Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Look up the definition of violence and get back to me

I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.
I don't need to. I'm very familiar with violent crimes.

I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.
I don't think you are if you think burglary is a violent crime.
Property crimes where the owner of the property is not even present are not violent crimes by definition.

Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded
Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded

Justice is that person being removed from society due to the harm inflicted by the crime committed.
So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded

Justice is that person being removed from society due to the harm created by the crime committed.

You and I don't have the same definition of harm

I have had my car stolen and I got it back a couple days later like most people do. I was not harmed by it. And it's even easier today to install antitheft and recovery devices.
I was assaulted and robbed resulting in 3 cracked ribs, a fractured eye orbital, and a lacerated spleen.

The latter is a violent crime the former is not
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?

Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too

Now that's a great idea. Currently, over 80,000 (mostly young) Americans die from overdoses in the US a year. That's not including the ones who barely escaped death and were rescued. This costs taxpayers a lot of money. Now if we legalized recreational narcotics, perhaps we can get that death toll to 200,000, 400,000, maybe three million a year.

Now that's what I call progress.........until it's your own family member that becomes part of those statistics.

You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today

Let me ask you this

Did we have more crime during prohibition ?

People are going to do the drugs they want to do and there will always be a black market for anything the government deems illegal.
Legalize it and it can be regulated and yes taxed. Billions of dollars annually can be saved, the courts will be freed up violent crimes related to the black market will decrease and with just a fraction of the money saved treatment can be offered for those who want it.
How many heroin addicts pay federal income tax? Who are you going to 'tax'? The heroin dealer?
Are you planning on having stores selling heroin over the counter?
Or would you 'tax' the heroin makers in Afghanistan? THAT'S IT! SEND THEM A TAX NOTICE!!!!!!!
Wise up assho;le!
Robbery is a violent crime or has the capacity to be because it is direct contact. Burglary is not. Auto theft should win a prison sentence. Period.

So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded
Who's going to pay to have the car fixed?
The negro inner city gang member who isn't senient enough to tie his shoes?
Picking up garbage under a bridge isn't going to pay to have the car fixed you idiot!
In the inner city shitholes if you are a negro over the age of 18 and you haven't spent any time in jail you are branded is a pussy. No gang will have you as a member. You're an outcast.
Worse you become a victim for any 12 year olds to prey upon.
I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded

Justice is that person being removed from society due to the harm created by the crime committed.

You and I don't have the same definition of harm

I have had my car stolen and I got it back a couple days later like most people do. I was not harmed by it. And it's even easier today to install antitheft and recovery devices.
I was assaulted and robbed resulting in 3 cracked ribs, a fractured eye orbital, and a lacerated spleen.

The latter is a violent crime the former is not
Clearly we do not. I am very sorry that you had to go through that.

I don't need that crime to be violent. I am in contact almost daily with violent offenders, victims, people who are in some stage or the other of the criminal justice system, homeless, ID/physically disabled and addicts.

We should not engage in a dick swinging contest.
Why do we have such a high prison population?

Well, we know one contributing factor is that Democrats are standing with violent illegals, Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, murderers / cop-killers, and who knows who else to keep the borders open, to keep illegal immigration happening, to keep Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities operating - facilitating both illegal immigration and crimes committed in the US and to American citizens by these criminals, to keep the flow of illegal / future legal Democrat votes coming.

Democrats / Liberals prove they could care less about the safety of US citizens or our own sovereignty, that they believe the violence, crime, lawlessness and Socialism they are embracing / importing is worth the votes from illegals and worth the cost of re-acquiring and maintaining power / control of the govt. (How's that working out for Maduro?)

Democrats are literally facilitating the invasion of this country and the continued straining of our economy, when we are already $21+ Trillion in debt.

-- While hypocritically claiming they care about workers in the US and want to increase their wages (through dictated minimum wages, for one thing), they are flooding the United States with millions of un/under-educated un-skilled workers which will lower the wages of American workers, increasing the poverty level in the US, especially in certain geographic locations / areas, and we all know crime breeds / grows in poverty-stricken areas.

-- The US is having to pay for the transportation, medical care, housing, education of their children, food stamps, welfare of a large number of the 22+ million illegals in this country - and a projected 1.5 million illegally entering the US alone this year....

It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

Drug culture
Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too

Now that's a great idea. Currently, over 80,000 (mostly young) Americans die from overdoses in the US a year. That's not including the ones who barely escaped death and were rescued. This costs taxpayers a lot of money. Now if we legalized recreational narcotics, perhaps we can get that death toll to 200,000, 400,000, maybe three million a year.

Now that's what I call progress.........until it's your own family member that becomes part of those statistics.

You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today

Let me ask you this

Did we have more crime during prohibition ?

People are going to do the drugs they want to do and there will always be a black market for anything the government deems illegal.
Legalize it and it can be regulated and yes taxed. Billions of dollars annually can be saved, the courts will be freed up violent crimes related to the black market will decrease and with just a fraction of the money saved treatment can be offered for those who want it.
How many heroin addicts pay federal income tax? Who are you going to 'tax'? The heroin dealer?
Are you planning on having stores selling heroin over the counter?
Or would you 'tax' the heroin makers in Afghanistan? THAT'S IT! SEND THEM A TAX NOTICE!!!!!!!
Wise up assho;le!

If you regulate the sale you tax it at the point of sale just like you do with everything else.

We get no taxes from the black market now do we?
So if your car gets stolen when you're not there it's a violent crime?

It isn't

I don't think you have ever been the victim of a violent crime

I don't need it to be a violent crime. I'm not sure you understand that.

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded
Who's going to pay to have the car fixed?
The negro inner city gang member who isn't senient enough to tie his shoes?
Picking up garbage under a bridge isn't going to pay to have the car fixed you idiot!
In the inner city shitholes if you are a negro over the age of 18 and you haven't spent any time in jail you are branded is a pussy. No gang will have you as a member. You're an outcast.
Worse you become a victim for any 12 year olds to prey upon.

So cars only get stolen in inner city shit holes?

Funny mine was stolen when it was parked in a suburban area
Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

County is less than a year. I want that person in prison. More than a year.
Removal from society. There are programs in place in most states that help with getting these good folks back on their feet when exiting prison.

Right now you have a system where only the wealthy can be protected by laws or seek justice.

Justice for getting your car stolen would be getting your car back and getting the damage fixed not throwing someone in jail for more than a year.

Your plan results in letting violent people out of prisons because they are overcrowded

Justice is that person being removed from society due to the harm created by the crime committed.

You and I don't have the same definition of harm

I have had my car stolen and I got it back a couple days later like most people do. I was not harmed by it. And it's even easier today to install antitheft and recovery devices.
I was assaulted and robbed resulting in 3 cracked ribs, a fractured eye orbital, and a lacerated spleen.

The latter is a violent crime the former is not
Clearly we do not. I am very sorry that you had to go through that.

I don't need that crime to be violent. I am in contact almost daily with violent offenders, victims, people who are in some stage or the other of the criminal justice system, homeless, ID/physically disabled and addicts.

We should not engage in a dick swinging contest.
The second you start mentioning male anatomy in an argument you reveal yourself to be immature therefore not worth talking to
The answer, of course, is racism. Do we really need an excuse to incarcerate our innocent black and hispanic population?
Flood the streets with drugs and guns, then lock them up with felonies so when they get out they can't vote or get a decent job and 70 percent wind up back inside.

Don't do drugs or use guns so you won't get felonies and you can still vote and get a decent job. It is very simple.
Because when you have a free nation, some people abuse freedom of other people, which was not what was meant by the framers.
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had 2 actual DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.

And what people don't realize is how it affects the families of those locked up. Thousands in fines and attorney fees, the cost of travelling for visitation, commissary money ( inmates can't live on the shit they feed them) every week...etc. Our attorney was $7000.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!
Seems like the worst criminals get away with their crimes though.

You forget the other part. Laws are for us, not them.
A huge double standard. Look at Ted Kennedy and that girl who drowned when he was drunk and drove the car into the lake. Probably didn't even lose his license when most regular folks would have been charged with homicide.

No one ever got a D.U.I. back then either
I personally remember getting off with warnings in the 70's
and I've had 2 actual DUI's - one in 1998 and one in 2013 , and I've long since stopped drinking alcohol. One of my sons had 3 in Texas and the 3rd one was a $10,000 felony, he got behind on payments, got arrested at a party with weed on him and the prick judge revoked his probation and gave him 2 years.

And what people don't realize is how it affects the families of those locked up. Thousands in fines and attorney fees, the cost of travelling for visitation, commissary money ( inmates can't live on the shit they feed them) every week...etc. Our attorney was $7000.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!

No, no, no, no, way to simple. You will need 20 links and a pie chart to be taken seriously. Can’t believe you tried to pull that one sentence crap.
Why? Because we have large demographic groups with low morals, with no regard for the rule of law, with a poor work ethic, with a negative attitude toward those who take education seriously, and with an inflated sense of entitlement. Because we have large numbers of single-parent families, which is one of the best predictors of future problems with the law. Because many of our children are no longer taught such basic ideas as honesty, integrity, work, self-reliance, and morality.
We have the most single parent families in states where laws against abortion are the strongest...

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