Why does the Democratic Party hate Israel?

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Why did the democratic party hate apartheid south africa?

They are analogous nations

Israeli history starts with teh first aliyah about 150 years ago
That's not a really analogous situation. The ANC renounced violence. Israel's offered peace on several occasions, but first the PLO and now Hamas don't want it. Imo Israel would be better served if it stopped appropriating land, and just stayed behind their wall, but the majority of Israelis pretty much have had it with the pales and if the NutterTheorcratLikudBrigade wants to coddle the Jewish nutters .... they seem ok with that.

But the best you can say for the pales and now the Israelis at this point is .... let them kill each other and let God sort it out.

Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms

They have mutually exclusive goals

Jews want an ethnostate

Palestinians want the right of return, which will ruin their ethnostate

Peace was never offered in good faith because it cannot be. The Israelis and Palestinians want things that cannot coexist.

"we offered a two state solution where they get shit land and no sovereignty"

That should not be very compelling to a secular American
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
Hamas and Hezbollah fired buku missiles into Israel over the past few days, not caring where they land. Israel retaliates, but it's Israel's fault? They're to blame, are you kidding me? I hear democrats saying that, and some democrats have called for the end of the Jewish state, by genocide/mass murder if necessary. I don't hear any democrats saying that is wrong, do you?

Politically, the Jews vote heavily for the democrats and they donate a lot of money to the Democratic Party, and yet the dems are pissing all over the Jews. And I'm thinking WTF, over? These people want to end Israel's existence and kill you, but you're going to support that party? Unbelievable.

From the dems perspective, it's equally hard to comprehend. Why are you indirectly attacking your own constituents by demagoguing Israel? And the way they're doing it is Trump-like, no frills, no class, and no doubts about what they mean. You tell me, aren't they (some of them) acting a whole lot like Trump in this instance?

This isn't about Trump though, Obama was anti-Israel before Trump came along. The democrats have been shifting their position on Israel for some years now, and I don't get why. Answer me this: if the Islamists ever do destroy Israel, who do you think they will turn against as their next enemy? If they ever do develop nukes, do you really think they wouldn't use them against Israel? Or eventually against us? Are the democrats that short-sighted? I guess they are.

Most DemNazis are Atheists or sexual perverts or belong to fake religions.

Israel is proof God exists, and Israel as a nation is whom God chose to deliver His Word through, and whom He chose to offer salvation and redemption through.

So naturally the DemNazi God Haters think if they can destroy Israel, they can prove there is No God, and make God a liar at the very least.

Satan is delusional and really thinks, like Satan states in The Koran that he can ascend to The Throne of The Most High and sit upon The Mount of The Congregation and be like THE MOST HIGH. Allah-Satan say identical things in The Koran and The Bible. Allah is Satan. Allah is not Jehovah, or Yaweh. Allah is not God. Allah is an imposter. This is also why DemNazis ally themselves with radical Islam.

So this is what it's all about. The Left invites Satan and the future AntiChrist to come, and take their place as their god, while The Right, they are fighting against this, and trying to delay the end times so that the undecided will have time to decide which side they are on before it's too late.

lol israel is proof anglos are powerful

It was the english speaking worlds christians who backed them against the billion muslims.

It wasn't a miracle. It has been us for almost a century, and the British evangelical elite before us.

There would be no Israel without our continued intervention. Most Christians don't believe they have to speed up the end times. Mostly an anglo phenomena

Why does the Democratic Party hate Israel?​

Why does a bird fly into a window over and over until it beats its brains out?

Why ask why.

BOTH are due to mental illness.
Because the bird sees its reflection and thinks it is another bird which has nothing to do with an an attempt by the OP to smear people who practice free speech.

No one is trying to stop you from talking about the fact that you hate Jews. Just expect to be treated like the anti-semite you are.
I see, so you hate Jews if you like free speech, you people are out of yer minds, you must be a Baptist. Arabs and Jews are Semites, the Sumerians were not.........

Once again, you are free to speak about your hatred of Jews. The two have nothing to do with each other.
I have no reason to hate Jews or Arabs or anyone in the world, hate is a weakness of character.
Not to mention a waste of emotional energy, usually not worth the effort, and indicative of a lack of self discipline.
Nevertheless, you want to sell out the Israeli Jews to a hoard of murdering savages.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert

Why does the Democratic Party hate Israel?​

Why does a bird fly into a window over and over until it beats its brains out?

Why ask why.

BOTH are due to mental illness.
Because the bird sees its reflection and thinks it is another bird which has nothing to do with an an attempt by the OP to smear people who practice free speech.

No one is trying to stop you from talking about the fact that you hate Jews. Just expect to be treated like the anti-semite you are.
I see, so you hate Jews if you like free speech, you people are out of yer minds, you must be a Baptist. Arabs and Jews are Semites, the Sumerians were not.........

Once again, you are free to speak about your hatred of Jews. The two have nothing to do with each other.
I have no reason to hate Jews or Arabs or anyone in the world, hate is a weakness of character.
Not to mention a waste of emotional energy, usually not worth the effort, and indicative of a lack of self discipline.
Nevertheless, you want to sell out the Israeli Jews to a hoard of murdering savages.
Not me. I want to sell Israel all the arms they might want to buy from us, then stand back and let them handle their enemies in that region as they see fit.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
You're obviously one of those ignorant pawns who believe that muslims believe in the same God as Jews and Christians.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
When did the PLO agree to the "two state solution?" They flatly rejected it. The vast majority of so-called Palestinians arrived after Israel turned the area into a paradise. They aren't native to the area at all.

Israel doesn't expect anyone to convert, turd. The very notion is barbaric.
I believe the Democrats' attitude reflects back to their view of apartheid in Israel just as much as they were against its practice in South Africa.

well, no. The "democrats" who imagine that there is apartheid in Israel----are
victims of islamo nazi propaganda. Try to educate yourself-----read the koran

theist ramblings are not history books you vapid bitch

god damn i hope you are barren

so unbearably stupid

did I suggest that the islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets were "HISTORY"?------they were
propaganda pamphlets. Do you consider Farrakhan's FINAL CALL to be "HISTORY"?
How about the SUPERMAN comics of the 1950s-----I read them too-----but do not quote

Try taking your own advice and read the Quran some day?
It clearly says Judaism and Christianity are valid religions, Brothers of the Book, use the same Old Testament, and are not to be harmed or abused.
Anyone claiming Moslem hate or abuse Jews or Christians is just a liar.

But Zionists are not Jews.
They are evil people going against Judaism in in order to murder and steal.
The Quran tells Muzzie savages to murder all Jews.
well----not true----only if they refuse to convert to islam OR refuse total
subjugation to muslims-----UNCONDITIONALLY

As opposed to the Jews who want unconditional surrender with no chance of conversion?

One group is a religion one is an ethnic group. There are many secular Jews

Secular Muslims do not exist
"unconditional surrender" to what?
What do you think the two state solution is?

They are agreeing to give up teh right of return, basic sovereignty, and the best parts of their land

That's unconditional surrender. They get nothing

Palestinians want basically the same thing via the right of return. But they were there first and Israel would not exist without Anglo backing. This is not the strong eating the weak. This is us eating the weak via proxy. First the British elite and now ours.

Also they will allow all those jews to convert to islam and would probably be very happy to just get land back and go on about their day. Their offer of conversion is real.

Jews don't even pretend to offer the opportunity to convert
from where do you get BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND?

The arable parts/ THe contiguous (it's all one big piece because i know you don't know what that fucking means) parts? have you looked at a map of israel/palestine?

Even without knowing where farmland/water/port access etc was. You should be able to tell who gets the better end of that deal.

Yea the Jews just split it 50/50 after winning armed conflicts...?
the "BEST PARTS OF THEIR LAND" are that way because Israel made them that way. Why should Israel give anything to those war mongering muzzie savages at their own game?
"Peace without the right of return is not acceptable terms"

I guess that means Israel will have to exterminate the Muzzie savages then.
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