Why does the United States have the largest prison population in the world ?

Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

Let me tell you a true story from about 25 years ago.

A middle-east family rented an old Dairy Mart and opened up their own store. I frequented the place since it's only a minute walk from my house.

One day I went there and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what was going on, and he said some drunk came in, took several packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. He said the police told him if he comes back, give them a call and they'll kick him out.

We got to talking about the laws in our countries. He said his grandmother wanted him to send her our local news paper to see how his life in the new world was. She wrote back with great concern. She read the police section and stated that there is more theft in our little suburb in one week than there was in the entire middle-east in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, vendors sold goods at outdoor markets. They set up tables and umbrellas for customers to rest while shopping. He said if a woman got up and walked away forgetting her purse, people would cross the street to be nowhere near that table. The purse would even be there the next day.

In our country he said, if anybody got caught stealing, the police would take their sword and chop off their hand. If they got caught stealing again, off came the other hand. There is no third time he said. They tie you up in a burlap sack and toss you off a three story building. If you were still alive, they repeated the action until you were dead.

That's why there is very little theft in the middle-east, and kids are stealing police cars in New York city.
Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

Let me tell you a true story from about 25 years ago.

A middle-east family rented an old Dairy Mart and opened up their own store. I frequented the place since it's only a minute walk from my house.

One day I went there and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what was going on, and he said some drunk came in, took several packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. He said the police told him if he comes back, give them a call and they'll kick him out.

We got to talking about the laws in our countries. He said his grandmother wanted him to send her our local news paper to see how his life in the new world was. She wrote back with great concern. She read the police section and stated that there is more theft in our little suburb in one week than there was in the entire middle-east in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, vendors sold goods at outdoor markets. They set up tables and umbrellas for customers to rest while shopping. He said if a woman got up and walked away forgetting her purse, people would cross the street to be nowhere near that table. The purse would even be there the next day.

In our country he said, if anybody got caught stealing, the police would take their sword and chop off their hand. If they got caught stealing again, off came the other hand. There is no third time he said. They tie you up in a burlap sack and toss you off a three story building. If you were still alive, they repeated the action until you were dead.

That's why there is very little theft in the middle-east, and kids are stealing police cars in New York city.
A young American vandal thought he could get away with defacing a building with graffiti. He never expected to be punished. He was caned, in public, across his naked back. He never did it again.
A lot of rules are changing. I have no use for people like you who are afraid to question authority when they're clearly wrong.

The fact that rules are changed doesn’t mean they should have been changed.

I have no use for you folks who believe Morals and Values are malleable and change over time.
Only a fucking LIB idiot would claim that property crime isn't violent!
Tell that to the victims of property crime.
That's like saying if someone tears off a woman's dress there was no 'violence' b/c she wasn't injured.
Every gram of illegal drugs entering the US has had some form of violence associated with it at some level or many levels.
The cartels control EVERY fucking gram that enters the US. Including the cartels in China et al. You want violence?

Property crime isn't violent. And I wish you morons here would make up your minds as some of you say I'm a right wing nut job and others say I'm a left wing nut job.

I know what violent crime is as I was actually a victim and some idiot tagger spray painting a building or some other moron stealing a car are not violent crimes

An FYI violence involved with drugs that does not occur in this country is none of our business

If you want to end drug related crimes and violence then legalize all drugs. We'll save a shit load of money too

Now that's a great idea. Currently, over 80,000 (mostly young) Americans die from overdoses in the US a year. That's not including the ones who barely escaped death and were rescued. This costs taxpayers a lot of money. Now if we legalized recreational narcotics, perhaps we can get that death toll to 200,000, 400,000, maybe three million a year.

Now that's what I call progress.........until it's your own family member that becomes part of those statistics.

You think that everyone who doesn't do drugs now will start doing them if drugs are decriminalized?

The evidence disagrees

Want to Win the War on Drugs? Portugal Might Have the Answer

Let me ask you: do you think we had more alcohol related deaths during prohibition or after? Did we have more drunk driving accidents and deaths during or after? Did we create more alcoholics during prohibition or after?

Marijuana use in Colorado rises for adults, stays the same for kids

Marijuana-related hospital visits up for adolescents - UCHealth Today

Let me ask you this

Did we have more crime during prohibition ?

People are going to do the drugs they want to do and there will always be a black market for anything the government deems illegal.
Legalize it and it can be regulated and yes taxed. Billions of dollars annually can be saved, the courts will be freed up violent crimes related to the black market will decrease and with just a fraction of the money saved treatment can be offered for those who want it.

Anytime you make something legal that was illegal before, expect more people to participate.

Like I said, 80,000 US deaths last year from overdoses, and you want to see it reach 800,000. Sorry, I don't.

We may never be able to stop drug usage, but we can limit it as much as possible.
Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

Let me tell you a true story from about 25 years ago.

A middle-east family rented an old Dairy Mart and opened up their own store. I frequented the place since it's only a minute walk from my house.

One day I went there and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what was going on, and he said some drunk came in, took several packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. He said the police told him if he comes back, give them a call and they'll kick him out.

We got to talking about the laws in our countries. He said his grandmother wanted him to send her our local news paper to see how his life in the new world was. She wrote back with great concern. She read the police section and stated that there is more theft in our little suburb in one week than there was in the entire middle-east in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, vendors sold goods at outdoor markets. They set up tables and umbrellas for customers to rest while shopping. He said if a woman got up and walked away forgetting her purse, people would cross the street to be nowhere near that table. The purse would even be there the next day.

In our country he said, if anybody got caught stealing, the police would take their sword and chop off their hand. If they got caught stealing again, off came the other hand. There is no third time he said. They tie you up in a burlap sack and toss you off a three story building. If you were still alive, they repeated the action until you were dead.

That's why there is very little theft in the middle-east, and kids are stealing police cars in New York city.
A young American vandal thought he could get away with defacing a building with graffiti. He never expected to be punished. He was caned, in public, across his naked back. He never did it again.

If it's the story I"m thinking of that took place in Singapore, it was an exchange student from the US, and he was spray painting cars.

They sentenced him to eight whacks with the cane. The newspaper at the time described how they did it. They strip you naked and chain you to some sort of device. They take a cane soaked in flax. They have a martial arts expert hit you on the ass as hard as he can.

They went on to explain the pain is so intense, many pass out before the second strike. They don't feed you for two days because it's likely you will shit yourself. Then they drag you back to your cell and it takes two or three days for the pain to totally subside. The marks from the strikes are permanent on your ass, and the only way to cover them is with plastic surgery.
Nonviolent crimes are best punished by alternate means such as paying restitution and long community service sentences.

What do you get if the guy who stole your car gets 6 months in county jail? You get nothing and when he gets out and can't get a job he'll just steal your car again.

It's circular reasoning

And it's quite easy and inexpensive to equip your car with an anti theft device. To me it's analogous to locking your doors and windows when you're not home.

Let me tell you a true story from about 25 years ago.

A middle-east family rented an old Dairy Mart and opened up their own store. I frequented the place since it's only a minute walk from my house.

One day I went there and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what was going on, and he said some drunk came in, took several packs of cigarettes off the counter, and left the store. He said the police told him if he comes back, give them a call and they'll kick him out.

We got to talking about the laws in our countries. He said his grandmother wanted him to send her our local news paper to see how his life in the new world was. She wrote back with great concern. She read the police section and stated that there is more theft in our little suburb in one week than there was in the entire middle-east in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, vendors sold goods at outdoor markets. They set up tables and umbrellas for customers to rest while shopping. He said if a woman got up and walked away forgetting her purse, people would cross the street to be nowhere near that table. The purse would even be there the next day.

In our country he said, if anybody got caught stealing, the police would take their sword and chop off their hand. If they got caught stealing again, off came the other hand. There is no third time he said. They tie you up in a burlap sack and toss you off a three story building. If you were still alive, they repeated the action until you were dead.

That's why there is very little theft in the middle-east, and kids are stealing police cars in New York city.

Yikes! :shok:
Do some homework before you embarrass yourself more than you already have.

I don’t care about hemp. It’s a non-issue to me. As soon as hemp can be produced from a strain that has ZERO levels of THC and cannot be re-combined into a form thst does, I’m all for making hemp legal.

HOWEVER, while the plant still has its THC content and can be used as a psychotropic substance it needs to remain banned for Moral reasons.
Cannabis is a medicine whiich you're comparing to poisons.

I am well aware that the product has certain medicinal properties. Unfortunately these come with the immoral side effects.

That’s why I’ll never use it for my Glaucoma or Epilepsy. Why my dad wouldn’t use it for his Cancer pain. Why my wife won’t use it for her PTSD.
I am well aware that the product has certain medicinal properties. Unfortunately these come with the immoral side effects.

That’s why I’ll never use it for my Glaucoma or Epilepsy. Why my dad wouldn’t use it for his Cancer pain. Why my wife won’t use it for her PTSD.
Ignorant and proud of it are ya ?


Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains

What does illegal even mean anymore? In our land of the free, it’s illegal to feed the homeless in some states. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, between 2013 and 2015, “over 26 cities and communities passed laws restricting the distribution of food to the homeless, and the number is growing every year.” That’s right, a 90-year-old was taken down to the station for the crime of handing out baked beans. You may think this is ridiculous, but if you don’t stop him now, what’s next? Refried beans? Then, before you know it, you’re involved in a pico de gallo situation. And pico de gallo leads to guacamole, and guac opens the gates to cheese, rice and cilantro. You thought you were going to be the cool cop, look the other way, let a few beans slide, and before you know it, you’re dealing with burritos, enchiladas, fajitas. And now the salsa is on your hands, too.

Also illegal is housing the homeless. Earlier this year, according to Splinter News, “police arrived at [a Chicago man’s] house with a warrant and threatened to condemn his property unless he closed his ‘unlawful basement sleeping area.’ ” Not illegal is taking blankets away from the homeless, as the Denver police were caught doing. Also not illegal: destroying tiny homes built for the homeless. Cops did that, too. Banks foreclose on millions of homes, making millions of families homeless. That’s not illegal. We throw out 40 percent of all food. That’s not illegal.

Our Criminal Justice System Serves to Protect the Villains


Until you can show that people are being sent to prison, who did not commit a crime... then nothing else you post matters.

It doesn't matter if a prison is making a profit... if the people in the prison actually committed a crime worth of imprisonment.

If the number of people committing a crime go down, the number in prison will go down as well. Profits have nothing to do with it.
It’s no secret that the U.S. incarcerates a shocking number of swaths of its own people, primarily the poor and people of color. With 2.3 million Americans currently being held in prisons, the country has the largest prison population in the world. But even as awareness of mass incarceration grows, two crucial questions remain at the heart of the debate on prison reform: Why does the U.S. imprison so many people, and how do we change our toxic approach? These are the issues Tony Platt, author of “Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States,” and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer discuss in the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence.”

(snip)....There’s a tendency these days for people to say the United States proportionally incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. I don’t know if that’s true. I just don’t think we know what the real situation is in China and Russia, which are the big competitors in incarceration. I think the U.S. is in the ballpark; I think the U.S. is close. When you compare the U.S. with Canada or Australia or New Zealand, or France and England, then there’s no contest. There’s no other country that’s comparable to the United States in terms of its political economy that puts as many people away, that hires as many cops, and invests as much money in repression as this country does.


If every American had to do 30 days to get a taste of what it's like inside, we would put an end to this mass incarceration real fast. You don't realize how bad it is until it happens to someone close to you. Out of sight- out of mind....2.3 million forgotten souls living in hell.

A simple reason is that many other countries execute drug users and drug dealers. Not in 15 or 20 years but shortly after conviction.

Now that would certainly thin out our prisons but my guess is that's not what you have in mind.

We also have a far lower violent crime rate than the countries in Western Europe and Australia as well.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

As you know, the Second Amendment is the reason that we have a far lower rate of violent crime than the countries that you idolize.

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