Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Why? Because we have large demographic groups with low morals, with no regard for the rule of law, with a poor work ethic, with a negative attitude toward those who take education seriously, and with an inflated sense of entitlement. Because we have large numbers of single-parent families, which is one of the best predictors of future problems with the law. Because many of our children are no longer taught such basic ideas as honesty, integrity, work, self-reliance, and morality.
Because there is a culture of entitlement and a lack of respect for the law, and the enforcement thereof.
With Uncle Sam constantly breaking international laws as their mentor, who can blame them ?

Uncle Sam is not their mentor. The guy who walks around with a roll of 100 dollar bills because he's a pusher is their mentor. The guy singing the rap song about killing cops is their mentor. The guy dressed like a 50's movie star who pimps girls is their mentor.
It was an analogy to "culture of entitlement", with neocons like Mnuchin, Pence, Pompeo and Bolton in the White House going around placing sanctions on everyone who looks cross-eyed at them, and bombing the ones who flip them off. Look at Venezuela right now ...who are we to wreck their economy with decades of sanctions then tell them who their president is ? A man 80% of them never heard of....it's a joke. The US is looked at as the biggest terrorist on the planet. We don't need a wall...people will be afraid to come here soon anyway.

As if..... you people....

This is another toddler response. When a left-winger imposes left-wing ideology on their own country, and it destroys the country, the left-winger never says "hey maybe our bad ideology doesn't work".... no instead, they go back to pre-school, and say "You caused me to do this!".

No stupid. We didn't destroy Venezuela. Venezuela destroyed Venezuela, with left-wing ideology. Socialism when fully implemented, has always, on a consistent 1:1 ratio, destroyed every country that has enacted it.

We didn't do jack to Venezuela. You people are constantly looking for an excuse for your failures. Obama spent almost a full 8 years crying and whining that the reason for the worst recovery in US history was "well but... Bush! Bush bad! Bush did it! Not my fault! Wah!"

Toddlers. Left-wingers... an entire ideology of Toddlerism. Instead of socialism, we should call you the Toddlerists.

Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains

What does illegal even mean anymore? In our land of the free, it’s illegal to feed the homeless in some states. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, between 2013 and 2015, “over 26 cities and communities passed laws restricting the distribution of food to the homeless, and the number is growing every year.” That’s right, a 90-year-old was taken down to the station for the crime of handing out baked beans. You may think this is ridiculous, but if you don’t stop him now, what’s next? Refried beans? Then, before you know it, you’re involved in a pico de gallo situation. And pico de gallo leads to guacamole, and guac opens the gates to cheese, rice and cilantro. You thought you were going to be the cool cop, look the other way, let a few beans slide, and before you know it, you’re dealing with burritos, enchiladas, fajitas. And now the salsa is on your hands, too.

Also illegal is housing the homeless. Earlier this year, according to Splinter News, “police arrived at [a Chicago man’s] house with a warrant and threatened to condemn his property unless he closed his ‘unlawful basement sleeping area.’ ” Not illegal is taking blankets away from the homeless, as the Denver police were caught doing. Also not illegal: destroying tiny homes built for the homeless. Cops did that, too. Banks foreclose on millions of homes, making millions of families homeless. That’s not illegal. We throw out 40 percent of all food. That’s not illegal.

Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains

The thing is were it not for anti-American judges, a lot more would be in prison.
Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains

What does illegal even mean anymore? In our land of the free, it’s illegal to feed the homeless in some states. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, between 2013 and 2015, “over 26 cities and communities passed laws restricting the distribution of food to the homeless, and the number is growing every year.” That’s right, a 90-year-old was taken down to the station for the crime of handing out baked beans. You may think this is ridiculous, but if you don’t stop him now, what’s next? Refried beans? Then, before you know it, you’re involved in a pico de gallo situation. And pico de gallo leads to guacamole, and guac opens the gates to cheese, rice and cilantro. You thought you were going to be the cool cop, look the other way, let a few beans slide, and before you know it, you’re dealing with burritos, enchiladas, fajitas. And now the salsa is on your hands, too.

Also illegal is housing the homeless. Earlier this year, according to Splinter News, “police arrived at [a Chicago man’s] house with a warrant and threatened to condemn his property unless he closed his ‘unlawful basement sleeping area.’ ” Not illegal is taking blankets away from the homeless, as the Denver police were caught doing. Also not illegal: destroying tiny homes built for the homeless. Cops did that, too. Banks foreclose on millions of homes, making millions of families homeless. That’s not illegal. We throw out 40 percent of all food. That’s not illegal.

Yeah, well welcome to liberal America.

So who went to prison to do hard time for feeding or housing the homeless?
Why? Because we have large demographic groups with low morals, with no regard for the rule of law, with a poor work ethic, with a negative attitude toward those who take education seriously, and with an inflated sense of entitlement. Because we have large numbers of single-parent families, which is one of the best predictors of future problems with the law. Because many of our children are no longer taught such basic ideas as honesty, integrity, work, self-reliance, and morality.

That and being in prison is no longer shameful. There is nothing to be embarrassed about anymore. In fact in some of our cultures, it's even considered a resume enhancer. They get tattoos permanently displaying their background and it's considered Street Cred in those communities.
Because, you dumb OP, America has 40 million black crybaby savages who statistically commit more crime than all other races in America put together! Black crybabies are the only race who not only destroy every neighborhood they infest, they make American neighborhoods look like war zones from a WWII movie.

This is true. If you remove the minority population out of our prisons, we lock up very few of our citizens compared to other places.

Going to jail this week for 6 years.. and I’m white
Nobody goes to jail for six years. You're going to prison. The longest I've ever been incarcerated is 8 months.

What the hell did you do anyways?
Beat up some libtards last year might have violated probation
Is it really worth it being a hot head, wasting your life getting locked in a cage?
What would Sam Adams say hmmm
Hit 'im again. I got nothin better to do with my life than spend it locked in a cage.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people that feel that way.
or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

I want those people in prison. I'm going to tell you why. Steal a car from a family, the parent can no longer make it to work. They can't make rent. They lose the home. That domino effect is brutal. I don't need that to be violent.

And stolen cars are never ever recovered right?

Not the point. The harm done in that crime is enough to warrant prison time.

I disagree.

theft is not a violent crime and alternative sentencing is acceptable

It's also encouraging more of the same.

Prison or jail time is more than about punishment. It's also about being a deterrent. If you give people the go-ahead to commit crime, then what's stopping them?
99.5% true, I believe. We have a large prison population for two reasons.
1) An ethnically diverse population
2) The rule of law
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?

Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too

Now that's a great idea. Currently, over 80,000 (mostly young) Americans die from overdoses in the US a year. That's not including the ones who barely escaped death and were rescued. This costs taxpayers a lot of money. Now if we legalized recreational narcotics, perhaps we can get that death toll to 200,000, 400,000, maybe three million a year.

Now that's what I call progress.........until it's your own family member that becomes part of those statistics.

You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today
For whom? Screw alternative sentencing. You got your roll out in policy nationwide. What that policy says is that if you live in poverty or are working class or lower middle class then people can rip you off and there is no justice. Auto theft can bring a house down. I don't need that to be violent.

The only violent car theft is car jacking. If someone steals your car when you are not in it it is not a violent crime.

And how many people have you known that have lost their house because a car got stolen?

Doesn't need to be violent for them to go to prison. I have known enough people to watch that slide. Lost their jobs, lost their homes.

Steal money from a bank? You're going to prison.

There is an income bracket where that vehicle is their bank.

Lost their home because a car was stolen?


Bank robbery is a federal crime car theft isn't.

Pffttt. Dude, I got nothing to prove to you. It's called living pay check to pay check. For clarification, renting not owning.

Robbery indicates violence. Let's look at embezzlement which falls under both state and federal laws.

I remind you that the people are in a social contract.

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.
Might be the other side of the "American dream," together with the military industrial complex, the petrodollar, and Wall Street ruling the country and both political parties.
And we lock up wrong people.

We have more people in prison for nonviolent drug and property crimes than we do violent criminals and murderers
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?

Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too

Now that's a great idea. Currently, over 80,000 (mostly young) Americans die from overdoses in the US a year. That's not including the ones who barely escaped death and were rescued. This costs taxpayers a lot of money. Now if we legalized recreational narcotics, perhaps we can get that death toll to 200,000, 400,000, maybe three million a year.

Now that's what I call progress.........until it's your own family member that becomes part of those statistics.

You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today

Let me ask you this

Did we have more crime during prohibition ?

People are going to do the drugs they want to do and there will always be a black market for anything the government deems illegal.
Legalize it and it can be regulated and yes taxed. Billions of dollars annually can be saved, the courts will be freed up violent crimes related to the black market will decrease and with just a fraction of the money saved treatment can be offered for those who want it.
The only violent car theft is car jacking. If someone steals your car when you are not in it it is not a violent crime.

And how many people have you known that have lost their house because a car got stolen?

Doesn't need to be violent for them to go to prison. I have known enough people to watch that slide. Lost their jobs, lost their homes.

Steal money from a bank? You're going to prison.

There is an income bracket where that vehicle is their bank.

Lost their home because a car was stolen?


Bank robbery is a federal crime car theft isn't.

Pffttt. Dude, I got nothing to prove to you. It's called living pay check to pay check. For clarification, renting not owning.

Robbery indicates violence. Let's look at embezzlement which falls under both state and federal laws.

I remind you that the people are in a social contract.

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.
Doesn't need to be violent for them to go to prison. I have known enough people to watch that slide. Lost their jobs, lost their homes.

Steal money from a bank? You're going to prison.

There is an income bracket where that vehicle is their bank.

Lost their home because a car was stolen?


Bank robbery is a federal crime car theft isn't.

Pffttt. Dude, I got nothing to prove to you. It's called living pay check to pay check. For clarification, renting not owning.

Robbery indicates violence. Let's look at embezzlement which falls under both state and federal laws.

I remind you that the people are in a social contract.

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.
Lost their home because a car was stolen?


Bank robbery is a federal crime car theft isn't.

Pffttt. Dude, I got nothing to prove to you. It's called living pay check to pay check. For clarification, renting not owning.

Robbery indicates violence. Let's look at embezzlement which falls under both state and federal laws.

I remind you that the people are in a social contract.

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime
Pffttt. Dude, I got nothing to prove to you. It's called living pay check to pay check. For clarification, renting not owning.

Robbery indicates violence. Let's look at embezzlement which falls under both state and federal laws.

I remind you that the people are in a social contract.

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

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