Why Donald Trump's former "liberal" positions won't matter.



The GOP leadership like Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee have been desperately working overtime trying to scare their base telling them that gays getting married will destroy the family and straight marriages.

The problem for them is that in the last 15 years, many people who have a gay family member "found out". When I was young, people would hide that from their families. They would move to another city and only visit vary rarely. Now a days, Dick Cheney has a gay daughter who he supports. That has done more for the gay cause than Will and Grace.

Trump called for gays to serve in the military at least two decades ago.

Then there are all the stories from Republicans about how "Obamacare" saved the life of a beloved family member.

Scott Brown Meets NH Republicans who love Obamacare - Health Stew - Boston.com

Guv s former spokeswoman censures Utah s Mike Lee over Obamacare The Salt Lake Tribune

And Trump called for Universal Health Care many years ago.

The single thing that Trump is running on is "hate Mexicans".

Republicans have fallen victim to their own brainwashing. They have been told so often that education is bad or unneeded, they are now not able to compete with Mexicans for jobs only requiring unskilled labor with no benefits and they are terrified they won't even get those.

And that's why Trump is leading and will continue to lead.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.
Seeing as you guys ignore obama's communist upbringing and roots, you have no room to bitch about anything. That's what happens when you lower the bar.

Communist upbringing? You keep saying that. Sooner or later, someone just might believe you.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..
Seeing as you guys ignore obama's communist upbringing and roots, you have no room to bitch about anything. That's what happens when you lower the bar.

What communist upbringings? Do you teach little kids politics at a young age?
That Trump is considered a viable candidate shows me that we are too stupid to govern ourselves.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..

Dude! Do you even know what your argument is? You're response above is true, but it supports my argument that your OP was ironic.

The DNC will tell you who your nominee is and you will fall in line like you are supposed to.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..

Dude! Do you even know what your argument is? You're response above is true, but it supports my argument that your OP was ironic.

The DNC will tell you who your nominee is and you will fall in line like you are supposed to.

Well no. I understand it is hard for you to understand that the DNC pretty much does what it's members tell it while The RNC tells it's members what to do. That's where the old saying.

"Democrats fall in love, but Republicans fall in line"

comes from.
You liberal morons and your echo chambers. You make me laugh.

Not that it matters, you won't care you will only believe what you want to believe. Many of us, like me, have never forgotten that Trump was a staunch Democrat until 2008, that he even gave millions to the Clinton Foundation. It does matter and will matter.

You stupid stupid hack.

Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..

Dude! Do you even know what your argument is? You're response above is true, but it supports my argument that your OP was ironic.

The DNC will tell you who your nominee is and you will fall in line like you are supposed to.

Well no. I understand it is hard for you to understand that the DNC pretty much does what it's members tell it while The RNC tells it's members what to do. That's where the old saying.

"Democrats fall in love, but Republicans fall in line"

comes from.

No, that saying comes from democrats, and it's a lie like everything else democrats say.

Our candidates get chosen just like yours do, in the primaries.
Won't make a bit of difference either way. Trump never had a shot to start with. The GOP will let you fawn over who ever you want for a while, but when the time gets close, they will tell you who the nominee will be, and you will do what they say. Most likely they will tell you to vote for Bush. Dittoheads will fall in line like they are supposed to do.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..

Dude! Do you even know what your argument is? You're response above is true, but it supports my argument that your OP was ironic.

The DNC will tell you who your nominee is and you will fall in line like you are supposed to.

Well no. I understand it is hard for you to understand that the DNC pretty much does what it's members tell it while The RNC tells it's members what to do. That's where the old saying.

"Democrats fall in love, but Republicans fall in line"

comes from.

No, that saying comes from democrats, and it's a lie like everything else democrats say.

Our candidates get chosen just like yours do, in the primaries.

You hang on to that thought. It'll help you maintain your self respect.
I'd have to think (warning: wild-ass guess coming) that GOP voters who are lining up behind candidates who end up dropping out are more likely to go with someone other than Trump. He's so far out there that if someone wanted that in a candidate, they'd be behind him now.

How ironic that a liberal would say something like this. You who will get Hillary no matter what.

The difference is that the left will be perfectly happy with Hillary, or Bernie, or anyone else who might come along that might be better. The right hates Shrub's brother, and wants someone who is a lot crazier..

Dude! Do you even know what your argument is? You're response above is true, but it supports my argument that your OP was ironic.

The DNC will tell you who your nominee is and you will fall in line like you are supposed to.

Well no. I understand it is hard for you to understand that the DNC pretty much does what it's members tell it while The RNC tells it's members what to do. That's where the old saying.

"Democrats fall in love, but Republicans fall in line"

comes from.

No, that saying comes from democrats, and it's a lie like everything else democrats say.

Our candidates get chosen just like yours do, in the primaries.

You hang on to that thought. It'll help you maintain your self respect.

Meh, if the idiots who vote for Bush outnumber us, I'll vote 3rd party in the general.
I'd have to think (warning: wild-ass guess coming) that GOP voters who are lining up behind candidates who end up dropping out are more likely to go with someone other than Trump. He's so far out there that if someone wanted that in a candidate, they'd be behind him now.


I wouldn't vote for Trump, I don't trust the guy. He says some good things but I think he's a big goverent Republican.

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