Why does "everyone" despise the homeless? Our Savior was Homeless


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of all the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
the majority of what youre thinking as the homeless are not homeless,,

they choose to be where they are and if you tried to put them in a home they wouldnt stay,, just stay long enough to trash the place and move on
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the majority of what youre thinking as the homeless are not homeless,,

they choose to be where they are and if you tried to put them in a home they wouldnt stay,, r kust stay long enough to trash the place and move on
thanks for making my case

Jesus said that whatever you do to the least of his people, you do to him. (Mt 25:31)

I have known homeless people who are Christian

And again, Jesus himself was homeless all his life

"The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head"

Then you could look @ St Luke 16:19

about a homeless man
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
Jesus was not hooked on drugs and a thief so he was nothing like the homeless today
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
Who despises them? We merely don't want them to make our cities unlivable.
I don’t despise the homeless. It is a massive growing tragedy created by DEM cities…..so that they could expand GOVT to pretend to care for them, as they take a massive cut of funding. See SF, CA home base for the beginning of all of it.

Now many who are truly down on luck, joblesss, no fixed address are grouped into the DEM enclave of hard-core drug users that can’t keep a home, job or car.

it used to bring tears to my eye in a SJ south bedroom community city, CA driving by the NATL guard shelter where the lineup would begin at dusk to get in on (ONLY cold nights did they allow it 32F?). Seeing women with young kids is a tragedy beyond words.
Jesus was not hooked on drugs and a thief so he was nothing like the homeless today
so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
I didnt say all

You did
Who despises them? We merely don't want them to make our cities unlivable.
so livable for you

unlivable for them

Mental Hospitals should never have been closed. Big Pharma bribed the government to do that.

Society has slipped ever since.
can't say I disagree at all. I used to think mental illness was a myth. Then i actually met one or 2 people who were obviously loony tunes.. Of course the entire D party fits that category. But I was speaking mostly of those not in Eliteville
so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
youre the one that thinks none of them are,,

anyone trully homeless can find help if they want it,,
Confirmation bias. The homeless people that you notice are the ones who cause problems. You don't see the ones who don't.

It's like this board. It attracts the worst of the conservatives, and that makes people think all conservatives are awful.
I didnt say all

You did
youre the one that thinks none of them are,,

anyone trully homeless can find help if they want it,,
ever stop to think they may "not want it" for valid reasons?

I know someone who distrusts the system.. No, wait, I know about 3 who don't. They have been burnt by the system.. even burnt by people who are supposedly there to help.

ever stop to think they may "not want it" for valid reasons?

I know someone who distrusts the system.. No, wait, I know about 3 who don't. They have been burnt by the system.. even burnt by people who are supposedly there to help.
are you suggesting we force them into homes they dont want to be in??
If not for druggies shooting up on the street the homeless problem would be much smaller
i've never seen anyone shoot up on the street

probably because I don't live in a dim run city, but I've visited those

Portland, OR
Seattle, WA

and others..

never saw it THERE either.. although some folks sitting on the sidewalk in downtown Portland looked like they may have just done that. But God only knows. I dont

But again, I don't appreciate being called a liar when I say that I've known or still know those who don't use drugs
so livable for you

unlivable for them


can't say I disagree at all. I used to think mental illness was a myth. Then i actually met one or 2 people who were obviously loony tunes.. Of course the entire D party fits that category. But I was speaking mostly of those not in Eliteville
Yes, livable for normal people. You know, taxpayers. With children, and homes and businesses.

There are a group of homeless who choose to live that way. They prefer it. There are a group who lost their home due to economic reasons, they need help to get back on their feet.

There is the group who have checked out of the world and are addicted to opiates. They will all eventually die unless they find something to live for, in which case they will stop using. They are a small percentage.

And the final group are profoundly mentally ill. They need to be kept in institutions because they will never get better.
i've never seen anyone shoot up on the street

probably because I don't live in a dim run city, but I've visited those

Portland, OR
Seattle, WA

and others..

never saw it THERE either.. although some folks sitting on the sidewalk in downtown Portland looked like they may have just done that. But God only knows. I dont

But again, I don't appreciate being called a liar when I say that I've known or still know those who don't use drugs
You have led a sheltered life

Yes, livable for normal people. You know, taxpayers. With children, and homes and businesses.

There are a group of homeless who choose to live that way. They prefer it. There are a group who lost their home due to economic reasons, they need help to get back on their feet.

There is the group who have checked out of the world and are addicted to opiates. They will all eventually die unless they find something to live for, in which case they will stop using. They are a small percentage.

And the final group are profoundly mentally ill. They need to be kept in institutions because they will never get better.
wow... If I were dependent on YOU for help with ANYTHING

I'd likely be kicked to the proverbial curb. Who the hell are you to say someone is hopeless?

How would you, Mr Empathy, like to be seen by all those around you as hopeless?

No wonder Jesus said Few make it to Heaven. Mt 7:14, Lk 13:24

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