Why doesn't the word 'Democrat' trigger African-Americans ?

Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

Because most blacks realize Democrats not only fought for their civil rights, but elected the first black man to be president.
/——/ DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA in the 1960s. Democrats wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws. Republicans ended all that — and NO, those Dems and Republicans didn’t magically switch parties over night. And Obozo was only half black.
Southern whites filibustered those acts. From both parties. Obama was black. If Obama was a killer, he'd be 100 percent black. So don't claim Obama.
Obama was a mutt. You just claim he was black because you are racist.

Obama claimed he was black. And you would too if he was a face on a most wanted poster.
Well, no, what happened was the South tried to leave the union to keep Slavery legal... that's what happened. Sorry you missed that in your Home Skule.

Um, yeah, slavery among other things....states rights.
Slavery was a little more of an issue than whites having to pay taxes.

Yes, slavery was a big states rights issue. Abolishing it would have a very large economic impact. This was certainly the biggest state right they were fighting for, but the sentiment regarding the states having the right to self-govern still stands today, particularly in the South.
That, and I find fitting as hell how many negroes here that don't shut the fuck up about the slavery issue, enjoy products made in China sold at Walmart for low prices. That is right. The only fucking reason most of them bring up slavery is to get pity and free shit and they are mental slaves of the democrat party that still own them. At least the 80% that automatically vote democrat.

Nothing typifies it more than the poor NBA black millionaire victims who boycott Trump cause they claim he is an oppressor and of course RAAAACIST, sucking the dicks of commie China. You cannot fucking make this shit up and the left still yell RAAAACIST RAAAACIST RAAAACIST.

Do you know they still think their clintons are innocent of everything. Not kidding. They mentioned they are innocent of white water. LOL,.What mental slaves.

They still think kaepernick is a victim, even though he took $50 million from Nike who still has their factories in Vietnam.

What fucking losers and wastes of time.

What you need to do is shut up. You got your billionaire white boy in the white house whining every day about how unfair it is to be treated like every president gets treated and white pussies like you whining about some made up anti white racism. A white man is the commissioner of the NBA and whites own all the NBA but one team and they are the ones that set the policy. So lets talk about that.

Who owns Nike motherfucker. Another white boy. Let's talk about that.

You fucking loser.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Um, yeah, slavery among other things....states rights.
Slavery was a little more of an issue than whites having to pay taxes.

Yes, slavery was a big states rights issue. Abolishing it would have a very large economic impact. This was certainly the biggest state right they were fighting for, but the sentiment regarding the states having the right to self-govern still stands today, particularly in the South.
That, and I find fitting as hell how many negroes here that don't shut the fuck up about the slavery issue, enjoy products made in China sold at Walmart for low prices. That is right. The only fucking reason most of them bring up slavery is to get pity and free shit and they are mental slaves of the democrat party that still own them. At least the 80% that automatically vote democrat.

Nothing typifies it more than the poor NBA black millionaire victims who boycott Trump cause they claim he is an oppressor and of course RAAAACIST, sucking the dicks of commie China. You cannot fucking make this shit up and the left still yell RAAAACIST RAAAACIST RAAAACIST.

Do you know they still think their clintons are innocent of everything. Not kidding. They mentioned they are innocent of white water. LOL,.What mental slaves.

They still think kaepernick is a victim, even though he took $50 million from Nike who still has their factories in Vietnam.

What fucking losers and wastes of time.

What you need to do is shut up. You got your billionaire white boy in the white house whining every day about how unfair it is to be treated like every president gets treated and white pussies like you whining about some made up anti white racism. A white man is the commissioner of the NBA and whites own all the NBA but one team and they are the ones that set the policy. So lets talk about that.

Who owns Nike motherfucker. Another white boy. Let's talk about that.

You fucking loser.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
He does get treated like every other president. So stay lost.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
No you fucking loser. He insulted back moron. He wasn't a good little republican bush by assuming the position of a punching bag. Stick to your identity politics loser.
Valerie Jarrett does look like that ape in Planet of the Apes. LOL!!!!!!
She does.
I think Putin looks like a type of monkey. Is that racist. Am I racist against whites?
So fucking stupid
, starting with whites not even thinking we were human
Well, you entities aren't human. Maybe a proto-human subspecies but not definitely a homosapien.
DigitalDrifter, here's your answer.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
No you fucking loser. He insulted back moron. He wasn't a good little republican bush by assuming the position of a punching bag. Stick to your identity politics loser.
Trump supporters, on display.

And then they wonder why things are the way they are.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

Because most blacks realize Democrats not only fought for their civil rights, but elected the first black man to be president.
/——/ DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA in the 1960s. Democrats wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws. Republicans ended all that — and NO, those Dems and Republicans didn’t magically switch parties over night. And Obozo was only half black.
Southern whites filibustered those acts. From both parties. Obama was black. If Obama was a killer, he'd be 100 percent black. So don't claim Obama.
Obama was a mutt. You just claim he was black because you are racist.

Obama claimed he was black. And you would too if he was a face on a most wanted poster.
He said that because he is racist like you.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Passed largely due to the efforts of Everett Dirksen and the Republicans following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against it.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.

You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
I didnt say he was. But he doesnt get treated like every other president.
I mean, my gawd.. they were calling for impeachment before he even became president.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.

He's the world's biggest whiner.
Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Passed largely due to the efforts of Everett Dirksen and the Republicans following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against it.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.


LBJ was the face of the CRA and the VRA, and his arm-twisting went a long way toward making them happen.
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You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Trump was ridiculed and mocked and worse when he decided to consider to run for President. There were people who voted for him who were skeptical also. Thank God for all the ridicule he took. Most of it from the Prog media/entertainers and even politicians. It must have been worth all of the laughter. He laughed last. And their attitudes have not changed. So he will laugh last again.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Trump was ridiculed and mocked and worse when he decided to consider to run for President. There were people who voted for him who were skeptical also. Thank God for all the ridicule he took. Most of it from the Prog media/entertainers and even politicians. It must have been worth all of the laughter. He laughed last. And their attitudes have not changed. So he will laugh last again.
Trump is about to be impeached. There will be no laughing.

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