Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party
Don't confuse thoughtful people who can think beyond the end of their noses with Nazi's. While I agree with Lucy that abortion shouldn't be used as a primary means of contraception, shit happens, and if the parent(s) realize they cannot take financial or emotional responsibility for bringing a life into the world, it is responsible to terminate that pregnancy. There aren't enough orphanages or enough foster/adoptive parents in the world to take care of the kids we already have in state custody.
Pro-choice supporters aren't Nazi's, anymore than Trump supporters are Nazi's. We have all become much too quick to fling around dramatic terms with no basis in fact.

"Can't think beyond their noses"? Huh? Jesus, even China has changed their policy on "allowing" one child (preferably boys). They are now allowing two children.

Wake the hell up - if you can't use simple contraception, yes, you are too stupid to have children. But killing that child doesn't solve the "stupid" problem - it only enhances it. There are millions of couple that would give ANYTHING to have a child. Instead of murder, why not do the world a favor a change?
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
I don't know why the GOP has to keep kowtowing to the Bible Bangers. Just say "Hey America, Abortion isn't going anywhere, I'm not interested in what goes on in your bedroom, gays, pornography, or any other social issue. I'm only interested in the economy and foreign affairs."
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?
If there aren't enough resources to take care of all the children who are born then that's our fault and we need to make sure there is.

I would expect any liberal to agree with that, but the weird thing is they don't.

Instead, they prefer the Nazi alternative of killing people.
I do predict that if/when abortion is again illegal, women will eventually begin crossing their legs again and the numbers of unwanted pregnancies will go down. Especially now that there are effective low cost forms of contraception. But for awhile, it's going to be ugly. I don't trust the "we need to make sure there is" argument--it won't happen. People are so opposed to even food stamps and healthcare that you think they are going to take care of millions of unwanted babies? I don't think so.
There is nothing Nazi about being pro-choice. The Nazi's killed people based on their race, politics and genes. Abortion has nothing to do with any of that.
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
If there aren't enough resources to take care of all the children who are born then that's our fault and we need to make sure there is.

I would expect any liberal to agree with that, but the weird thing is they don't.

Instead, they prefer the Nazi alternative of killing people.
I do predict that if/when abortion is again illegal, women will eventually begin crossing their legs again and the numbers of unwanted pregnancies will go down. Especially now that there are effective low cost forms of contraception. But for awhile, it's going to be ugly. I don't trust the "we need to make sure there is" argument--it won't happen. People are so opposed to even food stamps and healthcare that you think they are going to take care of millions of unwanted babies? I don't think so.
There is nothing Nazi about being pro-choice. The Nazi's killed people based on their race, politics and genes. Abortion has nothing to do with any of that.

Look, I'm not a woman (obviously) but my Wife is a MSN and has worked OBGYN for over 30 years. How can a person logically see abortion as preferable over simple contraceptive methods? How is that even possible?
If there aren't enough resources to take care of all the children who are born then that's our fault and we need to make sure there is.

I would expect any liberal to agree with that, but the weird thing is they don't.

Instead, they prefer the Nazi alternative of killing people.
I do predict that if/when abortion is again illegal, women will eventually begin crossing their legs again and the numbers of unwanted pregnancies will go down. Especially now that there are effective low cost forms of contraception. But for awhile, it's going to be ugly. I don't trust the "we need to make sure there is" argument--it won't happen. People are so opposed to even food stamps and healthcare that you think they are going to take care of millions of unwanted babies? I don't think so.
There is nothing Nazi about being pro-choice. The Nazi's killed people based on their race, politics and genes. Abortion has nothing to do with any of that.

Won't happen. There's no way we'll roll back the Sexual Revolution. Women are allowed to have sex, enjoy sex, and not have babies as a result of sex. And frankly, I don't want to in any event.
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
You want to stop an abortion, volunteer for a program that helps women who become pregnant and are scared about it. And make sure you don't tell them they're "too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as birth control."
Yes, it's all about having sex without consequences, thanks for admitting that.

And when you're watching your typical TV show or movie, people are constantly having sex and they never get pregnant or catch a venereal disease even if they don't use birth control.

The problem is that God thinks unborn babies are kind of special because he created them (in his image) and they are little brothers and sisters of Jesus, and if you kill them it's the same as taking little baby Jesus out of the manger and cracking his head on a rock.
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
You want to stop an abortion, volunteer for a program that helps women who become pregnant and are scared about it. And make sure you don't tell them they're "too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as birth control."

I absolutely do. Again, if you are too stupid to ask for contraception, and choose abortion, you are too stupid to have sex in the first place. A simple pill (or whatever) over a highly invasive medical procedure that leaves lasting emotional scars on the woman. Yep - I stand by my statement.
Yes, it's all about having sex without consequences, thanks for admitting that.

And when you're watching your typical TV show or movie, people are constantly having sex and they never get pregnant or catch a venereal disease even if they don't use birth control.

The problem is that God thinks unborn babies are kind of special because he created them (in his image) and they are little brothers and sisters of Jesus, and if you kill them it's the same as taking little baby Jesus out of the manger and cracking his head on a rock.

Indeed. "That which you do unto my children, you have done unto me"
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..

Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
You want to stop an abortion, volunteer for a program that helps women who become pregnant and are scared about it. And make sure you don't tell them they're "too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as birth control."

I absolutely do. Again, if you are too stupid to ask for contraception, and choose abortion, you are too stupid to have sex in the first place. A simple pill (or whatever) over a highly invasive medical procedure that leaves lasting emotional scars on the woman. Yep - I stand by my statement.

Great. If you find a woman you want to help, don't tell her that or she'll hate you and probably go have an abortion.
Actually, I completely disagree. Rather than encourage "single mothers" - why not encourage FAMILY? If you weren't born BEFORE the 60s - you don't understand that families USED to stay together - not run out on them.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
You want to stop an abortion, volunteer for a program that helps women who become pregnant and are scared about it. And make sure you don't tell them they're "too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as birth control."

I absolutely do. Again, if you are too stupid to ask for contraception, and choose abortion, you are too stupid to have sex in the first place. A simple pill (or whatever) over a highly invasive medical procedure that leaves lasting emotional scars on the woman. Yep - I stand by my statement.

Great. If you find a woman you want to help, don't tell her that or she'll hate you and probably go have an abortion.

It's called MORALS. You know, those things we stopped teaching our children nearly 40 years ago?
I'm one of those 'stupid' single women who got pregnant at 18 and quick got married and had the baby and within a year had left my husband who was too young and too much of an alcholic to take responsibility for marriage. Guess who ended up taking all the responsibility and struggling to raise that baby alone? I wouldn't change anything if I could do it over, except for not being pregnant at that point in my life; it changed the course of my life completely, and it wasn't any bed of roses for my son, either.
If you have not raised a child alone in poverty, you have no right to make any kind of judgment on this issue. None.
I hope I'm not shocking anyone but I speak truth.

If you are a woman who gets an abortion, you will go to hell.

If you are a man who pays for an abortion, you will go to hell.

If you are an abortion doctor, you will go to hell.

If any pastor/minister/rabbi tells you that you will not go to hell for having an abortion or paying for an abortion or performing an abortion, that pastor/minister/rabbi will also go to hell.

My interest in the situation is not only about the loss of the baby's life, but about the loss of souls to Satan, who hates mankind and is constantly trying to tempt us to make decisions that will cause us to go to hell.

Right now there are millions of Americans already in hell because of their involvement with an abortion.

And the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade are also in hell and you will meet them when you get to hell, and then you can poke them with pitchforks for their role in getting you into hell.

But with God, there's always an escape clause, which is repentance, followed by penance.

If you are an abortion doctor who repents, your penance is that you must spend the rest of your life telling people why they should not have an abortion.

If you are a woman who had an abortion or a man who paid for an abortion, your penance is that you must join the pro-life movement and donate money and time to the cause of stopping all these abortions that are sending people to hell.

So there, I've warned you and my conscience is clear. You will not find the truth so plainly spelled out as I've done so today.

I wish you well, and hope you can use the advice I've given you.
Keep demonizing single women, and they'll keep having abortions so you don't demonize them. You can balance tolerating their existence while encouraging families, can't you?

Demonizing women? Who the hell is doing that? Jesus, you guys are out of your minds. FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. Again - if single women are too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as "birth control" - then they should probably just abstain.

Now we'll sit back and hear about the hundreds of millions of rapes and incest that go on every day. I know how you folks work.

Incest and rape are (together) around 1% of abortions.
You want to stop an abortion, volunteer for a program that helps women who become pregnant and are scared about it. And make sure you don't tell them they're "too stupid to use simple birth control methods and utilize abortion as birth control."

I absolutely do. Again, if you are too stupid to ask for contraception, and choose abortion, you are too stupid to have sex in the first place. A simple pill (or whatever) over a highly invasive medical procedure that leaves lasting emotional scars on the woman. Yep - I stand by my statement.

Great. If you find a woman you want to help, don't tell her that or she'll hate you and probably go have an abortion.

It's called MORALS. You know, those things we stopped teaching our children nearly 40 years ago?

If all you want to do to stop abortion is sit on your ass and vote for some "pro-life" politician who isn't going to do anything every couple of years, then I don't think you actually want to stop abortion. And if you want to take the low road and demonize single mothers instead of showing them that it's okay to keep their child because the community will support her, then I dare say you actually want to increase the number of abortions.
The best way to decrease the number of abortions is to make it easier for a woman to care for their child and to stop demonizing single mothers. That involves creating support systems and programs to assist in the raising of these children, and being kind to the child and mother. Those are, of course, anathema to the people in this country who most want to end abortion..
I don't think people are demonizing single mothers.

I think their scorn is toward the fathers of these children who fail to support them.

Causing the rest of us to support them and live with the consequences of being ill equipped to function in their adult lives.

I'm not one to think about aborting my own children, but it is none of my business if someone else aborts their own.

I would rather not have them wait till it is late term to have the abortion.
I hope I'm not shocking anyone but I speak truth.

If you are a woman who gets an abortion, you will go to hell.

If you are a man who pays for an abortion, you will go to hell.

If you are an abortion doctor, you will go to hell.

If any pastor/minister/rabbi tells you that you will not go to hell for having an abortion or paying for an abortion or performing an abortion, that pastor/minister/rabbi will also go to hell.

My interest in the situation is not only about the loss of the baby's life, but about the loss of souls to Satan, who hates mankind and is constantly trying to tempt us to make decisions that will cause us to go to hell.

Right now there are millions of Americans already in hell because of their involvement with an abortion.

And the Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v. Wade are also in hell and you will meet them when you get to hell, and then you can poke them with pitchforks for their role in getting you into hell.

But with God, there's always an escape clause, which is repentance, followed by penance.

If you are an abortion doctor who repents, your penance is that you must spend the rest of your life telling people why they should not have an abortion.

If you are a woman who had an abortion or a man who paid for an abortion, your penance is that you must join the pro-life movement and donate money and time to the cause of stopping all these abortions that are sending people to hell.

So there, I've warned you and my conscience is clear. You will not find the truth so plainly spelled out as I've done so today.

I wish you well, and hope you can use the advice I've given you.
That means nothing to people with different beliefs than you, and will not do a single thing to stop them from getting an abortion.

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