Why doesn't the word 'Democrat' trigger African-Americans ?

You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.

He's the world's biggest whiner.
Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Yes he's a victim along with other people of White European heritage.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.
Trump was ridiculed and mocked and worse when he decided to consider to run for President. There were people who voted for him who were skeptical also. Thank God for all the ridicule he took. Most of it from the Prog media/entertainers and even politicians. It must have been worth all of the laughter. He laughed last. And their attitudes have not changed. So he will laugh last again.
It's amazing to see how many of his personal insults and personal attacks and personal name-calling diatribes and other embarrassing behaviors you folks are willing to ignore, avoid, deflect and forgive.

You want to pretend that he has no choice but to behave like this, when any reasonably intelligent adult knows that just isn't true. It's an ongoing lie. And any reasonably intelligent adult would also know that his behaviors only exacerbate his treatment.

The amount of denial this man has inspired in his followers is not only disturbing, but it says a great deal about the present condition of our culture.
I love how people pretend that partisanship is a new thing.
It's amazing how people throw away what integrity they have left just just blast the peaches in chief and his deplorables.
Valerie Jarrett does look like that character from Planet of the Apes.

Which is true.


Now, someone tell me how saying that is racist.

Lol. Fucking morons.
You lost me when you said trump gets treated like all other presidents.
Lol what a load of shit.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.

He's the world's biggest whiner.
Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite

And it works, too, doesn't it? Look at the pages of Trumpkins talking about how badly the cult leader has been treated. Oh, woe is Trump.
Valerie Jarrett does look like that character from Planet of the Apes.
Which is true.
Now, someone tell me how saying that is racist.
Lol. Fucking morons.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore.

When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!!

Fuck those fucking people!
I love how people pretend that partisanship is a new thing.
It's amazing how people throw away what integrity they have left just just blast the peaches in chief and his deplorables.
We are supposed to be. Idiots fall for the commie notion of "bipartisanship."

That is another sneaky fucking term introduced by left wing ivy leaguers. Thought up in marxist think tanks.

When both sides agree, the people are getting screwed.

A fucking yapping monkey like Mac doesn't get that. He is nothing but a fucking socialist justice warrior. A patronizing racist hypocritical scumbag.
Trump entered the campaign slamming and insulting everyone.


And he hasn't stopped.

He's not a victim.

He's the world's biggest whiner.
Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite

And it works, too, doesn't it? Look at the pages of Trumpkins talking about how badly the cult leader has been treated. Oh, woe is Trump.
Well he has. Fucking loser
He's the world's biggest whiner.
Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite

And it works, too, doesn't it? Look at the pages of Trumpkins talking about how badly the cult leader has been treated. Oh, woe is Trump.
Well he has. Fucking loser

Make up your mind.
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?

Because most blacks realize Democrats not only fought for their civil rights, but elected the first black man to be president.
:rolleyes: They fought for their right to be slaves.
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Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't believe in being politically correct.

Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite

And it works, too, doesn't it? Look at the pages of Trumpkins talking about how badly the cult leader has been treated. Oh, woe is Trump.
Well he has. Fucking loser

Make up your mind.
I will bet you are such a fucking joke that you still believe jussie smollett was attacked by white maga wearing white rednecks at 2 in morning in Chicago who were just waiting around for an opportunity to assault a black gay, in sub arctic global WARMING temperatures.

Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Passed largely due to the efforts of Everett Dirksen and the Republicans following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against it.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.


LBJ was the face of the CRA and the VRA, and his arm-twisting went a long way toward making them happen.

It would not have happened without Dirksen and the Republican vote. The Democrats were awash in KKK supporters.
If you bother to pull your head out of Trumps fat ass, you would know that both Democrats & Republicans in the South were equally racist, while Democrats & Republicans outside the South were not.
Cool story bro. Tell it to the northern Democrats who overwhelmingly voted against the 13th amendment and the southern white Republican "scalawags" who were lynched alongside the negroes by mobs of Democrats.

You're a fucking idiot.
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Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Because blacks are inferior and dumb -- and just slaves on the plantation....

Except the good blacks who support Trump.....they are loveable and cuddly, kinda like a family pet...


African Americans that support Republicans are idiots. How dare them believe that everyone is equal, not to play the race card at every turn and make excuses for not being successful. Ben Carson should realize that just because he and his brother BOTH made it out of poverty with hard work doesn't mean others can do the same. He should reallize that he is a different kind of African American. He as just lucky to avoid all the racism around him, do well in school, etc. His mom who worked several jobs to help keep them out of public housing was "lucky" too.

Democrats are useful idiiots.
Except black republicans play the race card everytime…

How many black folks do you see wearing shirts that say "Blacks for Bernie" or "Blacks for Warren"??

How many times has Elizabeth Warren or Andrew Yang pointed to a black guy and call him their African American??

How many times do you see white folks at Bernie rallies treating black people like they are some buckdancing minstrel like they do at Trump rallies??

I swear I have ZERO respect for Trumpers -- yall can't ever say shit to me about race card or identity politics
Since we all know the Dimocrat party was the home for pro-slavery Americans, why doesn't the word itself trigger AA's ?

The word "lynch" or "lynching" triggers AA's, in Portland Oregon for instance, three schools had to be renamed that were named after the "Lynch" family who donated the land to the city to build schools decades ago.

We've all seen in the last day how upsetting Trump's use of the word has been, so my question is, why haven't AA's demanded the Dimocrat party rename itself ?
Gee, I don't know why blacks aren't triggered by Democrats?



Democrats fought AGAINST their civil rights...

But they gave them FREE SHIT!!!

Civil RIghts Acts of 1964 and 1968... signed by LBJ, a Democrat.

Passed largely due to the efforts of Everett Dirksen and the Republicans following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against it.

Southern Bigots left the Democrats after that and joined the GOP, who welcomed them with open arms.

The rest is history.


LBJ was the face of the CRA and the VRA, and his arm-twisting went a long way toward making them happen.

It would not have happened without Dirksen and the Republican vote. The Democrats were awash in KKK supporters.

I agree. The division was North/South and liberal/conservative - not Republican/Democrat. Still, it's undeniable that a Democratic President was out front pushing it. Equally undeniable is the fact the GOP's Presidential nominee in 1964 was opposed to the Act, and he voted against it in the Senate.

The upshot was a Presidential race that matched a Democratic proponent of the CRA against a Republican opponent of the CRA. Pretty clear choice.
Politically correct doesn't have a damn thing to do with his constant whining. He's just playing the victim for your sympathy.
Holy fucking sweet irony. You fucking hypocrite

And it works, too, doesn't it? Look at the pages of Trumpkins talking about how badly the cult leader has been treated. Oh, woe is Trump.
Well he has. Fucking loser

Make up your mind.
I will bet you are such a fucking joke that you still believe jussie smollett was attacked by white maga wearing white rednecks at 2 in morning in Chicago who were just waiting around for an opportunity to assault a black gay, in sub arctic global WARMING temperatures.

You're just saying stupid shit.
Since I started using "democrat" as a perjorative it is surprising how many people it does trigger. Black people especially have an N word bump. Everything is "just the same as the N word". Call them a typical democrat. Watch heads explode.

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