Zone1 Why does US christianity differ from christianity in Europe ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

The difference is Cyrus Scofield and Christian zionism.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

I don't like politics in religion and thus avoid it. I don't even really understand it quite frankly. Jesus didn't care about Republicans or Democrats, nor did he mention Trump or Biden on any of his walks.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

How would you know?....When have you last seen the inside of a church, that wasn't involved in a tourist walk-through?

Have you taken so much a moment to notice how blatantly political the current Pope is?

What the fuck are you blabbering about anyway?
How would you know?....When have you last seen the inside of a church, that wasn't involved in a tourist walk-through?

Have you taken so much a moment to notice how blatantly political the current Pope is?

What the fuck are you blabbering about anyway?
Thee sermons I hear on this film are markedly different to what I am used to hearing.
Surely Christianity should be based on love and not hate.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?


You will pardon me, if I ignore a government controlled propaganda network's opinion on religion, when this same nation, has a monarchy that controls the thoughts and opinions of yoar STATE religion.


You will pardon me, if I ignore a government controlled propaganda network's opinion on religion, when this same nation, has a monarchy that controls the thoughts and opinions of yoar STATE religion.

That is your preogative. But the evidence seems clear that there is a vast gulf between US religion and the one that this disestablished methodist witnesses.
As an example I have never heard guns mentioned in any service I have been to. Not even a christening.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

Americans are nuts. Our churches are merely art imitating life, but to answer your question, yes they should still get equal treatment under the tax laws as other churches.

Personally, what I find disturbing is the undercurrent of neo-fatalism among conservatives. It is almost like they want to destroy civilization so they can get to heaven faster and they are happy by the prospects of it.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

A house divided( trinity religionssssssssss) will not stand--A lack of holy spirit has caused the mass of confusion called trinity religionsssssssssss. Jesus promised to send the holy spirit to his real teachers to guide them into all truth. Trinity religionssssssssss all have different untruths. Because they lack holy spirit.
America became a cult from its outset in its own eyes. Unsurprisingly it is now a bigger one, filled with its own self created self importance as a cult . And as such its demise is being signalled with a great gnashing of teeth and hair tearing etc etc etc
Americans are nuts. Our churches are merely art imitating life, but to answer your question, yes they should still get equal treatment under the tax laws as other churches.

Personally, what I find disturbing is the undercurrent of neo-fatalism among conservatives. It is almost like they want to destroy civilization so they can get to heaven faster and they are happy by the prospects of it.
American churches seem to be fuller than those over here. Maybe they have tapped into something that escapes us ?
I just cant see Jesus being aligned with any particular party. Certinly not the ones we have today.
A house divided( trinity religionssssssssss) will not stand--A lack of holy spirit has caused the mass of confusion called trinity religionsssssssssss. Jesus promised to send the holy spirit to his real teachers to guide them into all truth. Trinity religionssssssssss all have different untruths. Because they lack holy spirit.
Apparently a lot of prosperity gospel preachers speak to Jesus daily.

Why does US christianity differ from christianity in Europe​

Because America is America (mostly cult) and Europe is Europe (mostly religion) - and religion in the latter is not instrumented as a political tool.
Aside from England/Ireland. Or some political instrumented Eastern Orthodox nuts.

It seems a lot more political and a lot more foccused on wedge issues. The UK churches rarely speak on social/political issues and only when the extremely immoral policies provoke this.

I think this doc is interesting but the presenter fails to state the obvious. The exxtreme churches can preach whatever they want. But should they still recieve tax breaks ?

No church should get tax breaks, we have a separation of church and state. They should be treated the same as everyone else.
American churches seem to be fuller than those over here. Maybe they have tapped into something that escapes us ?
I just cant see Jesus being aligned with any particular party. Certinly not the ones we have today.

Your churches tend to be more institutionally anchored and structured. In America, anybody can start a church. Competition isn't always a bad thing when it comes to filling the pews--give Leviticus to the fire and brimstone crowd, give the properity gospel to the well-heeled wanting to think the richer they are, the holier they are, and give the Psalms to the people who just want all that singing and clapping. That said, there are plenty of American churches closing their doors or barely keeping the lights on. Also historically, churches were the church, the courthouse, the school and the community center all rolled up in one in some places. The politics have been in the walls forever. Churches have been the bastion of movements good and bad in America. Has little to do with the church itself. It is mostly people wanting to do good will do good and people wanting to do bad will do bad. Church just happens to be where their squad tends to gather together on sunday.
Your churches tend to be more institutionally anchored and structured. In America, anybody can start a church. Competition isn't always a bad thing when it comes to filling the pews--give Leviticus to the fire and brimstone crowd, give the properity gospel to the well-heeled wanting to think the richer they are, the holier they are, and give the Psalms to the people who just want all that singing and clapping. That said, there are plenty of American churches closing their doors or barely keeping the lights on. Also historically, churches were the church, the courthouse, the school and the community center all rolled up in one in some places. The politics have been in the walls forever. Churches have been the bastion of movements good and bad in America. Has little to do with the church itself. It is mostly people wanting to do good will do good and people wanting to do bad will do bad. Church just happens to be where their squad tends to gather together on sunday.
You over emphasise the state religion aspect. We are not required to follow it. In my villlage there are over a dozen chapels, Meths,baptists and so on. Plus the Sally army.

Some are closed now but some do well. M.eanwhie the Anglican Church is shuttered up. When I was a child there was a full time Vicar and a full time curate.
In the next village the Anglican Church is boarded up but you can still use it for funerals and, I think, weddings. Its very sad. I think that the message lost relevance to people. I regret that loss of community.

Wrexham Church is still going strong. It is a mighty building and the centre of town. Awe inspiring.
There seems to be a big market for aggressive faux christianity. A lot of the people seem sincere and decent but vulnerable to nutty preachers.
Simple: we have allowed too many overtures to religion in our code of law.

If a member of parliament said we need laws to be a more godly country, he would get jeered off the floor.

Say that in America, and it gets applause and gets you reelected.

Religion is basically an unwritten litmus test for office in the US.

We are kind of a dumb country.
You over emphasise the state religion aspect. We are not required to follow it. In my villlage there are over a dozen chapels, Meths,baptists and so on. Plus the Sally army.

Some are closed now but some do well. M.eanwhie the Anglican Church is shuttered up. When I was a child there was a full time Vicar and a full time curate.
In the next village the Anglican Church is boarded up but you can still use it for funerals and, I think, weddings. Its very sad. I think that the message lost relevance to people. I regret that loss of community.

Wrexham Church is still going strong. It is a mighty building and the centre of town. Awe inspiring.

The neighborhood I grew up in had 6 churches alone. Had 1 beside me, one across and down 3 lots, and 1 around the corner. A dozen is nothing in these parts. The Methodists and Baptists are both increasingly structured, particularly in America. Anyway, there is a lot of holier than thou rivalry among churches in America and too much ego which I think is why a lot of people are turning away from them. There seems to be more you are going to hell if you don't attend my church turf warfare than there used to be as well. It turns people off. One of the more practical problems is a lot of churches have deed restrictions or reverters requiring that the land be used for churches so it makes it hard to pivot real estate to other purposes once a church sits on the land.

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