voting for Hillary makes you look smart.

The only thing dumber than voting for Crooked Hillary would be to have voted for that Obama asshole.
No evidence for that but a mountain of BS propaganda, super duper...

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